Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 270: Hit a new level


The slight vibration of the air.

With this rhythmic sound, Tang Feng's cultivation level finally broke through another line and took a step forward.

Five refining qi.

After returning to Earth for more than half a month, Tang Feng's cultivation level finally made another major breakthrough, entering the fifth stage of Qi refining.

Compared with the fourth stage of refining qi, although it is only a small difference, compared to the level of the refining practitioner, as it enters the fifth stage of refining, the strength of the refining practitioner has a qualitative level. Promote.

If it is said that a monk with four levels of Qi refining is just a small fight, and the spells used are more like magical sticks, then the monks with five levels of Qi refining are already not weak. Combat effectiveness.

At the very least, a cultivator with five levels of qi refining can use the talisman seal and some Dao techniques to defend against attacks.

Before refining the fifth level of Qi, the monk had the ability to protect himself, but if he was touched by a martial artist of the innate realm who was not weak, then it was very likely that he would be killed by the martial artist in a hand-to-hand combat.

However, after refining the five levels of qi, even if the martial arts of the innate realm approached him, as long as they were not killed by the other party, the cultivator was able to calmly give the martial arts to life and death.

When he opened his eyes, a smile appeared on Tang Feng's face.

Lowering his head, his eyes fell on the spiritual crystal in the palm of his hand. The spiritual crystal that was originally flowing with blue brilliance has now become more dimmed, and the source of the spiritual energy in it has been reduced by more than half.

After most of the aura's original source is exhausted, it is definitely impossible to use its impact to refine the six levels of Qi.

However, Tang Feng is a contented person, and he is already satisfied to be able to recover to the fifth level of Qi refining in such a short period of time.

The cultivation base has been restored to the fifth level of Qi refining, and now he can finally be called a true monk again. On this earth now, his mana cultivation base plus a powerful physical body, not to mention walking sideways, to protect himself. And the people around him are more than enough.

He got up and put the dimmed spirit crystal into his pocket. After that, he took out the few remaining herbs from the small box.

After simple refining, he refined it into three Xiao Pei Yuan Pills before he went downstairs.

In the powerful perception, Ji Ning's breath appeared in the villa more than an hour ago, that is to say, Ji Ning finished all the trivial things and returned back.

"Your affairs are all done?" Tang Feng asked casually after seeing Ji Ning when he went downstairs.

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

Looking at Ji Ning, who was a little unsmiling, Tang Feng curled his lips. He knew this kind of boring man too well, and it would be more difficult to get him to communicate with you normally.

"I don't have enough herbs here, you can find a way to get me some back." He threw a small Pei Yuan Dan to Ji Ning casually, and he said.

Ji Ning took the pill that flew over, and after a glance, he was shocked.

"What kind of herbal medicine do you want?" Ji Ning eagerly asked with bright light in both eyes of the Xiao Pei Yuan Pill.

In this world, the pill that can make this dull gourd become so eager, perhaps, is the only medicine that can make him improve his strength.

"You can find whatever you want, as long as it's not the kind of medicinal herbs that are rotten on the street. As for the types, you can see for yourself. Anyway, the pill that is refined is for you to eat." Tang Feng said indifferently.

When he heard Tang Feng's words, the light in Ji Ning's eyes became more brilliant.

"I'll contact my family now and let them find it." While speaking, Ji Ning had already reached out the phone and walked out quickly.

Seeing Ji Ning walking out quickly, Tang Feng smiled.

He had seen it before that this Ji family is rich and energetic, and seems to have more energy than the four major families. Since Ji Ning has been working with him for a long time, he must let the Ji family pay for food. .

At this moment, the phone rang.

He took a look at his phone, it was Lin Mengjia who called.

"Tang Feng, I'm on Zhengyang Street right now. Come here right away." Lin Mengjia's cold voice sounded as soon as the call was connected.

This voice was extremely suppressed, but the anger could still be heard.

Although he didn't know what happened over there, Tang Feng was sure that things would not be easy, otherwise, the sane Lin Mengjia would not be so angry.

"You wait there, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, he walked out of the villa quickly.

"Jining, look good at home, especially Yaoyao and the others. I have something important to go out." After Ji Ning who was following outside shouted, he jumped directly over the fence and landed on his own. Before the car.

Ji Ning, who was on the phone in the yard, stood there with his mouth wide open at this moment.

"Is that human being!"

It wasn't until Tang Feng and the off-road vehicle disappeared from his vision that he swallowed violently and couldn't help muttering.

From the entrance of the villa to the outside of the fence, there is a full 20 meters, and there is a two-meter-high iron fence in the middle. Tang Feng just stepped out, and people went outside the fence. Even as a martial artist, he felt incredible. .

The off-road vehicle crossed the street and left at extreme speed, and even the traffic lights encountered in the middle were ignored by Tang Feng.

On Zhengyang Street, I walked a short distance, and through the windshield, I saw Lin Mengjia standing on the side of the street from a distance.

As for Shangguan, he stood with a gloomy expression beside the BMW car that was about to become tattered. Under her feet, there were five young men lying there.

An off-road vehicle was parked in front of and behind the smashed BMW.

Seeing this scene, Tang Feng frowned.

The car stopped at the scene of the incident.

Lin Mengjia, who stood beside the street with a cold face, walked over after seeing her Mercedes-Benz off-road.

"Is it okay?" Tang Feng got out of the car quickly, and after walking with Lin Mengjia, he went up and down and looked at Lin Mengjia carefully. After confirming that Lin Mengjia was not injured, he was relieved.

"The other party should have followed all the way from the company. As for the purpose, I am afraid that only they know it." Lin Mengjia whispered.

Tang Feng turned his head and looked at the strong men lying on the ground.

After thinking for a while, he walked straight over and ignored the brawny men. Instead, he leaned into the slightly broken off-road vehicle, rummaged in it, and found one filled with blue liquid. injection.

On the back seat of this off-road vehicle, there is also a very delicate mini launcher.

The workmanship of this transmitter is very exquisite. From the beautiful half-metal casing, it can be seen that this should not come from China, but a good thing purchased from abroad at a high price. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 270 Impact on the New Realm) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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