Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 310: baptism

In this way, Tang Feng was freed from the boring teaching of Taoism.

Although the teaching of this Taoist language is a bit boring, fortunately, Zi Xuan is also an orthodox student in class. She has studied Taoism for many years. She has a solid foundation and is quite patient. For nearly two hours, she has taught very well. Attentively, without the slightest irritation.

Seeing the seriousness of Zi Xuan's teaching, Tang Feng was completely relieved, and quietly went out of the study.

He went upstairs and into the lounge.

From the box, all the jade was taken out.

Except for some of the jade charms made earlier, the other magic charms were damaged in the sudden situation that night.

Now, it is time to make another batch of jade charms and keep them on the body for later use.

The little girl will be on holiday soon, and when that time comes, he will follow Old Man Ji to the north.

The place like the Northland is very strange, who knows, when that happens, what will happen unexpectedly, it is better to prepare more jade charms for safety.

During the day, treating that Hu Yueer had consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and felt a little tired.

Seeing the first jade talisman formed in his hand, he frowned.

In his mind, the feeling of tiredness struck him, and he didn't like it very much.

In desperation, he had to take out a Pei Yuan Dan and threw it into his mouth.

The spirit pill entrance, shortly and smoothly, disintegrated and turned into a stream of pure medicinal energy and spiritual energy. Then, this medicine and spiritual energy flowed into the body along the throat.

With the five-fold cultivation base of refining qi, the speed of refining this medicinal qi and spiritual qi is much faster than before.

With this middle-grade cultivating essence pill, he only took less than half an hour to refine all the medicinal qi and spiritual qi, and the spiritual qi cultivation base was slightly improved on the original basis, and that consumption Most of his aura has also recovered.

With the recovery of the aura, the fatigue between the mind and mind gradually subsided.

At this time, in the ear, a familiar footstep moved from far to near, and finally, stopped at the door of the lounge.

Then, the door was pushed open, and the familiar sound of footsteps came in.

He opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on the graceful figure that walked in through the door.

The two looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Zixuan lives at home. If you don't like it, then just let her leave. You don't need to make a strong smile." Tang Feng said softly when Lin Mengjia came forward.

"No, I think she is a very good person, with a carefree temperament, and a pure heart. She is easy to get along with. Moreover, she is good at teaching, and she is more confident than you. If she stays at home, we Instead, learn faster." Lin Mengjia sat down sideways and said with a smile.

After talking about this, she paused for a while.

"Who is stronger, she or you?" After a moment of silence, she asked in a low voice.

Hearing the cautious questioning of his little woman, Tang Feng paused, then couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing Tang Feng laughing, Lin Mengjia already knew the answer, and the last worry in her heart was completely gone.

Although she thinks that Zi Xuan is a good person and easy to get along with, but the other party is a cultivator after all, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be times when the other party is stronger than his own man, and then she is afraid that she will suffer.

But if his own man is better than this Zi Xuan, then there is no need to worry about anything.

"It doesn't matter if she lives at home, I will travel north soon. With her at home, even if a powerful martial artist is here, she can easily repel the opponent by joining hands with Shangguan." Tang Feng will be next to him. The little woman hugged her arms and said softly.

Lin Mengjia lay on Tang Feng's thigh, her long hair dangled, and nodded slightly.

Thinking that soon, this man and his own baby girl were about to leave, she couldn't help but feel empty.

Tang Feng lowered his head and kissed lightly on the long hair.

"After the Northland matter is over, I will take Yaoyao and the others back. At that time, if you have time, I will take you to see the scenery of Kunlun Mountain." He said slowly, stroking his smooth hair.

Lin Mengjia raised her head when Tang Feng suddenly mentioned going to Kunlun Mountain.

"Why are you going to Kunlun Mountain suddenly?" Lin Mengjia couldn't help asking, looking at her man.

"There are some things, I have to go take a look, when the time comes, our whole family will go." Tang Feng said with a smile.

He also thought about it, and then took Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter to Kunlun. Of course, after entering Beilu, they let their mother and daughter and Shangguan stay outside, and he and the others went into the cave.

Life always needs sentiment, doesn't it?

Nowadays, there are two monks in the house, two martial artists, and a big dog that is almost psychic. Lin Mengjia’s mother and daughter have soaked in the medicinal bath more than once, and their physique is much stronger than ordinary people. Wan continued to take Xiaoyi Bentang for a stronger physique.

In the world of mortals, this is a very powerful combination, even a nearly invincible combination.

Entering Kunlun Mountain, including Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter and Zhou Wan, will not become a drag oil bottle.

Of course, before leaving, if they give their mother and daughter another medicated bath, their physique will be stronger, and the overall strength judgment should be comparable to many special soldiers who have been trained for many years.

With such a physique, with the help of some tools, it is no problem to climb the mountains and ridges.

"Go, I'll prepare a medicinal bath for you." On a whim, he simply put down the jade in his hand, got up, picked up a bucket of mountain spring water, searched for some medicinal materials, and took Lin Mengjia to the bathroom.

Lin Mengjia's helper, soon the medicated bath was prepared, Lin Mengjia removed her clothes and walked into the bathtub.

Sitting cross-legged in the medicated bath, the heat flow penetrated through the skin and penetrated into the body. At first, it was comforting for a while, but soon the pain came.

She frowned and closed her eyes.

Tang Feng walked to the place behind Lin Mengjia, his palm fell on top of Lin Mengjia's head, a spirit of energy poured into Lin Mengjia's body, washing her body repeatedly.

Two different external forces, but one is tyrannical, while the other is gentle.

Under the scouring of these two external forces, on Lin Mengjia's skin, a little black filth was discharged from the body.

Standing outside the bathtub, looking at the filth on his little lady, a smile appeared on Tang Feng's face.

Under the action of the two powers, it is equivalent to washing the sutras and cutting the marrow once. Although the effect is above, it is not as good as the washing marrow pill, but the overall effect is still very obvious.

As the time passed, more and more filth was discharged from Lin Mengjia's body. After another half an hour, the medicinal properties of the medicated bath were exhausted, and Tang Feng had to take back the aura. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 310 Baptism) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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