Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 330: Before leaving

Lin Mengjia sat down cross-legged after taking the Xiaoyi Bendan.

At this time, Zhou Wan also came over, sat down next to Lin Mengjia, and closed her eyes.

The little girl looked curious and walked over and sat down beside her.

And Tang Feng, standing there, watching Zhou Wan.

At this time, the power of the medicine was still dissipating in Lin Mengjia's body. Under the action of the huge medicine, Lin Mengjia's brows frowned. After the severe pain hit, her body trembled slightly.

Lin Mengjia never thought that after taking such a pill, she would suffer such pain.

That kind of pain comes from every part of the body, just like there are many mosquitoes biting in one's body.

At a certain moment, she almost shouted.

However, thinking that the most damsel and Zhou Wan were still there, she didn't want to make a fool of herself, so she could only grit her teeth and endure it, not letting herself make any noise.

Tang Feng stood there, looking at the shivering little woman with the same expression as before.

Lin Mengjia's reaction was obviously much stronger than that of Little Girl and Zhou Wan.

This is not to say that she is hypocritical, but because she is older than two girls.

People eat whole grains for a long time, there will be dross deposited in the body, the older the age, the more dross in the body.

It is precisely because of this that people who have not practiced before, when they take the pill for the first time, the older the person, the more intense the pain they have to endure. Therefore, Lin Mengjia's reaction is so great.

In this regard, he is not worried.

Cultivation? Suffering is always inevitable. At the beginning, the pain he endured was several times that of Lin Mengjia.

Especially when swallowing the pill for the first time, everyone will suffer. However, it will be better to survive, and the pain will gradually diminish in the future.

Lin Mengjia sat there, her body trembling slightly, her brow furrowed on her face, and her lips were about to be bitten and bleeding.

This situation lasted for several minutes.

At a certain moment, on the body of Zhou Wan sitting next to him, there was that obscure energy rising up, and then, the obscure energy, leaving Zhou Wan's body, gathered to Lin Mengjia's side.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mengjia's body was wrapped in this energy.

After that, this energy penetrated into Lin Mengjia's body little by little. As this energy entered, Lin Mengjia's body gradually became quiet, and the frowning brows gradually relaxed.

Tang Feng stood there, staring at Lin Mengjia.

Seeing that Lin Mengjia received the energy from Mu Linggen and no longer suffered as before, he was completely relieved.

Afterwards, he looked at Zhou Wan next to him.

At this time, there were some energy fluctuations in Zhou Wan's body that could not be captured, looming in her body.

This should be the Mu Linggen.

He let out his true thoughts and tried to enter Zhou Wan's body to explore the wooden spirit root, but after searching, there was only a vague direction, but he couldn't see the true appearance of the wooden spirit root.

Spiritual roots are inherently illusory and invisible to the naked eye, and the five congenital spiritual roots are even more so.

You can perceive its existence, but you cannot see its true appearance.

Even in the millions of years in the monk world, no one can draw these five innate spiritual roots in the form of pictures.

After reading it, in the end, he could only take his true thoughts back.

After a long time, the energy from the wood spirit root left Lin Mengjia's body, and as the energy left, an aura flew out.

Standing next to Tang Feng, between waving his hands, he took the aura and incorporated it into his body.

In another few minutes, Lin Mengjia opened her eyes.

After opening her eyes, Lin Mengjia lowered her head first and looked at herself.

Then, he raised his right hand again and looked at it for a moment.

She could clearly feel the changes in her body, this body seemed to be filled with huge power, that power was much stronger than the previous medicated bath.

She even has the illusion that if she learns fighting skills now, maybe she can become a master.

"Husband, am I going to become a martial artist too?" She raised her head, looked at Tang Feng next to her, and asked.

Hearing Lin Mengjia's sudden question, Tang Feng was shocked.

After that, a black line appeared on the head.

Wu Xiu!

I worked so hard to baptize the bodies of their wives in order to lay a solid foundation for them and prepare them for entry, but not to make them a low-level martial artist.

"Wu Xiu, don't think about it anymore, no matter how powerful Wu Xiu is, it will be a reckless man after all." Tang Feng said with a dark face and angrily.

Looking at the black face of her own man and hearing his annoyed voice, Lin Mengjia smiled.

"I can't. Keep hiding in your arms. Let you always protect me."

"Don't worry, I will teach you some self-defense skills for up to a year. At that time, you will have the ability to protect yourself when you encounter those powerful martial arts." Tang Feng said.

Upon hearing the words of her own man, Lin Mengjia's face showed a bright smile again.

Just like the little girl who took the pill yesterday, with the help of Zhou Wan's Mu Linggen, Lin Mengjia took the Xiaoyi Bendan, and there was no drug residue left in his body.

Perfect absorption of medicine, and excrete all the dross out of the body.

This night.

Without learning Taoism, Tang Feng deliberately took Lin Mengjia and her daughter to watch a movie.

When I got home, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

And this night is destined to be a sleepless night.

It wasn't until three or four o'clock in the morning that the two embraced and fell asleep deeply.

Early morning of the second day.

Old man Ji came early.

Three cars, waiting outside the door, and several entourages.

When Old Man Ji walked into the villa, he paused when he saw Mother Lin sitting in the yard and touching the head of a big white dog.

However, in just a few moments, he returned to normal and walked over with a smile.


Hearing the footsteps here, Da Bai raised his head, and when he saw Old Man Ji, he snorted and roared twice.

Hearing the snort in Da Bai's nose, old man Ji felt so angry.

To be honest, he really wanted to hang this nasty big dog, and then stew it to eat dog meat, but he knew that he couldn't beat this enchanting big dog.

Lin Meng turned to look over, and smiled when he saw Old Man Ji.

"Cheng family girl, when did you come to Pingyang?" Old man Ji walked up, avoiding Da Bai, and asked.

"Uncle Ji, the niece is embarrassed and can't get up to bow to you. Don't blame it." Mother Lin sat up, looked at Old Man Ji, and said apologetically. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (before Chapter 330) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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