Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 468: Saved some water

In the evening, Lin Mengjia returned home with a relaxed expression on her face.

When Tang Feng saw her appearance, he knew that there was something happy.

Sure enough, Lin Mengjia sat down on the sofa in the living room and smiled ostentatiously, and said to Tang Feng: "The company's affairs are all handled in the same way. The new management has completed the handover of work and is capable of performing daily activities independently. One idler."

Tang Feng poured her a cup of tea and said, "Congratulations, President Lin, is this the vacation mode?"

"It doesn't matter if you are on vacation or not. What's important is that I can go with you as far as today's ends." Lin Mengjia smiled and picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, with delicate eyes and brows, and threw it towards Tang Feng. A wink.

The way she danced with joy was a world away from her anxiety last night.

Tang Feng saw in his eyes, there was a burst of sweetness in his heart. The more he watched, the more he felt Lin Mengjia's attitude was moving. If Shangguan appeared at the door of the living room at this time, he almost wanted to step forward and hold her in his arms. Have a good time.

With an extremely inexplicable expression on Shangguan's face, he looked at Tang Feng and hesitated: "Mr. Tang, those in the garage, yes, what's the matter?"

Lin Mengjia gave a "Huh", looked at her superior, and curiously asked, "What's wrong with the garage?"

Shangguan looked at Tang Feng speechlessly.

When Shicai came back, Shangguan asked Lin Mengjia to get out of the car in the garden. She went to the garage to deliver the car by herself. As soon as she went in, she saw that the whole garage was filled with water storage towers, and it was full of water. shock.

Seeing that the Shangguan did not answer, Lin Mengjia only looked at Tang Feng, so she turned her head and looked at him with puzzlement.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "It's just some water, what's all the fuss about?"

Shangguan couldn't pass it by just a few words. She still looked at Tang Feng and said, "That's not ordinary water, right?"

At this level of hers, even if she can't absorb the aura for her own use, she can still feel it easily. Moreover, even if she has no perception of the aura, she can still imagine how can Tang Feng store so much ordinary water?

Tang Feng looked nonchalant and said calmly: "The water is used to pour the elixir. Naturally, there are some special features in it. We have to go out some time later. I will leave some for Liu Ma so as not to affect the elixir. Grow."

Lin Mengjia had never seen the magnificent scene in the garage. He heard the conversation between the two, thinking it was just a few buckets of water. She couldn't help but laughed: "But a little water, Shangguan, this is a fuss. It's not your usual temperament."

A little water?

Shangguan held his forehead with his hand, with a faint expectation in his heart, how did Lin Mengjia react after seeing those water storage towers.

But this matter didn't have much to do with her, and she didn't ask much, just went back to her room with a look of entanglement.

Lin Mengjia looked at her back, couldn't help but smile, and said: "A few days ago, I said that Shangguan's temperament has become more active, but now it seems that there is no change at all."

Tang Feng didn't explain, but just changed the subject with a smile, and said, "You, Yaoyao, and Wan'er, now that you are very strong, you can start practicing martial arts."

When Lin Mengjia heard the words, a look of excitement immediately appeared on her face, and she asked anxiously: "After I have practiced martial arts, can I be as good as the Shangguan?"

Although Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia talked a lot about her practice, after all, she had never seen a female monk other than Zi Xuan, and Zi Xuan always looked harmless to humans and animals. Lin Mengjia could not imagine her being powerful. In her opinion, a woman like a Shangguan is extremely remarkable.

Tang Feng laughed and shook his head: "Shangguan is just a martial artist. No matter how powerful, what can you do? You and her are completely different. Isn't it more than a thousand times better?"

Lin Mengjia blinked, but didn't expect to beat Shangguan ten million times. Just thinking that she could be alone in the future, she couldn't restrain the joy in her heart. She hurriedly moved in the direction of Tang Feng, sat next to him, and hugged him. Arm, opened his eyebrows and smiled: "Then teach me quickly, teach me now!"

Seeing her anxious look, Tang Feng couldn't help but stretched out his finger, nodded on her forehead, and said, "Last night, I said that my writing has fallen behind a lot, and now I am anxious to learn martial arts. This writing is the foundation of all cultivation. Tonight, I will teach you some Taoism. Cultivation needs to be carried out step by step. You must not only covet martial arts, otherwise, you will get confused."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but spit out her tongue, with a lingering look on her face, and said, "It's so terrible? Then you must teach me well. These days, I am at home. You must teach me well and teach me carefully. I have to catch up with Yaoyao and the others as soon as possible."

Seeing her so cute and charming, Tang Feng wanted to hold her in his arms, but he felt that an untimely light bulb appeared behind him.

"You go on, I'm just passing by."

Zi Xuan also seemed to realize that she shouldn't show up, and quickly speeded up her pace, walking towards the door.

Tang Feng coughed and said, "You have been here for a while, right?"

Zi Xuan had already reached the door and stepped out of her foot. Hearing Tang Feng's words, she immediately retracted, turned around, her eyes widened, her face full of sorrow, and she looked at Tang Feng and said: "Could it be that Are you going to drive me away?"

Tang Feng rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, and said: "You are here with me, the environment is extremely suitable for cultivation, and I have used a lot of pill. Why is it so long, or this triple Qi refining has not improved at all?"

Zi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. The expression on her face looked a little embarrassed. After a long pause, she said: "Although you are suitable for practice here, I have been too busy lately. I have to accompany my wife to the company and teach. The time that the two ladies can spend on Taoism is really very small."

Seeing Zi Xuan's plausible look, Tang Feng said in a sullen manner: "If you put your thoughts on those luxury accessories a little bit above your practice, you're afraid you will break through the fourth level of Qi refining long ago."

Seeing that this excuse didn't seem to work, Zi Xuan immediately said: "You also know what kind of methods I need to practice the spell. After I get here, I can't use the soul orbs. How can this practice improve?"

Compared with the previous strong words, this rhetoric has some truth.

The alien spells that Zi Xuan has cultivated use soul-removing methods. Before arriving at Tang Feng's house, she vowed to him that she would never use spells to hurt people's lives.

This is tantamount to cutting off the origin of her practice and not being promoted, but it is also reasonable. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 468 saves some water). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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