Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 497: Eight waters around Xijing

In Xijing City in the summer afternoon, the weather is very hot. Most people find a place to enjoy the coolness and wait until sunset and then come out on the west mountain. Therefore, there are not many people on the street.

The little girl was not afraid of heat. She looked around and showed great interest and enthusiasm for everything she saw. She couldn't stop chatting with Zhou Wan, and both eyes were filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

Tang Feng came to Xijing once, that year, along with the expedition team. At that time, they started from Yanjing and took the Jingkun line and passed through Xijing. That time, they stayed here for two days and visited the famous He was revisiting the old place here, without the original fresh feeling, but he felt a little bit more emotional in his heart.

Lin Mengjia, like the little girl, was here for the first time. She was also a little bit curious. Looking at the shops on both sides of the road, she was a little puzzled and said: "Why do I always feel a strange feeling when I get here? Before I was on the road, I noticed it, and when I entered the city, it felt even worse.

The little girl said immediately: "Mom, I know, Sister Zixuan said, this Xijing is an ancient capital, where the atmosphere of the world gathers, and the strange feeling we feel is because of these atmospheres."

Lin Mengjia was slightly surprised, "Ah", and looked at Tang Feng with inquiring eyes.

Tang Feng also nodded, and said, "She is right. The reason why Xijing has been designated as the imperial capital for many years in history naturally has its own rationale. The Fengshui here is excellent."

"Feng Shui." Lin Mengjia murmured and repeated.

She thought of the villa in Dongcheng Haoge. When her mother first arrived there, she said that there was good feng shui there. Lin Mengjia didn’t know much about it, and she didn’t care too much about it at the time. Now she heard Tang Feng mention feng shui. , Her mind moved slightly.

Tang Feng continued: "This Xijing city is the heart of Guanzhong of Qinchuan for eight hundred miles. The Guanzhong Plain is surrounded by mountains and rivers, forming the famous pattern of "Eight Waters around Xijing" in the history of China. Flowing around the four mountains, Guanzhong has been talking about this kind of feng shui since ancient times. This place where spiritual energy gathers is rare in a lifetime. Many masters in history saw the unusualness of this place and turned to those in power at that time. In other words, position this place as the capital of the country."

"Bashui, Four Mountains, Master, what do these mean?" There was a curious look in Zhou Wan's eyes.

Tang Feng smiled and said to her: "It is the mountains and eight rivers surrounding Xijing. This Xijing is still one of the several dragon veins of the Huaxia Kingdom. It is the ridge of the world, the first dragon of the Central Plains, and the mountains are the power of the dragon. Water is the blood of dragons, and dragon veins cannot be separated from mountains and water. Since ancient times, places surrounded by mountains and water have been treasures of geomantic omen."

"Then this Xijing city is surrounded by mountains and rivers. This Feng Shui is naturally excellent." The little girl is now learning and using, with a very serious look, blinking and said, "So, naturally it is the gathering of heaven and earth. Reiki."

Seeing her demo model, but she was talking about Feng Shui, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Look at you like this, you are really a lively little Feng Shui."

Tang Feng also smiled and said, "Feng Shui is an indispensable knowledge for every monk. I will teach it to you in the future."

Lin Mengjia looked around and curiously asked, "According to this, Xijing is the best place in China for Fengshui?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "It's just that there is an excellent Feng Shui in history, and it has already been destroyed now."

Having said that, he shook his head regretfully.

If Xijing still retains the Feng Shui pattern of the heyday, the aura here must be extremely strong, which will help him restore the soul, but now, although the city looks prosperous, the aura in it is better than others. Everything in the place, after all, has become thinner.

Lin Mengjia, the little girl and the others, it is already extremely difficult to feel the aura in this.

Zhou Wan's face was a bit puzzled, and she couldn't help but ask: "Master, who destroyed the Feng Shui here? This person is so capable."

"No one can do this. Xijing has gone through several wars, especially the famous war when the Tang Dynasty turned from prosperous to decline, destroying the pattern of the'eight waters'. Water is the basis for gathering spiritual energy. The vast majority of the reason why Xijing can gather the aura of heaven and earth is due to the encirclement of eight waters. When the perfect system of eight waters is destroyed, Xijing’s vitality has been completely hit, and it will last a thousand years. Stronger."

Zhou Wan and the little girl stood still and looked around, revealing a very regretful look.

Lin Mengjia also sighed softly and shook her head slowly.

"However, in recent years, the reconstruction of Xijing has done a good job. It seems to have been under the guidance of experts. The buildings in and outside the city have a certain momentum of unity between nature and humans," Tang Feng showed a faint smile on his mouth. He said, "Perhaps more than a decade or a hundred years later, there is still hope to return to the prosperity of the year."

When he first came to Xijing, he still didn’t know anything about Feng Shui. Although he had been shopping for two days, he was just watching the excitement. Now he comes back again, his vision is broadened, and what he sees in his eyes and what he thinks in his heart is completely different from that of the past. The same, as long as you look at this city, you can see through everything.

Hearing Tang Feng's words like this, a smile appeared on the little girl's face and said, "Dad, wait until then, you can bring me here to play again. By then, I have grown up. "

Zhou Wan hid her mouth and smiled: "After so many years, we are all old women."

"I don't want to be an old woman," the little girl shook her head quickly, and said, "Daddy said, as long as we study hard and practice with him, we will never grow old."

While speaking, the little girl looked at Tang Feng, her eyes penetrating a little bit of inquiry.

Looking at the cute looks of the two little girls, Tang Feng squatted down in front of the little girl, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Yaoyao, you will always be the most beautiful daughter of your father, and your father will not let you become Old lady," she said, turning her head to look at Zhou Wan, and said: "It is not difficult to keep your face forever, you can do it the same way."

Zhou Wan's words were just a joke. Seeing Tang Feng's serious look, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. After a long while, she nodded slowly and said, "Master, I will always follow you in practice. Do what you teach."

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, stood up, and looked at Lin Mengjia again.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Mengjia's face. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 497 Eight Waters around Xijing), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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