Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 532: the fat is in the fire

The ancient city of Lishui is a tourist city. The flow of people here is not small. People come and go. Looking at the past, the flow of people is surging.

An anxious color flashed across Lin Mengjia's face, for fear that the little girl might have some shortcomings, she rushed out of the shop in two steps, looked around, looking for the little girl.

Tang Feng was not as anxious as Lin Mengjia.

After all, the little girl's ability is clearest in his heart, no one can easily move her at this time, and if the little girl is in danger, he can detect it for the first time.

When he went out with the change money, Tang Feng had already seen Lin Mengjia who was standing on the street smiling, looking towards the opposite shop, he also saw that the little girl was at the door of that shop. , Is walking towards the inside.

The little girl was safe, but Lin Mengjia was just a false alarm.

It seemed that the little guy couldn't wait, and went to play in other stores by himself.

"Don't worry, Yaoyao will have nothing to do." Tang Feng stood behind Lin Mengjia and said with a smile.

Lin Mengjia nodded and said with a smile: "I thought I was playing with her, but I didn't expect that she was with me, so she would feel bored and go to find other places by herself."

After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled again, and when they saw that the little girl was fine, they planned to go to the store too.

Just as the two were talking, the shopkeeper also walked out the door.

She just saw Lin Mengjia's anxious appearance, thinking it was the couple's little daughter who had gone missing, she also came out quickly and wanted to help find her, but at the first glance she saw her entering the opposite shop, her face changed.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia didn't even see the shopkeeper, and they still planned to go to the opposite shop.

Only after taking a step, Lin Mengjia felt that her arm was pulled slightly, she turned her head in surprise, and saw the shopkeeper winking at herself anxiously, with a somewhat eager look between her eyebrows. .

Lin Mengjia was taken aback, did not understand the store owner's appearance, and was about to ask, but the other party was the first to speak.

"Call your daughter out." The shopkeeper whispered and hurriedly dropped a word. At the same time, his eyes swept around, and he immediately turned back to his shop, as if he was afraid of something.

Lin Mengjia's face was full of doubts, and she wanted to ask more questions, but the shopkeeper had already squatted down with her back to her, busy sorting out the things in the shop.

Although it seems to be tidying up, this action is extremely unnatural, Lin Mengjia can tell at a glance, this is a way of making it clear that she deliberately doesn't want to talk to them anymore.

Lin Mengjia glanced at Tang Feng suspiciously, but did not speak.

Tang Feng also saw the appearance of the shopkeeper, frowned slightly, and walked towards the shop in strides.

Before Tang Feng arrived in front of the store, he heard a man yelling loudly inside, and said gruffly, "Whose child is this! Is there anyone in charge!"

When Lin Mengjia heard this voice, she felt her heart stunned. She instinctively told her that the person was talking to the little girl and immediately rushed up.

Just a few minutes ago, the little girl was teasing the red carp in the fish tank bored.

This red carp is just an ordinary aquarium fish. In addition to being beautiful, it has no spirituality. On weekdays, the little girl plays with spirit beasts like Dabai and Xiaohui. When I see this ordinary fish, I still find it interesting at first, but I am teasing Seeing that the red carp did not respond, he lost interest and began to look around.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the opposite shop with a string of wind chimes hanging at the door.

The little girl recognized that the sign on the shop was a jade shop.

Such a shop is not uncommon on this street, and she doesn't think this shop is different, but she doesn't care about it, walks over there, wanting to take a closer look at the wind chimes.

This wind chime is different from the metal or glass that you usually see. The whole is jade. When the wind blows, it makes a very crisp sound, which is very beautiful.

The little girl followed Tang Feng and saw a lot of jade, but she still didn't have any distinguishing ability, just looking at the wind chime was very interesting, and she was attracted to it.

The wind chime hung above the door lintel. The little girl's current height was naturally out of reach. She looked up for a while, and then suddenly saw many jade ornaments and ornaments placed on the counter on the side.

These jade carvings, in various shapes, are lifelike, and look very delicate, which naturally attracts the attention of children.

The little girl saw that there was a jade ring among them, which was very beautiful, and the carvings were exquisite.

She didn't think much about it at this time, just felt that she liked it, and asked her father to come over and buy it for herself later.

But when Yuhuan was just taken by the little girl, it suddenly split. Half of it was still in her hands, and the other half fell on the ground. With a "clam", the half on the ground fell into three pieces.

The little girl was startled immediately.

Just now I was thinking about buying it and going home with joy, but now I just touched it, and it was broken.

A child, when faced with such a situation, will naturally be stunned, and for a while, he will not be able to react.

"Whose child is this! Does anyone care!"

An abrupt scream sounded in the shop, and at the same time, a five-and-three-thin-thick man stood up behind a pile of goods, and faced her with a fierce look, making the little girl a step back in fear.

With her current skill, even if the man in front of him is strong and physically strong, it is far from her opponent, but the little girl is still a child after all, and has no experience facing this kind of scene, so she can only take two steps back in panic. .

The man yelled reluctantly: "Where are the parents of this child? How do you let the children run around? Who will be responsible for damaging the things in my shop?"

A panic flashed in the little girl's big eyes, but she couldn't think of a word to justify.

Just when the store was yelling, Tang Feng had already entered the door. Seeing this, he guarded the little girl behind him, looked at the man faintly, and said, "This is my daughter. What happened? ?"

Actually, you don’t need to ask, Tang Feng has already guessed that it was the little girl who broke the other party’s things and caused him dissatisfaction. Although he hated the store’s attitude, but the little girl made the mistake first, Tang Feng had endured her temper. Talk to him.

"Look at it for yourself." With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, the man reached out his hand, pointed at the broken jade on the ground, and pointed at the hand of the little girl, "You are a writer, don't care, let a kid come in. Fumble! Look at this broken thing, how should I deal with it?"Longevity is coming back to be the newest dad Chapter address: the full text of Longevity Return and Become a Dad Address: return to be a dad txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https: // the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Favorites\"Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 532 got into trouble), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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