Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 775: Daimeisei

Tang Feng's cell phone rang, and he glanced at it, it was Gu Jiachen.

Lin Mengjia, who was next to him, also saw the name on the caller ID, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She blinked her eyes and looked at Tang Feng with a slightly narrow look.

After the last meeting, Lin Mengjia's secret suspicions about Gu Jiachen had long since disappeared. She was also sure that there was nothing wrong between Tang Feng and Gu Jiachen, but she would inevitably wink when she saw these big stars call.

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng smiled slightly, picked it up, and said, "Miss Gu, hello."

"Mr. Tang, I heard that you have already come back. I think of your side. Could you please help me to see it again. Is it convenient?" Gu Jiachen's beautiful voice came from the other side of the phone.

Tang Feng glanced at Lin Mengjia, who was still blinking, and said with a smile: "Convenient, you can come over now."

Gu Jiachen said again: "Is Yaoyao home? Hanhan said that she missed Yaoyao very much and wanted to see her. If you don't mind, I want to bring Hanhan with you."

"No problem," Tang Feng looked at the little girl who was holding the teacup and drinking tea, with a faint smile on the corners of her lips, "She is at home, and she also wants to conceive."

Gu Jiachen said with joy in her voice, "Okay, we will be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Feng smiled at the little girl who was looking at him with inquiring eyes: "It's Gu Shihan's mother's call. She said wait a minute, I will bring Gu Shihan to see you."

The little girl smiled immediately, her eyes flashed with a smile, and said: "Great, I told my mother today that I want to see Hanhan and give her the gift I brought to her, and I will get it. "Speaking, jumped off the sofa and walked upstairs.

Looking at the little girl's back, Kong Qinghua's eyes were still filled with confusion, and said: "Why do I look at Yaoyao and the previous days, how different is it?"

Lin Mengjia smiled slightly and said, "Children will grow up after all."

"But, her growth rate is too fast. When I just saw her today, it was only that she had grown physically recently and grew faster. Unexpectedly, this temperament seemed to have become unstable. Young, it's like, it's like..." Kong Qinghua frowned, "It's like becoming a big girl overnight."

In fact, since Kong Qinghua got off the plane and saw the little girl, he felt this way.

Although she has been abroad all year round, she would visit Lin Mengjia every time she returned to China. The little girl had seen her since she was a child.

Lin Mengjia had few friends, and the little girl didn't know this Aunt Kong very well, but because of her mother, she was very affectionate when they met.

But at this meeting, she could obviously feel that the little girl was a little cold towards her. Although she was extremely polite, she kept a sense of distance.

She thought it was an illusion, but after several exchanges, Kong Qinghua finally confirmed this.

However, this kind of behavior is both polite and alienation, and it seems that it shouldn't have appeared on a five-year-old child.

"It's because you haven't seen her for a while, that's why you think so." Lin Mengjia still smiled faintly.

Mother Lin and Lin Mengjia's aunt also smiled tacitly, and didn't say anything.

Not long after, Gu Jiachen arrived with Gu Shihan.

As soon as Gu Shihan entered the yard, she broke free of Gu Jiachen's hand and ran all the way towards the villa.

After all, he is a child, even if Gu Shihan's family background is not bad, he still starts to be full of curiosity when he arrives in such a big yard.

Da Bai was lying on the side of the road, sleeping lazily. He raised his head and glanced at the sound of rapid footsteps. Then he buried his head under his paws and fell asleep.

Gu Shihan did not notice the existence of Da Bai, but ran quickly, still shouting loudly: "Yaoyao! Yaoyao! Where are you!"

The little girl arrived at the door of the living room, waved to her, smiled and said: "Hanhan, come in quickly, I miss you so much."

When Gu Shihan saw the little girl, he was even more excited, and speeded up his pace. When he got closer, he jumped up and hugged the little girl, laughing and jumping, laughing non-stop.

The little girl looked a lot more stable. She let Gu Shihan hold her. After a few seconds, she took her hand and said, "Hanhan, come and sit in the living room."

Entering the living room, Gu Shihan was obviously a little shocked when he saw many people inside. He stood at the door with his big eyes rolling, looking at the people inside. He didn't dare to enter. After seeing Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng, he smiled shyly. To the two said: "Aunt Lin, Uncle Tang."

She and these two people are acquainted, Lin Mengjia often goes to the kindergarten to pick up the little girl, Tang Feng rescued her, and she was even more impressed.

Lin Mengjia smiled forward, took her little hand, and whispered softly: "It's been a long time since I saw Hanhan. Auntie misses you."

Tang Feng also looked at Gu Shihan with a faint smile on his face.

The little girl introduced the others to Gu Shihan: "Hanhan, this is my grandmother, this is my aunt, this is Aunt Kong."

"Good grandma, good aunt, good Aunt Kong." Gu Shihan looked at the three people with a slightly curious look.

When Mother Lin saw this little girl, she loved it, and slowly approached her, and said, "Little girl, what is your name?"

"My name is Gu Shihan," Gu Shihan responded, and looked at the little girl again, "I am Yaoyao's good friend."

"Han Han is a classmate and best friend of Yao and Yao in kindergarten." Lin Mengjia smiled and explained to Lin Mu.

Hearing Lin Mengjia mentioned the kindergarten, Gu Shihan turned around and took the little girl's hand, and said, "Yaoyao, why don't you go to kindergarten? Everyone misses you!"

Before the little girl could answer, Gu Jiachen had already arrived at the door of the living room. Although they were a little surprised to see these many people, they immediately smiled and nodded towards them. Finally, their eyes fell on Tang Feng.

"Miss Gu," Tang Feng stood up, "please come here."

Gu Jiachen had already been here for a treatment, knew the location of the treatment room, smiled at Lin Mengjia, and followed Tang Feng with his familiarity.

Seeing Gu Jiachen following Tang Feng into the treatment room, Kong Qinghua's eyes were already wide open. After a long while, he hesitated, looked at Lin Mengjia, and muttered: "I'm not mistaken, am I? This beauty, could it be that? Big star Gu Jiachen? Well, this is—"

While speaking, she looked at Gu Shihan with a look of excitement with a bewildered look. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 775 star) reading record, and open it next You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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