Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 809: Kong Shuchou

Kong Liangji was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This, Mr. Tang, how do you know?"

Zhang and Zheng looked at each other, breathed out gently, and said in a low voice: "Kong Shuchou."

At Shicai, Kong Boyao always opposed Ju Pei's approach. Although he did not directly confront him, his attitude towards the mother and daughter already explained everything.

But Kong Shuchou's wife and daughter showed an extremely enthusiastic attitude towards this, and they were always aggressive, let Kong Boyao agree to this matter.

Before, Zhang and Zheng didn't know the joints, but they also cared about Kong Liangji's body, but they trusted Jupei too much. Now that they think about it carefully, they feel weird.

Kong Boyao disagrees with Jupei's method for obvious reasons. He is not willing to provide Kong Liangji with organs for himself or his children.

People are selfish.

Especially in the complicated environment of the Kong family, as the child left by Kong Liangji's first wife, it is hard to say how much real family affection still exists between him and Kong Liangji.

In his opinion, Kong Liangji's only value is probably the power in his hands. I am afraid that in his heart, he is looking forward to Kong Liangji's death. How can he sacrifice himself for him?

Zhang Qingyu frowned, looked at Kong Liangji, and said in a low voice: "Mr Kong, you are the third child who loves you the most on weekdays. It seems that he treats you as well, and as—"

When talking about this, Zhang Qingyu tried his words, but he still couldn't say anything. The phrase "it is the most filial piety" turned around in his mouth and swallowed it back.

Although Kong Boyao's refusal of Jupei's method seemed selfish, his thoughts were extremely normal.

Even a filial child will hesitate to hear such methods.

If Kong Liangji is not too old and can live for more than ten years or even decades after changing his organs, then it is worth the sacrifice to make this kind of sacrifice, but he is his age, even if he has undergone this operation, It only lasted for three or five years, but for this to cause all the children to be harmed, is it really necessary?

Under such circumstances, those who would agree are extremely abnormal.

Elder Zheng glanced at Zhang Qingyu, and he was very clever and did not speak.

Kong Liangji sighed, turned his head, and looked at the pair of mother and daughter.

The two of them were already full of impatience, they got together, whispered and whispered.

Tang Feng also looked over, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Kong Shuchou said he can provide what organ is it?" Tang Feng's voice revealed a little coldness.

Kong Liangji didn't understand why Kong Shuchou's enthusiasm for this matter would arouse Tang Feng's disgust. He hesitated for a moment before he said, "Heart."

"Huh? Heart?" Father Zheng's eyes widened.

Zhang Qingyu was also dumbfounded.

In their opinion, no matter what purpose Kong Shuchou was for, the maximum sacrifice he could make in favor of this so-called organ replacement method was to take out one of his kidneys.

However, he said to provide a heart.

Although the loss of any other organ is harmful to health or life span, it will not harm life in the end.

But without a heart, there is no doubt that he will die.

Can Kong Shuchou actually pay such a big price?

Seeing the two of them so shocked, Kong Liangji said again: "Suchou said, he can prepare a heart that matches him first, and when he transplants his own heart to me, he will also transplant another heart, Ju Pei It is also a guarantee that he can find ways to make this heart fit his body."

Zhang and Zheng suddenly realized that they all said "Oh" together.

Those who want to provide other organs will also undergo such operations at the same time.

Kong Liangji needed these people's organs, but they could be transplanted to other people.

As long as you have money, you can buy anything.

However, the risks involved are too great.

Tang Feng squinted slightly and said with a sneer: "His? That's how he told you? He really said he wants to give you his own heart?"

Kong Liangji was a little confused, shook his head, and said, "At that time, he said so, and I did not agree with it. After that, he stopped mentioning this matter. However, Shuchou's approach to Jupei has always been extremely Agree, I don’t know if he is doing it in private or not.”

Zhang Qingyu shook his head unconsciously.

He knew something about the Kong family.

Kong Shuchou has always been Kong Liangji's most beloved son. He has a bold personality, ruthless methods, decisiveness, and never procrastinates in doing things. In Kong Liangji's view, these are all necessary skills for those who make big things.

However, as he got older, Kong Liangji seemed to begin to feel that Kong Shuchou's character was flawed. He was too cruel, and he didn't leave a way out for doing things, and he didn't leave a way for others to survive. This made him a little worried.

He wanted to gradually hand over his family's karma to Kong Shuchou, but as he got older, he hesitated.

Kong Shuchou offered to exchange his heart for Kong Liangji, which really seemed to be his style.

But, what is his purpose for doing this?

Zhang Qingyu looked at Elder Zheng and found that he was also looking at him. The two of them looked at each other, both showing a helpless wry smile.

When Tang Feng listened to Kong Liangji's words, the sneer on his face became more obvious.

He didn't know Kong Shuchou's personality, nor did he know how his father and son felt between him and Kong Liangji, but he could be sure that what Kong Shuchou wanted to Kong Liangji was definitely not his own heart.

Lin Mengjia said that that day, Kong Qinghua came to Pingyang because the mother and daughter suddenly went to the sea market to look for her. She did not tire of it, so she ignored them and hid here.

Kong Qinghua did not see them two, nor did they give them a chance to tell them the purpose, or the two of them did not intend to tell Kong Qinghua at all, they just wanted to bring her back to Yanjing.

Kong Shuchou has the confidence to propose that each family provides an organ, or even the heart, because he has a bargaining chip that can be pushed out.

Kong Qinghua.

The daughter of this ex-wife, the daughter who is always embarrassed with him, the daughter he has raised for more than 20 years and has no affection for him, and the daughter who he let go with the crowd and has not told her about marriage.

This is his hole card.

There was a little chill in Tang Feng's eyes.

Although he didn't like Kong Qinghua very much, he had already developed extreme disgust in his heart for Kong Shuchou's vicious mood. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 809 Kong Shuchou), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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