Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 817: Anxious

Upon seeing this, Kong Qinghua said with some doubts: "Jiajia, do you have something on your mind?"

"No," Lin Mengjia hurriedly smiled and concealed, "I was thinking, where will we go to play tomorrow."

"Your company has a lot of things. I just came back from a trip recently. It is naturally very busy. I can't bother you more. In two days, I will go back to Haishi." Kong Qinghua said with a smile while shaking his hand to grind coffee.

She came this time on a whim, and she also apologized for disrupting Lin Mengjia's plan.

"Don't!" Lin Mengjia hurriedly stopped. As soon as she said her words, she realized that she was too eager. Seeing Kong Qinghua's somewhat puzzled gaze, she hurriedly said again: "You finally came here. We haven't gotten together yet, that's it. I left in a hurry, and I couldn't bear it."

Kong Qinghua looked at Lin Mengjia and smiled and said, "You always can't hide things in your heart. Is there something to hide from me? I see your expression, and I know that you are lying."

"Is it so obvious?" Lin Mengjia touched her cheek with doubts on her face.

Kong Qinghua still smiled faintly, did not speak, just smiled at her.

Lin Mengjia put her hand down, sighed, and said, "My business here has been really busy recently. Many businesses have expanded, and I need manpower everywhere. I am also lacking in skills, and there are some important positions that I don’t trust. People don’t dare to use it."

While speaking, Lin Mengjia looked at Kong Qinghua with a very faint smile on her lips.

"You mean—" Kong Qinghua looked at Lin Mengjia, with a strange expression on his face, "Want me to enter your company?"

Lin Mengjia nodded, with a somewhat difficult look on her face, and then said: "I originally hoped that you would stay here for a few days, and then talk to you slowly, but you suddenly said you want to leave, really let me Caught off guard."

The expression on Kong Qinghua's face was still a bit surprised, and said: "Why do you have such thoughts?"

Lin Mengjia spread her hands and said, "I just said that I really lack people who can be trusted. You are abroad and you are studying management. It is suitable for this senior executive's position. I came up with this idea. However, I also know that you have always been a wild crane. If you wanted to find a fixed job, you would have already found it, and I would hesitate in my heart, not to speak to you."

With a look of embarrassment and entanglement on her face, it looked as if it were true.

When Shi Cai was asked by Kong Qinghua, Lin Mengjia only felt that her heart was tense immediately, and she came up with this idea. She was extremely nervous at first, and this reason matched her expression, but it was extremely coordinated.

Kong Qinghua looked at it a little bit, as if he was still thinking about whether Lin Mengjia's words were true or false.

Lin Mengjia tried to suppress the tension in her heart, and smiled: "Now that I have said everything, it is up to you to agree or not."

Kong Qinghua looked at Lin Mengjia for a long while, couldn't help but laughed out of "punk". Lin Mengjia gave Lin Mengjia a white look and said: "I still say that you have been with me all the time for the past few days. You work."

Seeing her like this, Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "What do you say about part-time work between you and me? This company gives you half of it, so what? With the friendship between us, what can't be shared?"

Kong Qinghua raised his eyebrows, and just about to speak, Lin Mengjia blinked her eyes playfully and added with a grin, "Except Tang Feng."

Kong Qinghua was taken aback for a moment, but immediately burst into laughter.

Lin Mengjia laughed along with her, and all the gloom accumulated in her heart was swept away in this laughter.

However, what Lin Mengjia didn't know was that although Kong Qinghua's laughter was extremely refreshing and filled with joy from the heart, it was hidden in the depths of the laughter, but it had a slight bitterness.

Kong Qinghua laughed for a while before stopping, and said: "You give him to me, I don't want it, the man I like is not this one."

"Yeah, I know, do you like little wolfdogs, hey, in our company, there is this type of body, so handsome, you come over, I will introduce it to you." Lin Mengjia tossed at Kong Qinghua. Winking, smiling happily.

I have to say that these words of Kong Qinghua made Lin Mengjia feel a little relaxed.

Although she was always worried about Kong Qinghua and wanted to keep her by her side so as to protect her, she didn’t say anything about her girlfriend’s love of her own man, and she always cared about it, especially Kong Qinghua. An extremely attractive beauty, she is single to this day.

Kong Qinghua had already ground the coffee, and while holding it in the cup, he smiled and said, "Since you are so sincere, why should I not agree? However, I have a condition."

"You said." Lin Mengjia smiled with eyes crooked.

As long as Kong Qinghua agrees to stay in Pingyang, she can be sure that she will never present any danger.

Although Tang Feng can cure Kong Liangji now, Kong Shuchou will not make Kong Qinghua's idea for the time being, but his nature is such that it is difficult to guarantee that there will be another moth. It is safer to keep her by his side.

In fact, Lin Mengjia had thought of it a long time ago, relying on her relationship with Kong Qinghua, as long as she speaks, saying that she wants to ask her and ask her to stay for her help, she definitely has no reason to not agree.

Sure enough, there was a smile in Kong Qinghua's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He made a grimace at Lin Mengjia and said, "A little wolf dog, but it's not enough. If you want me to enter your company, you must at least introduce it to me. Three!"

"As many as you want! All unmarried men, I will introduce them to you, leaving you to choose!"

After finishing Kong Qinghua's affairs, Lin Mengjia has always been in a good mood.

This good mood lasted until the time of eating.

When I saw Ji Ning on the dining table, Lin Mengjia remembered about Wansheng Fox. She looked at Ji Ning from time to time, thinking of the "Pure Yang Body" mentioned by Tang Feng, and she couldn't help but looked at him more. A few glances.

Lin Mengjia has always felt that Ji Ning is such a talented person, and he is a child of a family, and there is definitely no shortage of women around him, but he did not expect that he is still a boy, and feels faintly funny. When he looks at him, the corner of his mouth is smiling.

Her smile made Ji Ning puzzled. At first, she felt something dirty on her face and rubbed it with her hand, but Lin Mengjia looked at him from time to time. After a long time, Ji Ning felt a little hairy in her heart. Take measures.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with helpless expression in his eyes, and coughed softly.

Lin Mengjia hid her mouth and snickered.

Ji Ning seemed to be on his back, and he didn't eat this meal well. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 817 Jizhong Shengzhi), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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