Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 825: I don't know how high the sky is

Zhang Qingyu came over this time, looking for Tang Feng and other things.

He was drinking tea here and waiting for them to come out. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that Old Master Zheng did not come to talk to Tang Feng about investigating the Xuanmen. Unexpectedly, before saying a few words, Kong Liangji actually started to leave.

Before Zhang Qingyu could speak, Kong Liangji had already stretched out his hand and said, "Shouting, Mr. Shouting is okay. We are inconvenienced. Let's go."

Zhang Qingyu looked at Tang Feng and Kong Liangji again, dumbfounded. For a moment, he forgot what he wanted to say.

Before he could react, Kong Liangji had already pulled out the door of the living room.

Until they walked out more than ten steps, Tang Feng heard Zhang Qingyu ask Kong Liangji very puzzledly: "Kong Lao, what do you mean?"

"Shhh, don't talk, I'll talk to you when I go back!" Kong Liangji's voice was cautious.

Sitting on the sofa, Tang Feng was angry and funny, with a speechless expression on his face.

He fully thought about what it would look like when these two old guys returned home.

Zhang Qingyu wanted to speak, Kong Liangji refused to give him a chance at all, and kept pulling him out.

With Kong Liangji’s strength, Zhang Qingyu could throw him aside by moving his fingers, but he couldn’t do that. He could only let Kong Liangji pull him out of the yard and pushed him into the car. There is also an inexplicable look on the board.

Tang Feng saw that before getting into the car, Zhang Qingyu looked at the living room with bewildered eyes. He must be wondering what happened in the treatment room that made Kong Liangji behave like this. weird.

Tang Feng said to the two that he had something to do, it was just an excuse.

However, next he really had something.

Long Sun Ying is here.

When she arrived, she happened to see Kong Liangji's car leaving.

When she saw it, there was a sense of surprise in her eyes. She stood outside the courtyard and walked into the courtyard door until the car was no longer visible.

Long Sun Ying came in, and the first sentence was to ask Tang Feng: "The previous guest, is it the old man of the Kong family?"

"Oh? Do you recognize it?"

Although he asked this question, Tang Feng was not surprised that Chang Sun Ying would recognize Kong Liangji.

They are all big families, even if the Confucian family is not an ancient family, it is one of the best in China, so it is naturally extremely well-known.

Chang Sun Ying nodded and said: "In China, this car is rare, and the number is only a handful. In Yanjing, there is only one. As long as you see the license plate of Yanjing, it is the Kong family. Father's car."

Tang Feng was pouring and drinking tea, and gestured to Chang Sun Ying to sit down.

Chang Sun Ying sat down on the sofa, sighed softly, with a self-deprecating expression on her face, and then slowly said: "Back then, Mr. Kong was very ill. He sent someone to the door and wanted to ask my grandfather for treatment. Grandpa adheres to the family tradition and does not go to the clinic. If someone seeks medical treatment, he needs to come in person. The Kong family insisted on asking grandpa to go to Yanjing to treat him. In the end, he broke up. At that time, I thought it was the Kong family. Haughty and unwilling to condescend to come to the door, now it seems that it is not worthy of Grandpa's medical skills that Grandpa Kong bows his head."

When it came to the last time, Chang Sun Ying's eyes showed a deep sense of decadence.

She had to admit in her heart that in front of Tang Feng, the proud medical skills of the Zhangsun family were really not worth mentioning. It is no wonder that even the Confucian family, who has always been proud of it, would travel all the way from Yanjing. Mr. Kong, who claims to have never left Yanjing for more than ten years, also came to Tang Feng for medical treatment like other people.

Tang Feng could guess that Kong Liangji's physical condition at the beginning was definitely not as bad as it is now, and it was not very urgent. At that time, even if it was him, presumably Kong Liangji would not come.

Although he thought so, Tang Feng did not say it, but to Chang Sun Ying, saying: "You happened to be here. I have something to ask you."

Long Sun Ying said immediately: "Mr. Tang has any instructions, just say it."

"Do you know that in ancient medicine, what can be done to ensure that an ordinary person can be completely integrated and will not be rejected after the whole body is replaced with other people's organs?"

The medical skills Tang Feng uses are all monks. He still has some understanding of martial arts, but the ancient Chinese medicine is too far away for the monks in the vast stars. He has nothing to do with it. What dabble.

Tang Feng was a little curious in his heart when he saw Ju Pei's confident appearance yesterday, but he couldn't ask him about it.

Although Chang Sun Ying is a pharmacist and a martial artist, she is not in the same line as ancient medicine, but after all, she grew up in China since she was a child, and she also studied medical skills, so she would have to understand ancient medicine.

To solve the doubts in happiness, Chang Sun Ying is the most suitable candidate Tang Feng can think of at this moment.

Long Sun Ying frowned and groaned. After a while, she said: "Replacement of organs is not in the category of ancient medicine. Although it is in ancient medical books, there are scattered records, but I have never seen a whole body replacement. This method of fusion is even more important. Unheard of, except that I know a little about other methods."

"Any other means?"

"Well," Chang Sun Ying nodded, "This is not like ancient medical techniques, but like Miao Jiang's witchcraft technique."

Tang Feng couldn't help but nodded gently.

As far as he was concerned, the witchcraft technique was the same as the ancient doctor, and he didn't have a deep understanding of it. When he was reminded by Long Sun Ying, he also felt that this technique was indeed a witchcraft technique.

Long Sun Ying looked puzzled, and said: "Why would Mr. Tang ask about this?"

Tang Feng briefly talked about Kong Liangji's affairs to Chang Sun Ying. After that, he said: "I heard that my home is an ancient medical family, can I still use this kind of witchcraft technique?"

The suspicion on Chang Sun Ying's face was even thicker, and she slowly shook her head, saying: "If it is at home, it would be a different matter. His family can stand tall in Yanjing where the masters gather, and it has its own unique means. Yes, the medical skills at home are not a vain name."

At the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, there was a slightly mocking smile, and he said, "Yes, when I see Jupei's appearance, I know that this family's reputation must be quite impressive."

Long Sun Ying showed a wry smile and said, "Is he still that way?"

"Why, do you still recognize him?"

"Taking into account his seniority, he can still be regarded as my elder." Chang Sun Ying shook her head helplessly, "When I saw him, he was still young and had not yet left the cabinet. He followed his grandfather to study medicine, so he came to the door. Come here, and propose to compete with Grandpa in medical skills and compete against each other."

With sarcasm on Tang Feng's face, he lightly sneered. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 825 I don’t know the heights of the sky) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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