Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 842: Yanglong Town House

There was a smug smile on Wang Cheng's face.

He speaks of humility, but he is quite proud of his speed in his heart.

Tang Feng looked at all the frames of the main building already formed, nodded, and then looked at the auxiliary buildings on both sides.

The auxiliary building is just a flat floor without a basement. It is constructed at the same time as the main building. The construction speed is naturally very fast. Now from the outside, the entire house has been completed, except for the construction of internal water and electricity lines.

Tang Feng was also satisfied with this speed, and he nodded.

Wang Cheng took Tang Feng to the west again, and the bushes separating the three houses from the garden had not been planted, so there was no need to worry about the road, just go straight.

"It's such a big garden!" The little girl couldn't help clapping her hands as she looked at the huge garden, as well as the corridors and pavilions that had already been built.

Feixue flicked her long tail and looked very happy.

Lin Mengjia looked at the pond being dug, and said: "At that time, I told you you wanted to build a swimming pool, but it turned out to be a pond, which is too big."

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "This pond directly leads to the water from the Lao River, and there is also a culvert as drainage. The water is always flowing and very clean. If you want to swim in it, it is better than an ordinary swimming pool. Better than many."

Wang Cheng smiled and echoed: "The water in those swimming pools is bleached. It doesn't flow. It's fine in the urban area. It's not suitable for the environment in the mountains. After all, the mountain wind blows and the surrounding dusty leaves Birds fly by in the sky, and bird droppings may fall into it. It is very difficult to clean up, but it is not as clean and natural as these ponds of living water. This flooded river can be counted as all the rivers in the surrounding area. Among them, the water quality is the best."

It can be seen that Wang Cheng has done enough homework for the surrounding environment, and he said without hesitation.

Lin Mengjia still looked worried, and said, "This pond is so deep, is it not safe to swim in it?"

With a smile on his face, Tang Feng said to Lin Mengjia: "There is no unsafe place in this house."

Lin Mengjia smiled helplessly.

She almost forgot this.

With Tang Feng here, what else can I worry about?

Wang Cheng continued: "Even if you don't swim, some fish in it are excellent. The quality of the water is clean and the fish you raise yourself are safe to eat."

Feixue's eyes lit up when he heard of fish farming.

Tang Feng glanced at it and asked a question in his mind: Does fox like fish?

Lin Mengjia seemed to be very interested in the plan to raise fish. She licked her lips, nodded, and said, "Well, I like to eat sweet and sour fish."

Tang Feng looked speechless.

Of course, he did not build such a large pond in this manor to raise fish.

What he wants to raise is a bigger guy.

In Kunlun, he brought the keel out, and he could feel that on the keel, the soul of the dragon still existed. After being suppressed in that pool for thousands of years, the hostility on it has not diminished. , On the contrary, it is more prosperous, and it is an attempt to resurrect through Jiao's body.

Tang Feng had a way to completely suppress this hostility, only to release the pure aura in his soul. This aura cannot be used for cultivation, but it can form a feeling of deterrence to all things.

This kind of dragon spirit can't be seen or touched, but the beast in the mountain feels it, and it doesn't dare to approach this manor. Ordinary people feel it, and there will be a sense of fear in their hearts. Subconsciously, they want to stay far away.

In this pond, set up a magic circle and put this keel plate in it, which can play the role of a town house.

The home of Huaxia Town has existed since ancient times.

In the old days, when some big families built houses, a mysterious tortoise was placed under the main pillar to serve as a town house to report the safety of the family.

However, Tang Feng is still the first to use dragons to come to the town house.

Firstly, this dragon is an extremely rare spirit beast, and it is not found in the ordinary. Secondly, the aura of the dragon body cannot be suppressed by ordinary people. Even the princes and nobles don't have the courage to live with the dragon.

In the pond, if a dragon is raised, how can it be possible to raise fish again?

I am afraid that these fish, as long as they are thrown into the water, they will be sucked into the keel immediately, and there is no bones left.

However, in front of Wang Cheng's face, Tang Feng naturally wouldn't say this, just smiled without saying a word.

Wang Cheng pointed to the south side of the pond again, and said: "President Zhang has ordered a rockery to be placed here. The president personally chooses this stone. He has not yet returned. He said that after the election, he will show Mr. Tang first. Mr. Tang feels that there is no problem, so we will ship it over.

Tang Feng nodded.

Zhang Qingyu's consideration is very thorough.

Wang Cheng pointed to the north and said, "According to Mr. Tang, if a farm is to be established in that area, we will divide it into four areas: open air and greenhouses, animal breeding, and glass flower houses. All areas will be Built on Mr.'s drawings."

"For such a large farm, Dabai and Xiaohui will have a large area to play in the future."

Lin Mengjia looked over there, the vast land, almost invisible at a glance.

The little girl also said happily: "I can accompany my grandmother and plant flowers here. The glass flower house must be very beautiful, right?"

Tang Feng thought of the flower house of Zhang's house with a smile on his face, and said, "Have you ever been to your president's house?"

Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment, shook his head hurriedly, and said, "No."

Naturally, he didn't have the opportunity to go to Zhang Qingyu's house in such a position, but he did not understand why Tang Summit asked him this.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "This flower house was built according to his family's style, but the scale has to be expanded several times."

Wang Cheng suddenly realized that he didn’t show the slightest embarrassment. He immediately nodded and said, “No problem, Mr. Tang, I’m going to find the design drawing of the flower room in President Zhang’s house tonight. drawing."

Tang Feng was very satisfied with Wang Cheng's reaction, and understood why Zhang Qingyu gave him the construction here.

This person is very clever and attentive in doing things. After this industry, there will be great development in the future.

Wang Cheng then motioned to Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia to look to the north and said, "On the far north side, we plant various fruit trees. We have already rectified the land these days, and the saplings have been transported over, and we can start planting trees tomorrow."

Tang Feng saw that there were many saplings piled up on the ground on the north side. They were said to be saplings, which had grown quite strong. Many fruit trees only need to be planted, and they will bear fruit in two or three years.

However, Tang Feng naturally didn't need to wait for such a long time. He had many ways to let the trees blossom and bear fruit. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 842 Yanglong Town House), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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