Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 847: Joy begets sorrow

Tang Feng looked at the weather that had started to get dark outside, and looked at the phone that was hung up before he refused, with a tangled expression on his face.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help it, laughed haha, and said: "Unexpectedly, many people are afraid of you, and they dare not even dare to show up in front of you, but you have nothing to do with the girl Chu Chu!"

Tang Feng said angrily: "Who says I can't do anything with her, if I really annoy me, I will ban under the gate, so that she can't enter this door at all!"

"In that case, she hasn't annoyed you yet? I really think you are very tolerant to her." Lin Mengjia blinked her eyes deliberately, showing a joke.

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I just thought she was a child and didn't understand anything, so how would I really care about her? But -" He saw the phone again, "Come here at this time, it's a bit late. , I will let her come again tomorrow."

When he spoke, he wanted to dial the phone.

Lin Mengjia stretched out her hand, stopped him, and said: "She is like this, because of the illness of the girl from the Xu family. It's not too late anyway, just let her come over."

Tang Feng smiled and said: "I don't care about her coming, but she is here, I'm afraid it's not her."

"Naturally, isn't there Xu Qingling?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about her. You see, it's getting late now. Two young girls go out alone. Will the family rest assured?"

Lin Mengjia suddenly realized, "You mean, Mr. Zhang will also come?"

Tang Feng said with an "um" and said, "He seems to have something to tell me today, but was dragged away by Kong Liangji. However, I expected him to arrive at night, and his expression, when it was in the daytime, no the same."

Lin Mengjia showed a puzzled look and said, "Why?"

Tang Feng told Lin Mengjia what happened when he was treating Kong Liangji.

When he heard Kong Liangji's departure, Lin Mengjia laughed so much that he couldn't stand upright with the look of sincerity and trepidation, clutching her belly, and reluctantly said: "He really believes this. Are you a thousand-year-old god?"

Tang Feng also smiled and said, "Now it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not, you guess, will Lao Zhang and Lao Zheng believe it? If you don't believe it, what is the best way to crack Kong Liangji's ideas? "

Lin Mengjia was smiling heartily. Hearing Tang Feng's words, the smile paused, and the expression on her face gradually became a little uncomfortable. She stretched out her hand, pointed to her nose, and said, "Ask me?"

Tang Feng held his shoulders with both hands, still smiling, and said, "Otherwise? Is there anyone who knows me better than you?"

Lin Mengjia's mouth was half open.

When she heard Tang Feng talk about this, she thought it was interesting, but she didn't expect that she would bring this to her own body.

Tang Feng continued: "The relationship between Kong Liangji and the Lin family should be closer than that of Lao Zhang and Lao Zheng. If he knows the relationship between you and me, he will definitely mention you in these two days and come and climb with me. relationship."

Lin Mengjia said in surprise: "You mean, Master Kong still doesn't know about me here?"

"Before leaving from me today, he definitely didn't know. As for now--" Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with a smile, and did not continue.

Lin Mengjia had an annoyed look on her face. She was still amused by Kong Liangji's affairs just now, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, it was happiness and sorrow, causing her to burn.

It was Tang Feng and these Patriarchs, but she was involved in it.

She frowned for a while, before Fang said: "It seems that tomorrow, I have to go and find some more. I must not let him see it."

She avoided the Kong family because it was for Kong Qinghua, but now it seems that she should think about it for herself.

When Lin Mengjia was depressed, she suddenly heard the sound of rapid footsteps outside the door, and soon stopped at the door of the room, and then heard a rapid knock on the door, and the little girl’s anxious voice: "Dad, Dad Come take a look, Feixue is dying!"

The little girl was crying, knocking on the door very hard.

Normally, she didn't have such a flustered and rude behavior at all.

Lin Mengjia was startled, she trot to open the door, and said: "What did you do with Feixue just now? Yaoyao was very worried."

While she was talking, Lin Mengjia had already opened the door, and the little girl plunged in with tears on her face. She rushed in and threw herself in Tang Feng's arms, crying: "Dad, save Feixue!"

"Don't worry, Feixue is fine." Tang Feng smiled and stroked the top of the little girl's head, with a gentle voice, "It will get better soon, and when it gets better, it will become better friends with you. "

"Really?" The little girl raised her head and looked at Tang Feng with tears in her eyes. She was so pitiful that she looked like this.

Lin Mengjia squatted distressedly beside her, helping her to wipe the tears.

During this period, the little girl behaved like a child hitting her. She almost forgot her appearance. Now when she saw her crying, she felt sad in her heart.

Lin Mengjia wiped her tears to the little girl, and said to Tang Feng: "What the **** is going on? What's wrong with Feixue?"

"This is its own choice." Tang Feng said solemnly.

The little girl still looked at Tang Feng, pursing her mouth, and twitching her little nose, with an anxious expression.

"Feixue is a demon beast with a demon energy on its body. This demon energy has followed it for thousands of years and has entered its bloodline. It wants to get rid of this demon energy and become a spirit like Dabai and Xiaohui. The beast is going to suffer a bit."

Tang Feng looked at the little girl, his voice was gentle, and seeing the puzzled expression on the little girl's face, he touched her hair and said, "Feixue wants to be a spirit beast, this is No one of us can help it in the necessary way. All you can do is to support it, encourage it, and let it successfully remove the evil spirit so that it can be with you forever."

The little girl nodded gently, suddenly realizing that her behavior was very rude, and quickly let go of Tang Feng, stood still, and said, "Yes, Dad, I know, I'm going to accompany Feixue!"

Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "You can't cry so much in front of Feixue, otherwise, what if he sees it and feels sad and shakes his confidence?"

The little girl nodded heavily, and said: "Mom, I will be brave and accompany Feixue to make it a spirit beast."

"Okay, you go." Tang Feng smiled and touched the little girl's hair. "This period will be quite long, but if you are by your side, I think Feixue won't feel too sad. ."Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 847), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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