Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 850: Refining

Chu Chu brought a Zhang's bodyguard into the living room, and the bodyguard carried a huge box in his hands.

When Xu Qingling saw this, she quickly got up and said, "Mr. Tang, here are the medicinal materials you asked me to prepare."

Before speaking, there was a look of inquiry in his eyes, and he didn't know how to deal with this thing.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Come with me."

He stood up and walked in the direction of the treatment room. The bodyguard carried the box and followed Xu Qingling with Xu Qingling.

Chu Chusi didn't realize that this matter had nothing to do with him, and he followed even those who hadn't seen anything outside.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Qingyu coughed softly.

He didn't know whether Tang Feng needed to keep his treatment process confidential, but at least, he was talking about it to Kong Liangji.

Even if Zhang Qingyu is not like Kong Liangji, he believes that Tang Feng is an immortal who has lived thousands of years, he still has awe of Tang Feng, for fear that his granddaughter violated Tang Feng's rules.

Chu Chu didn't seem to hear it, but accelerated his pace.

Zhang Qingyu was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, but here, it was not easy to have a seizure, and he could only watch Chu Chu also follow into the treatment room.

After entering the treatment room, Tang Feng pointed his finger at the table inside and said, "Just put it here, you can go out."

The bodyguard responded, put the box on it, and exited the door.

Xu Qingling slightly nervous, and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, what should I do?"

Tang Feng did not answer her, but looked to his side with a curious and excited expression, and said, "You help Miss Xu, take off her clothes and lie on the bed."

"Undress? Undress?" Chu Chu widened his eyes and exclaimed.

Tang Feng looked at her fuss and frowned, and said, "I'm going to have an acupuncture on her back, so naturally I'm going to take off my clothes."

Xu Qingling's face immediately turned red.

Tang Feng walked to the window and closed the curtains.

In fact, in this room, he gave a prohibition, even if it is nearby, it is impossible to see the situation in the room.

It's just that Xu Qingling is a young girl after all. He did this to make her feel a little more at ease.

Chu Chu rubbed his hands, with a look of difficulty on his face, and said: "Uncle, you are such a big man here, why is Ling Ling embarrassed to undress?"

Tang Feng said impatiently: "She is wearing a dress, just unzip the zipper on the back and lie on the bed, what are you thinking?"

Only then did Chu Chu realize that she was wrong. She looked at Xu Qingling, who was also a blushing face.

Tang Feng turned his back to the two of them, opened the box on the table, and saw the neatly packed medicinal materials he had listed on the prescription, each of which was placed in a glass bottle with a label on it. The categories are very clear and clear at a glance.

Tang Feng nodded slightly, and took out the bottle of snake venom from the Xumi mustard space.

He took all the medicinal materials out of the bottle and placed them on the table in turn, while the venom was evenly poured on the medicinal materials.

Then, he took out the two sets of needles, opened them, and placed them on both sides of the table.

The light in this room was very bright, shining on the silver needles, flashing with shining light.

Chu Chu had already helped Xu Qingling pull down the zipper and helped her lie down on the bed, and then stood curiously behind Tang Feng, craned her neck, and looked towards the table.

Seeing the fullness of things on the table, I couldn't help but say, "Uncle, what are you going to do?"

Tang Feng said lightly: "This thing is very toxic. If you don't want to be disfigured, stand farther."

"Really? It's so powerful? You'll be disfigured at a glance? Uncle, you didn't mean to say that because you were afraid that I learned your unique skills?" Chu Chu said with an expression of disbelief. He stood still and didn't move.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Then you stand here and watch."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and stopped above the medicinal materials. In his palm, a faint green light appeared, and it was spiritual energy emitted from his palm, falling on the medicinal materials, wrapping them in it.

Tang Feng's fingertips moved slightly, guiding his spiritual energy to refine the medicinal materials.

Naturally, Chu Chu couldn't see this spiritual energy fluctuation, or even felt any abnormality, but saw that under Tang Feng's palm, the medicinal materials quickly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, on the desktop, a thin mist appeared, like a cold morning mist, but the mist was not white, but faint green from it.

The mist rose into the air, and in an instant, as if it had exploded, it expanded rapidly.

Chu Chu took a breath of air-conditioning, and immediately stepped back towards the corner of the wall, and then covered his face with his hand, for fear that the mist would really disfigure himself if it touched his face.

However, after all, she was curious in her heart, watching Tang Feng's every move through her fingers.

Tang Feng guided the mist with his fingers.

The mist soon divided into two strands.

One strand is green and the other strand is white.

The green mist floated on the set of male needles that Li Jia brought out from the ancient tomb, while the white ones floated towards the Changsun's house.

There seemed to be strong suction on the two sets of silver needles, and all the mist was quickly sucked in after approaching the silver needles.

Both the yin needles and the yang needles are rapidly absorbing the mist in the air, but in a moment, the mist becomes thinner, and in the end, it all disappears.

On the table, the two sets of needles that were originally gleaming silver are now one set with shining green, and the other set seems to have been dyed with a layer of frost, and the silver has turned white.

The medicinal materials placed before the table have completely disappeared.

Chu Chu still covered his face with his hands, behind his fingers, his eyes widened, his feet couldn't help taking two steps in the direction of Tang Feng, and he opened his mouth and said, "Big, uncle, are you doing magic?"

Tang Feng glanced at her faintly, and said, "You don't need to cover your face. All the medicine has been absorbed by this yin and yang needle."

Chu Chu just put his hand down, pointed to the needle that had turned green, and said, "Uncle, the two mists just now, one green and one white, must be disfigured. Is it the green one? The poison of disfigurement, isn't this needle now vicious?"

"Naturally, if you think about it, you won't forget, what poison is there in this?" Tang Feng was expressionless.

Chu Chu's eyes widened and said in disbelief: "Are you going to use this needle to give Lingling acupuncture and moxibustion?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: The txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: Back to be a dad to read on mobile phone: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 850 Refining) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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