Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 887: Kong Qinghua's plan

After a morning of careful selection, Lin Mengjia and Kong Qinghua finally prepared the outfits for the dinner.

Lin Mengjia chose a long red dress that showed her slender arms. This color matched Tang Feng who was wearing a black suit. She also took advantage of her skin to win over snow, with a pretty face like a flower.

Kong Qinghua is a short knee-length dress in black and white, which is more suitable for her slightly cold and arrogant temperament.

The corresponding jewellery, hairstyle, and makeup are also matched with the clothing. The makeup artist, with his assistant and the hair stylist, has been busy and has no time to catch his breath.

The makeup is confirmed in the morning, and the makeup is set in the afternoon. In the evening, they still need to follow the makeup and stay with two people all the time.

When Tang Feng heard them talk about the itinerary, he felt a headache, and felt that being a woman is really not easy.

However, even if Tang Feng had a headache, he was only sitting on the side with Lin Mengjia, and felt more depressed than him, as a Shangguan.

Being pulled by Lin Mengjia stubbornly, she managed to get in front of the vanity mirror, and asked her makeup artist to put on makeup.

Shangguan looked like crying without tears.

Tang Feng pulled a chair and sat by the window. Although it was still summer, the garden was very refreshing because of Tang Feng's formation. The afternoon breeze came in, listening to the little girl outside. With Feixue and Dabai chasing playful laughter, he was quite comfortable.

The little girl's crisp laughter came in, and everyone in the lounge heard clearly.

A young assistant listened and smiled: "President Lin looks only in his early twenties. Who would have thought that there would be such a big daughter?"

The other helped Lin Mengjia fix her hair, and smiled: "President Lin really loves her daughter. Hearing her laugh, you know that she must be very happy on weekdays."

Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "You guessed it wrong, it's not me who spoiled the child." She said, looking at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng originally looked out the window, heard her talking, turned his head, smiled at her, and said, "What Yaoyao wants on weekdays, you give it to me, and now I have prepared a big gift, why? Do you mean I dote on the child?"

That big gift naturally refers to a playground.

Tang Feng can imagine how happy the little girl has such a playground.

Lin Mengjia smiled and shook her head, and said, "No matter how great my gift is, it is not as good as yours. It was directly delivered to the heart of others. In the past few days, there is flying snow, but Yaoyao is not even a mother. Why bother about it."

A hair stylist showed envy and said, "Feixue is the big white fox in the garden, right? When I first walked in, I saw it lying on the ground. I thought it was a doll. It's true! Such a big fox is a new breed of pet specially bred? The price must not be cheap, right?"

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but smile, and said: "I don't understand this breed, but it is said that this is a unique fox today."

"Is it a new type of genetic pet? It seems to be very popular now. The animals bred have their own characteristics and are quite smart." An assistant asked tentatively.

Lin Mengjia was still smiling, naturally unable to tell the truth, but vaguely said: "About this."

After hearing this topic, Kong Qinghua showed some doubts and said: "In the past two years, genetic modification has been very popular. However, there are divergent opinions. I don't know whether this is a good thing, a good thing or a bad thing. Moreover, these technologies, after all, Is it mature? If it can be put into production on a large scale, it will still have a certain effect on a considerable scale."

Lin Mengjia heard that Kong Qinghua seemed to be interested in this, and she smiled: "Why, do you still want to develop this technology?"

Kong Qinghua showed a serious look, nodded, and said: "I think genetic technology will play a considerable role in medicine in the future. Since we have a pharmaceutical company, we should also invest some effort in this area."

"What you said makes sense," Lin Mengjia smiled slightly and said, "I didn't think about it before. Now that you have this idea, just let it go. I will always support you."

While speaking, she cast a smile at Kong Qinghua, and then looked at Tang Feng with a smile.

Lin Mengjia knew in her heart that her pharmaceutical company, as long as she relied on Tang Feng's prescriptions, could develop many new types of drugs, without the need to invest in genetic engineering research.

However, since Kong Qinghua had this plan, she did not stop it.

After all, this is not a bad thing.

Genetic engineering is indeed a relatively advanced technology nowadays. If results are achieved, it will also be beneficial to the Mengtang Group.

Kong Qinghua smiled and said: "When I was abroad, I really knew two friends who studied this major, but there are a lot of things to do at the moment. This matter can be put aside for the time being, and I will wait until I have something at hand After processing everything, consider developing such a new project."

Tang Feng kept looking out the window, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was not interested in this topic, but his impression of Kong Qinghua had changed a lot.

Kong Qinghua was very critical of him at the beginning, and kept arguing between him and Lin Mengjia. Even the little girl could see clearly, which naturally made Tang Feng dislike her in his heart.

Looking at Kong Qinghua's appearance now, he did everything for the sake of Lin Mengjia. Obviously, he was extremely caring about the big and small affairs of the Mengtang Group, and he was considered to be considerate and did his best to do things for Lin Mengjia.

It is conceivable that with Kong Qinghua here, Lin Mengjia will really relax in the future, and will have more time with him and the little girl, and there is no need to worry about her absence and the company's accidents.

Thinking of this, Tang Feng wondered if he had missed Kong Qinghua a little at the beginning.

After all, for Kong Qinghua at that time, she was just a strange man who appeared out of thin air, and it was normal for her to worry that she would be disadvantageous to Lin Mengjia.

Kong Qinghua has lived in a family with weak ties since he was a child. It was easy to be suspicious. Before he appeared, Father Lin had used various methods to secretly attack the little girl and force Lin Mengjia to return to Yanjing. These Kong Qinghua All know.

Under those circumstances, it was reasonable for Kong Qinghua to be hostile to Tang Feng out of concern for Lin Mengjia.

After thinking about this joint, Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 887 Kong Qinghua’s Plan) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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