Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 1110 Pingxin Palace, Jiutou Clan

The endless Xuanming Qi is like thick sea water, filling every inch of this space.

In this boundless Xuanming Qi, a simple temple stands proudly.

On the stone tablet in front of the palace, the three-character sacred pattern of 'Pingxin Palace' is unusually simple and devoid of any divine light.

Suddenly, a faint and dark spiritual light fell from the sky.

But a moment later, a tall figure shrouded in darkness landed on the steps.

After scanning the stone tablet with the inscription 'Pingxin Palace' on the side, his cold eyes looked towards the ancient palace nine feet away, which seemed to be made of bronze.

The voices condensed into a line.

"Panyue, an old friend is here, don't you want to meet him?"

"I have decided to ignore the chaos, so why do you have to worry about it?"

Ping Xin or Hou Tu's voice came from the main hall.

"Really? Even the world left by Father God is going to be destroyed by Hongjun, and you don't want to care?"

"Life and death, apart from the supreme power of Hongmeng, what else can last forever in the vast chaos? Everything is determined."

The man in black robe smiled coldly.

"Hehehehe, I really didn't expect that the Yue Jian clan, the generous and heroic earth emperor in the ancient times, has now turned into the cautious tortoise he is now. It's really a waste of time for your father to plan for you and reincarnate as a queen."

"I thought you could lead the Witch Clan to rise and become the protagonist of the ancient world. I didn't expect you to be seduced by that old thief Hongjun and sacrifice Pangu's essence and blood to become this bullshit reincarnation. You are really a coward."

"Jiutou, you don't have to provoke me. Moreover, the human race has become the protagonist of the prehistoric times, and our long-cherished wish has come true."

"Bullshit. What kind of human race are the prehistoric human races now? They are just wastes inspired by Nuwa, that bitch, with the soil and the spiritual water of creation. Only I, the Taichu and Taigu human races, are the real descendants of Pangu, Wu The clan can only be counted as half.”

"You are too persistent. The human race also has the blood of Father God Pangu."

"Haha, can a rice grain placed in a bowl of water be called porridge? And although the human race is the protagonist now, they are just puppets in the hands of Hongjun, Sanqing, and the Second Sage. They are just cultivating with the luck of the human race. , how can you have any autonomy?"

Pingxin in the main hall fell silent after a while.

"I have no intention of arguing with you, just go away."

The black-robed Jiutou clan looked gloomy.

"Panyue, have you forgotten Brother Cangli's blood feud? If it weren't for his strong support at the beginning, did you think you could become the Earth Emperor of the ancient human race?"

As soon as these words came out, the energy in the hall instantly fluctuated. Although it quickly calmed down, it was obvious that these words disturbed Hou Tu's state of mind.

The Jiutou clan keenly sensed a change and quickly continued.

"Besides, if he hadn't blocked Luo Hu's God-killing Spear, you would have died long ago."

"Luo Hu is dead." Hou Tu said.

"Death, how is it possible? After Hongjun turned against the enemy, he united with Taoist Qiankun, Taoist Xuanyuan, and Lord Juling to fight against Luohu. They could have killed him directly. But because of Hongjun's negligence, he allowed him to escape Yuanshen .”

"Of course, this so-called negligence was also premeditated. After all, when the war first started, Hongjun was a remnant of gods and demons who stood with Luo Hu."

"This is all just conjecture on your part."

"Speculation? Pan Yue, dozens of Yuanhui have disappeared, how can you learn to deceive yourself? Since Hongjun became a saint, the origin of the ancient land has shrunk step by step. In the ancient lich war, Gonggong broke Mount Buzhou, You are also a witness."

"Based on your understanding of Gonggong, does he really have the ability to break Mount Buzhou?"

Hou Tu fell silent. Having been with Gonggong for more than a dozen meetings, she certainly knew what Gonggong was capable of. If no one comes to help, not to mention breaking Mount Buzhou, but even knocking Mount Buzhou around and shaking it a few times is considered his ability.

And those who have the ability to let Gonggong break Mount Buzhou are a few saints. If Hongjun wants to control the way of heaven, he must not be contaminated by this kind of great cause and effect.

So the most likely one is the Second Sage of the West.

Compared with the Three Purities, the law of cause and effect that led Zhunti to practice was the most important, and it was also the easiest to be controlled by Hongjun.

"The cause and effect of causing Gonggong to break Mount Buzhou and destroy the world all fell on the Wu Clan, which directly eliminated the possibility of the Wu Clan rising in the wilderness."

"Hey, Hongjun is really good at calculating. The Wu clan is destroyed, and the human race, which is seemingly the descendant of Pangu, rises. In fact, it is not his disciples who control the prehistoric world?"

"As long as the immeasurable catastrophe comes, Primordial Shatter can completely destroy the Yuanling imprint left by Father God in the Primordial World, and completely control the Primordial World. With this as a basis, up to a hundred Yuanhui can use the Primordial World to ascend to Hongmeng. territory."

"With a Hongmeng True Realm as a basis, even the Hongmeng Supreme can resist it. Except for the powerful Tianzun who sees the dragon but never sees its tail, he can really live forever and watch the chaos rise and fall with a smile."

Having said this, Jiutou's eyes showed endless yearning.

Immortality is what almost every living being longs for most.

"Now is not the time to think about this."

After taking a slight breath and calming down, Jiutou looked towards the main hall.

"Panyue, the Panhuang Hunyuan world opened by my father and mother has begun to move towards the primitive world. At most two Yuanhui can reach the chaotic world in the primitive world. So, next time I won't be the one to advise you. Think about it."

A wisp of smoke went away in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Outside Pingxin Palace, calm was restored again.

In the main hall, Hou Tu, who was wearing a yellow robe and long hair shawl, had a complicated expression. After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

"I've tried my best to avoid it, can't I still avoid it?"

She has personally experienced three tragic wars in the beginning, the ancient times, and the ancient times, and witnessed her most beloved elder brother die in front of her eyes for the so-called fate of the human race. She is really tired, and does not want to be disturbed by the world anymore, let alone the prehistoric spirit. Luck, the human race has changed, and they just want to practice the Tao in peace and peace of mind.

This was also the reason why she gave up her identity as an ancestral witch and transformed into the underworld, and later entrusted the witch clan to Chongshan Academy.

As for his father, the Earth Emperor who ruled the human race in ancient times; and his mother, the Human Emperor who ruled the human race in ancient times.

What left in her mind was not the kindness of a father and the filial piety of a son, but the cold iron blood.

Except for her brother Cang Li, she had never felt a moment of warmth among the Taichu human race.

Coupled with the experience of dying for the human race in the ancient times and then being reincarnated into the earth, she felt that she had nothing to do with the early human race.

The so-called Yue Jian clan was nothing more than a puppet pushed to the forefront by the Emperor and Renhuang clan after they were seriously injured in the battle at the end of the Taichu period and were unable to handle matters.

Therefore, she had no feelings for her so-called parents in her previous life, and she did not want to sacrifice herself again for their illusory cause of the human race.

However, he also knew that with the dominance of the Dihuang clan, she would never be allowed to stay out of the matter.

Staring at the boundless mysterious energy around him.

"I didn't expect that I would still be able to avoid the troubles of the world by hiding here."

As of now, there are only two ways.

Either she abandons her status as the Earth Mother, leaves the primitive world, goes deep into the chaos, and never comes back.

Either take shelter under the mighty.

The most powerful people in ancient times are the saints.

Hongjun didn't think about it. She didn't have the slightest fondness for this Taoist who betrayed the Chaos Gods and Demons, joined the Pangu descendants, and seized nearly all the fruits of victory in the ancient war of all races, and also tricked the Lich and Lich clans to death.

Although Sanqing is also a descendant of Pangu, they are disciples of Hongjun.

The Second Saint of the West was an important driving force behind the destruction of the Witch Clan.

As for Dao Zun Xuantian, the two sides have almost no interaction, and if they rush to visit him rashly, they may be self-defeating.

"Chongshan Academy!"

Hou Tu's eyes brightened slightly.

Ever since Chongshan Academy accepted the Wu clan, she has been paying attention to this sect that is very different from prehistoric people and Western religions.

The teaching of "seeking truth from facts, studying things to gain knowledge, and all living beings being equal" is even more unheard of.

She likes the peaceful, prosperous, and pursuit of knowledge and mutual respect environment of Chongshan Academy.

Moreover, Xu Junming got his Pangu essence and blood, and he also owed her karma.

The most important thing is that this person and Nuwa formed a Taoist couple, and the two saints united. Together with the newly opened Hunyuan World, it is said that it is 60% the size of the ancient world.

Enough to resist the Taichu Human Race.

Thinking of this, Houtu made a decision.

Thanks to the book friend "Chengzhou Scholar" for the 500 starting coin reward, thank you very much.

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