Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 1126 The Nine Patriarchs of Chongshan and their Disciples

Chapter 1,126 The Nine Patriarchs of Chongshan and their Disciples

As the world of Hunyuan in Chongshan continues to expand, the scope of the Sea of ​​Chaos also becomes larger.

The amount of chaotic aura in the Hunyuan Stone Ball is dozens of times that in the Chaos Sea, which is of great benefit to cultivation. Therefore, it became a dojo for Xu Junming, Ren Wuji, Long Di and others.

Counting Nuwa, the nine of them are called the "Nine Ancestors of Chongshan" by Chongshan disciples.

"Boss, why don't you send Qin Zhong and Zhengying over here?" Ren Wuji said.

Xu Junming shook his head.

"They are not cultivated enough, and time and space teleportation is too dangerous. Once something happens, they will be torn into pieces by the turbulence of time and space. Let's wait until we go further."

"Have you decided how to deal with it? Qin Zhong and Zhengying are no more than Daluo True Immortals. They are far behind Yang Mei, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun."

This is indeed a headache.

In the past, he thought that the Dayan Mirror sent him to this era just to take away the Kunlun Mirror from the Queen Mother of the West.

After all, the time and space ability is very similar to the Kunlun Mirror.

Little did he know that the final target would actually be Ancestor Hongjun.

Moreover, after his strength reached this stage, he realized that Dayan Divine Mirror had no intention of sending him back to the original time and space.

Because if he can advance to Hongmeng as he cultivates the two paths of time and space, he will be able to transcend time and space without the help of the Dayan Divine Mirror.

So, this creates a very embarrassing problem.

Qin Zhong, Lin Zhengying, and Xu Huang, who are also second-generation disciples, are too far behind Yang Mei, Jiang Shinian, and Zhen Yuanzi.

If they are in the same class, it will inevitably cause a huge psychological gap. If they have silent thoughts because of this, I am afraid that the path will end here.

This is what Xu Junming doesn't want to see.

"In my opinion, there is no need to make any special preparations at all. If you are honest and honest, if your character is not good enough and you have fallen, then you will take back the spiritual treasure of the gate and be reduced to a registered disciple. If you work hard and practice wholeheartedly, with the resources we can provide now, you can trust them We can catch up quickly." The Dragon Emperor said coldly.

"Although what the second brother said is a bit unkind, we might as well give it a try. We have to believe that the disciples who passed the 365 illusion tests and became the direct disciples are excellent talents regardless of their character and qualifications, and we will not let them We are disappointed." Chen Xuanzang said.

"I don't agree. It's us, the ancestors, not the disciples who caused the current situation. How can we let them all bear this psychological gap?" Xu De said.

"I agree with Lao Wu. No matter how good the roots are, if you overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow, they will eventually die." Ren Wuji said.

Both sides hold their own opinions, and no one can convince the other.

Tiangong Taoist Lianbao is not here, leaving Pantuo and Ao Tian.

"Don't look at me, I'm most annoyed by such nonsense." Pan Tuo simply shook his head and said.

He has a bold personality and likes martial arts fighting, which is the most annoying thing.

First, use your brain.

Second, women.

Ao Tian did not refuse.

"In my opinion, it is better to set up a ban on the Shadow Realm Continent, isolate the inside and outside, and then put the disciples into it to practice. There is enough spiritual energy there. Although it is only one-tenth of the prehistoric world, it is a thousand times that of the Earthly Immortal Realm, which is enough for them to practice. "

"With the help of spiritual roots, elixirs, and time spiritual treasures in the middle, their progress will definitely be extremely fast."

"When will I reveal everything to them after they advance to the Hunyuan realm? Although the Hunyuan Celestial Immortal is far different from the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. But at least they are at the same level, and the psychological gap will be different."

"If someone still feels uncomfortable at this level and has evil thoughts, then he is really not worthy of our cultivation."

"Lao Si, this is a safe approach." Ren Wuji immediately agreed.

After thinking about it for a while, Dragon Emperor and Chen Xuanzang also nodded in agreement.

Everyone came to an agreement, but it wasn't over yet.

"How do we rank the disciples? Qin Zhong and Yang Mei are both direct disciples, and the others are accustomed to their own rankings. If they merge into one in the future, who will be the leader and who will be the deputy? How to bridge the differences between the two parties? "Ao Tian said.

"In my opinion, why not rank them in the order of breaking through the Hongmeng realm?" Ren Wuji said.

"No, this is too unfair to Qin Zhong and the others." The Dragon Emperor quickly denied it.

"Actually, the second brother's method has certain feasibility. We all know the boss's way of time. The lower the cultivation base, the longer the time flow rate you can enjoy. With Qin Zhong's cultivation base, they can fully enjoy the time flow that the outside world can enjoy in one year. , their time flow rate of millions of years.”

"...In this way, the gap in cultivation time between the two sides can be slowly bridged, or even evened out. In this way, Qin Zhong and the others will not be too disadvantaged." Chen Xuanzang said.

"Practice time does not mean everything, experience and knowledge are also important parts of practice." Xu De said.

"There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world. This is already the case. We can only ensure fairness to the greatest extent." Ren Wuji said.

The two sides soon quarreled again.

However, after seeing that they could not convince each other, they stopped and looked at Xu Junming in a tacit understanding and asked him to make up his mind.

"The second brother is right. We can only take into account fairness as much as possible. Moreover, Qin Zhong and Lin Zhengying, in our eyes in the past, they are all top talents in cultivation."

"But compared to the disciples who also passed through the direct disciples and went through the 365 levels of illusion trials, but did not become the direct disciples of Chongshan until they advanced to Hunyuan, it seems that even with the help of the Dayan Divine Mirror, or even the help of the Time Dao , they have no hope of breaking through to the Hongmeng Realm, and they will probably have to go through a calamity before they have a chance."

Everyone fell silent.

In fact, if Xu Junming had not achieved the magical power of the Soul Dao that determines the Hongmeng Dao body after reaching the realm of the Divine Soul Dao, none of the seven of them, except Xu De, Chen Xuanzang, Tiangong Taoist and Pan Tuo, Ren Wuji, Long Di and Ao Tian, ​​would have advanced alone. The opportunity to reach the realm of Hongmeng.

It's not that they don't practice hard enough, but that their innate talents are here, their understanding has reached its peak, and the Dayan Divine Mirror can't help much.

The higher one reaches in cultivation, the more innate talents, especially the importance of understanding, become apparent.

Yang Mei, Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Hongyun, Qinglian Daojun, Xu Buhui, and Xu Buhui are all the top Taichu innate gods and demons, on the same level as Hongjun, Sanqing, and Nuwa.

The highest cultivation qualification in the world.

Jiang Shinian, Feng Zangling, Chi You, and Xue Zangyang were the top beings among the hundreds of millions of people in the Middle Ages.

This is no longer a matter of choosing one among billions, but choosing one among trillions.

His qualifications may not be as good as those of Yang Mei and others, but his understanding is not bad.

In contrast, among the eighteen direct disciples that Xu Junming and the others had taken under their sect earlier, only Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment ability was comparable to that of Jiang Shinian and the others.

The only ones who really have hope of achieving the Hongmeng Realm are Qin Zhong, Qiao Shouxin, Xu Huang, Zhang Sanfeng, Sun Shi, Sun Er and Xu Heshou.

Qin Zhong practices martial arts. Martial arts does not require much understanding, but perseverance is important.

As long as Qin Zhong can adhere to his original intention and practice hard without falling, he will one day achieve the realm of Hongmeng.

But if he slacks off, he will lose the opportunity.

Qiao Shouxin's qualifications are not very high, but she understands the Tao of Creation.

The Tao of Creation is different from other avenues. The deeper you practice, the powerful power of creation will subtly change the qualifications and understanding of the monks, allowing them to continuously make breakthroughs.

So Qiao Shouxin also has a chance.

Moreover, Xu Junming believed that she was the one with the best chance of breaking through the Hongmeng realm among the disciples.

Her character is really suitable for the Tao of Creation, and she is also determined enough.

Xu Huang, with the body of a phoenix and the body of Tai Chi innate gods and demons, is second only to Yang Mei and the others.

Zhang Sanfeng has a high level of understanding.

Sun Shi and Sun Er, a smart stone monkey and a six-eared macaque, are no less qualified than Xu Huang.

Zhang Sanfeng has outstanding understanding.

Xu Heshou was transformed from the best innate spiritual root ‘Innate Polygonum multiflorum’. In terms of qualifications, he was on the same level as Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Patriarch.

It can be called the most qualified existence among all the disciples.

Except for these seven people, if the others want to achieve the realm of Hongmeng, they will basically have to go through a calamity.

However, one of Tianyan's forty-nine escaped.

Nothing is absolute.

If Xu Junming can find enough of the fundamental Qi of Taichu's innate creation, or other heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain creation, he can also improve the qualifications of his disciples.

Coupled with the assistance of Dayan Divine Mirror, it will be much easier to advance to Hongmeng.

It's a pity that such treasures of heaven and earth are hard to come by.

Xu Junming has not encountered it a second time until now.

"Let's just follow this rule. When they advance to the Hunyuan realm, resources can be appropriately tilted towards them, which can be regarded as compensation." Xu Junming made the final decision.

Everyone has no better way, so this is the only way.

After discussing important matters, Xu Junming was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the green gourd around his waist suddenly lit up.

Looking at everyone's eyes, he smiled calmly.

"It seems that the previous trick worked."

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