Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 1169 The True Realm of Jamfu, the Three Supreme Beings

Chapter 1,169 The True Realm of Jambudvipa, the Three Supreme Beings

"Boss, we are back."

With a slap on the gourd on his waist, Hongjun's corpse flew out.

"This is the corpse of old man Hongjun. He was unwilling to have the jade dish of creation taken away by us, so he encouraged old man Tianxing from the real world of Jamfu to come here to seek our misfortune. I just didn't expect that old man has no backbone. Look at me and him. As soon as Bayi showed up, he took the initiative to leave Mr. Hongjun behind and ran away alone."

Ren Wuji poured the beans out of the bamboo tube and roughly told the whole story.

Xu Junming looked at Hongjun, who looked dull and had been completely sealed, holding the corpse.

He stretched out his hand and slowly flew in front of him.

Raise your right hand to cover the other person's forehead.

"Search for souls!"

With his current Soul Dao cultivation, searching for Soul Hongjun is a piece of cake.

He was not very interested in the events of the past and basically brushed them by.

He finally took a look at Hongjun's practice method.

The so-called technique of killing three corpses, I finally know what is going on.

As he thought, the techniques of killing three corpses practiced by Sanqing, Nuwa and others were all castrated and inferior.

The real technique of killing three corpses is similar to his "Seven Soul True Body" magical power. The three corpses not only have independent souls, but also have their own fundamental ways. Even if the original body dies, they can still survive with the help of their clones.

Just like Hongjun, Hongjun understood the Yin and Yang Dao as his own body. The evil corpse who died at the hands of Sanqing majored in the Five Elements Dao. The Taoist Xuantian who died at the hands of the Dragon Emperor was also Hongjun's good corpse and majored in the Dao of Creation. .

And this corpse-bearer majored in swordsmanship.

The main body and the three corpses each have their own avenues, and the cunning rabbit has four holes. As long as one of them survives, he will not die.

It's a pity that he met Xu Junming, who was more proficient in this way than him and was accompanied by valuable treasures.

After seeing Hongjun's skills, and looking back, a huge world gradually appeared in Xu Junming's mind.

The atmosphere was similar to the Chongshan world, and he instantly understood that this was the true world of Jambudvipa that he had heard about many times.

In terms of size, if the Sea of ​​Chaos is not included, the Jamfu True Realm is about twice the size of the Chongshan True Realm.

However, unlike the Chongshan Realm, which is divided into six parts by ocean and four parts by land, the Jambudvi Realm has only three parts by ocean and the remaining seven parts by land.

Such a composition will inevitably make most of the land in Jambu Realm dry and desolate.

However, the main race in this world is an existence called the Sand Clan.

This is a kind of snake-tailed creature that is extremely drought-tolerant.

They are born with the ability to escape from the earth, and can penetrate the ground to find water sources. They can drink water for half a month.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that they have become the largest number of existences in this world, and have become the main race in the true world of Yan Fu.

It is said that the Supreme Master of Jambudvipa who founded the true world of Jambudvipa is a member of the Sha tribe.

In addition to the Sand Clan, there are the Human Clan and the Night Demon Clan.

The human race lives on the plains on the edge of the rivers, lakes and oceans in the Jambudvi Realm, while the night demon race lives in the ocean.

Speaking of which, the Night Demon clan should be considered a demon clan.

It’s just that they are called night demons in the real world of Jambudvipa.

The human race is protected by the Supreme Lord of Heavenly Punishment, while the Night Demon clan is protected by the Supreme Lord of the Night Demon.

In addition to these three major races, there are other races in the Jamfu Realm, but their numbers are limited and there are not many strong ones. They only survive in the cracks between the three major races.

This stable pattern has lasted for hundreds of Yuanhui.

However, in recent years, the news of the death of Lord Night Demon has spread, causing the world of Jambudvipa to become undercurrents.

Many tribes in the ocean want to overthrow the rule of the Night Demons and become the new overlord.

Of course, no one would dare to take action until the news was confirmed to be true or false.

However, it is foreseeable that there will be a turmoil in the Jamfu Realm next.

After gaining a general understanding of the real world of Jamfu through Hongjun's memory of holding the corpse, Xu Junming conveniently threw him to Chen Xuanzang.

"Don't leave any trouble behind."

Originally, he had no intention of killing Hongjun, but he was so ignorant and still thinking about the treasure in his hand that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Hongjun endured more than a dozen Yuan Hui sessions before going to become a disciple, so he didn't want to sleep on it again.

He has used this time to recover all three of his corpses. With a way out, he dared to take risks. After all, the uncertainty of exposing a mid-grade Hongmeng Lingbao is too strong.

What if after Tianxing Shangzun obtained the treasure, instead of rewarding him, he killed him and kept it a secret?

What if things don’t go well while searching for the treasure?

Only by having a retreat can accidents be prevented.

However, with Chen Xuanzang's magical power of cause and effect, no matter how many clones he has, it is difficult to escape.

"You didn't cherish your life last time, so don't blame me for being cruel."

He shook his head and stopped caring about Hongjun.

With everyone's current magical powers, he is dead.

Letting go of the memory gained from Hongjun's sea of ​​consciousness, the others also saw the scene Xu Junming saw in an instant.

"I didn't expect that the Yanfu Realm would be like this? The Sand Clan don't look very smart." Ren Wuji clicked his tongue.

"No, the important point is ugliness. Look at those big donkey faces. They can be as ugly as you want." Xu De said.

"Lao Wu, what's your look? Is that a donkey's face? That's obviously a camel's face. But you're right about one thing, it's really ugly!"

Too lazy to pay attention to these two boring guys, Xu Junming reached out and grabbed them.

The Hunyuan stone ball flew out from the 'Twenty-Four Chaos Covering the Sky Formation'.

The body size expanded accordingly, turning into billions of feet in an instant, almost equivalent to half of the Chongshan True Realm.

However, in front of the even larger twenty-four chaotic sky-shielding formations, it was like a small satellite, rotating around it.

"Boss, why did you take out the Hunyuan Stone Ball?" Ren Wuji said.

"The Hunyuan Stone Ball has absorbed too much Chaos Spiritual Energy. If we continue in the Sea of ​​Chaos, most of the Chaos Spiritual Energy will be absorbed by us, affecting the cultivation of our disciples."

Forming a seal with both hands, the Hunyuan stone ball shook and gradually moved away from the true world of Chongshan.

Of course, it's not really leaving, it's just a far enough distance. It's like a distant planet. Orbiting around the central star.

The next moment, the earth-shattering power of swallowing spread out, and the billowing energy of chaos was swallowed up like a furious wave.

"Let's go back and take a look."

Expectation showed on everyone's faces, and with a step, the space channel appeared, and everyone flew into it, and instantly came to the true world of Chongshan.

Looking down, I saw thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery, and great beauty.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

Ao Tian sighed.

"It's at least thousands of times richer than before." Chen Xuanzang agreed.

"Hehe, so there can be countless more 'scalpers' in the sea of ​​chaos, who will fight for the growth of Chongshan World all their lives." Ren Wuji said.

Hearing what he said, everyone had smiles on their faces.

After the accumulation of dozens of Yuanhui, there are now more than one million monks in the Hunyuan realm in the Chaos Sea, and there are billions of monks in the Daluo realm.

Thanks to these people working day and night, Chongshan World was able to accumulate the foundation to advance to Hongmeng in more than a dozen Yuanhui.

Now, as the Hongmeng True Realm grows, the number of monks in the Sea of ​​Chaos will increase tenfold and a hundredfold.

The development of Chongshan Zhenjie will also be on the fast track.

"Boss, now that Chongshan World has advanced, there is abundant power of heaven and earth for you to control. In this case, it is better to capture all the shadow realms derived from the prehistoric world and Chongshan World, which can not only strengthen our Chongshan World , lest they lose their future and be directly destroyed by the giant beast of destruction." Pan Tuo said.

"In this case, wouldn't our Eighth Patriarch of Chongshan become the Sixteenth Patriarch, or the Twenty-fourth Patriarch?" Xu De said.

"We are originally in the shadow world. If you have more people, you are the boss." Ren Wuji said.

Xu Junming shook his head, "There may not be a shadow world in Chongshan."

Compared with the hundreds of Yuanhui in the prehistoric world from the beginning, to the ancient times, to ancient times and the Middle Ages, the time of more than thirty Yuanhui in Chongshan Realm is too short.

It is so short that it is difficult to reincarnate in the shadow world. After all, the world of Chongshan has never happened in the ancient times of the ancient times. The war between the human race and the wild beast race in the early days has never happened. Such a major event that fundamentally changed the situation of the world.

If the journey is smooth, it will be difficult for the shadow world to arise.

"The same goes for capturing the ancient shadow world. After all, there are many outstanding people in the ancient world, such as the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Donghuang Taiyi, Emperor Jun, the three emperors of the ancient human race, the clan leaders of the ancient times, and the gods and demons of the Taichu era. If it weren't for Hong Jun deliberately instigated, and many of them can be promoted to Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It is impossible to say that a few Hongmeng Realm will be produced." Tiangong Taoist said.

"That's true. But the Three Pure Ones meet the Three Pure Ones, and the Two Saints of the West meet the Two Saints of the West. I wonder what the situation will be like? I'm really looking forward to it." Ren Wuji said with a smile.

"The three Qings might start a fight. Jie Yin Zhunti must be extremely happy. We finally have two more allies," Xu De said.

"My dear, if you do this, Hongjun will also return." The Dragon Emperor said in a solemn voice.

"It doesn't matter, just destroy it." Xu Junming said calmly.

Because of the relationship between the creation jade disc, Hongjun and them will never coexist. Therefore, he could allow Shenni, Dihuang clan and Renhuang clan to live.

But Hongjun will not be allowed to live.

"Then let's do it now, I can't wait." Ren Wuji geared up.

Xu Junming waved his hand, "Wait a minute. The cultivators are still studying the Tao principles. It won't be too late to take action after they wake up."

The world of Chongshan has advanced to the true world, and the laws of heaven and earth have become manifest. For any creature in the world of Chongshan, this is a rare opportunity to understand the great path.

Of course no one wants to miss it.

Thank you to the book friends "Take your time, don't rush", "Cheng Fengi" and "Youle Still" for each giving 100 starting coins. Thank you very much.

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