"Okay, let's just complain about cultivation. If anyone dares to slack off in cultivation, I will put him in a small dark room. He will never be able to come out unless he breaks through the realm."

Xu Junming made the final decision.

With a wave of his sleeves, auras of light flashed around him, and everyone suddenly appeared in a simple and primitive thatched house.

"Is this the dojo of Emperor Cang Yang?" Ren Wuji looked at everything around him with interest.

"You know what you are asking. The second thing I did to find you is to browse these jade discs. This is the best window for us to understand the Hongmeng world. In addition, after reading a jade disc, remember to make a copy and put it in the Chongshan True Realm. Go to the library."

Everyone nodded and looked at the bookshelf next to them with fiery eyes, where they contained the knowledge they most desired.

Watching him walking outside, "Boss, don't you see?"

"I have other things to do. Let's see when we get a chance."

Guarding the jade plate, he had plenty of time to look at it.

After leaving the yard, I looked at the lush and quiet bamboo forest in the distance. I took a step and instantly crossed the small lake to the forest. I pointed it as a sword and slashed in the air.

Tree roots and bamboo branches fell down.

After getting a total of twelve bamboo branches and picking nearly a hundred bamboo leaves, Xu Junming left the dojo and came to the yard.

Lying casually on the wicker chair, he took a bamboo branch, and with a thought in his heart, the flowing Hongmeng spirit pattern flew out of his body and merged into the bamboo branch.

Visible to the naked eye, its aura is getting stronger and stronger, and a powerful aura blooms.

After about a quarter of an hour, he stopped.

Examine the bamboo branches in your hand that are full of aura and auspiciousness.

"Although it's a little worse, it's enough."

Following the same method, after processing all the remaining bamboo branches, he activated the space talisman, and the surrounding space expanded rapidly, and in just an instant, it became a billions of miles in size.

Throw the twelve bamboo branches out casually.

The mighty calamity aura rolled in, and along with the earth-shattering thunder, a massive weapon calamity began. But looking at its scale, it is obviously not the Hongmeng Lingbao Tribulation.

Using the best innate spiritual roots as materials, combined with Xu Junming's weapon-refining ability, which has now climbed to the realm of Grand Master Hongmeng. Refining twelve top-quality Hunyuan Spiritual Treasures is as easy as a piece of cake.

Although the catastrophe was loud, it did not cause any damage.

Waiting for the bamboo stick to absorb enough creation spiritual energy, he waved and came to him like lightning.

Looking at the twelve bamboo sticks shrouded in rich cyan aura, as if carved from flawless jasper, a trace of satisfaction flashed across his face.

With a wave of his hand, all the ideas fell around the courtyard according to the twelve earthly branches.

The spiritual lights connected with each other, and soon, a huge formation was formed.

There is a sealed gourd, and no one notices the changes inside.

He reached out and grabbed it, and all the bamboo leaves next to him flew out. Countless spiritual patterns were derived, and each bamboo leaf became sharper.

These bamboo leaves are not spiritual treasures, but spiritual talismans. They contain the spiritual talismans of his Pantuo Divine Sword, and they can only be used once.

But Xu Junming refined a total of 365 pieces.

With a casual throw, 365 bamboo leaf sword talismans merged into the formation and disappeared.

Take back the sealing gourd.

"With this Twelve Profound Capitals Heaven-shaking Formation, this courtyard is considered safe in Chiyangfang."

Of course, those who can run a market in the wild world are all well-known sects or families. But among them there are others of the third, sixth and ninth grades.

The Chiyang Sect behind Chiyangfang City is only second-rate in the world of Chongshan.

Moreover, it is still a second-rate sect at the bottom of the list, and it is all supported by the Hongmeng Master, the ancestor of Chiyang. Once he falls, the Chiyang Sect will be reduced to a third-rate sect without a new master to take over.

After reading the memory of the fox bustard, Xu Junming also had a certain understanding of things in the wilderness.

With a flick of the finger, a plaque quickly took shape above the outermost gatehouse.

"It's rare to relax. This time I also experienced the feeling of a 'little boss'."

After a busy day, Zhao Mingcheng hurriedly walked home, his face full of exhaustion, and his brows showing a hint of sadness.


After a pause, the shop that had been closed for many years actually opened?

Look at the plaque above.

"Chongshan Residence?"

I searched my soul, but there was no memory at all.

He shook his head slightly and didn't delve into it further.

In Chiyangfang, countless small shops open and close every year.

The same is true for most people in Chongshan.

Look at the small blackboard hanging on the wall next to it. The fonts are clear and strong.

‘Purchase spiritual materials and spiritual roots, and refine Hunyuan level spiritual elixirs and spiritual weapons. ’

It suddenly dawned on me that this was a tooth dealer, a second-rate dealer, collecting spiritual materials for alchemists and weapon refiners, and making a small profit in the process.

There are many such people in Chiyangfang.

And most of the people who can do this have deep connections. After all, there are few weapon refiners and alchemists, and even fewer can refine Hunyuan level elixirs and spiritual treasures.

"How could such a person come to open a shop in a corner like ours?"

With doubts, he subconsciously turned around and walked towards Chongshan Residence.

He had been to this store several times before when it opened. When I walked in, the house seemed a little empty.

There are three large rooms, with a counter and a few chairs in the middle, a row of shelves on the left, and a place similar to a pantry on the right.

Except for some spiritual roots placed in the corners, there are not many furnishings, and most of the shelves are empty, making this large store look a bit empty.

After a brief look, he subconsciously looked at the person lying on the wicker chair in the middle lobby.

Wearing a green robe, wearing black Dorman shoes, a gold rope as thick as a thumb is tied around the waist. A green gourd the size of a palm hangs on the left waist. Her hair is tied up with a gold ring. Her appearance is not outstanding, and she holds a handful in her hand. Cattail leaf fan, slowly inciting.

The wicker chair rocked up and down, so leisurely.

For a moment, Zhao Mingcheng couldn't help but feel envious. He also wanted such a leisurely and stress-free life. It's a pity that living in Chiyangfang is not easy. The monthly rent he paid forced him to work hard. Coupled with the expenses for eating, drinking, drinking, and his son's cultivation, he was simply out of breath.

Of course, with his late-stage cultivation of Yuanshen, if he leaves here, he can live more comfortably outside and there will be no pressure.

But if this is the case, the son will lose the opportunity to enter Chiyang lower courtyard to practice.

The Chiyang Lower Courtyard was established by the Chiyang Sect. Being able to enter it to practice means that you have half a foot in the Chiyang Sect.

In Chiyang State, only by joining Chiyang Sect can you have a bright future. Otherwise, without the support of the sect, most of them would become casual cultivators like him living at the bottom of Chiyangfang.

Only casual cultivators know the suffering of casual cultivators.

Without the elixir, your cultivation will advance slowly; without the skills, there will be no way forward; without a mentor, you will be bullied and there will be no one to support you.

He has suffered enough, and he never wants his descendants to suffer like this again.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is for Chiyangfang, he must persevere, not for himself, but for the future of future generations.

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