Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 173 The Art of Building a House

Chapter 172 The Art of Building a House

"My nephew is able to achieve what he is today, thanks to the teachings of his uncle."

"Haha, you and I are from the same school. I won't say any polite words and come in quickly."

Xu Junming stepped into the courtyard, but it was difficult for Mandrill, who was eight feet tall and nearly two and a half meters tall, to get in.

"Jun Ming, is this...?"

When Uncle Jiu first came out, he felt the demonic aura on the mandrill, but seeing it following Xu Junming, he thought it was a beast tamed by his nephew, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Last night, we stayed at the Earth Temple ten miles away from here. I happened to encounter it coming down the mountain to cause trouble. I wanted to kill it, but I thought it was not easy to practice and it was not full of resentment, so I captured it and gave it to my uncle to look after his house. Protect the hospital!"

With a wave of his sleeves, the hood on the mandrill's head was lifted. Looking at the ferocious face, Wen Cai shuddered and hurriedly hid behind his master.

"It turns out to be a mandrill!" Uncle Jiu said.

"But my place is close to a busy city, and there are many ordinary people coming and going. It will be inconvenient to leave it here, so you should take it away."

"I already have this stupid cat, so keeping this mandrill is unnecessary. Master, there is no need to refuse."

Uncle Jiu looked at the black cat lying on Xu Junming's left shoulder. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but this time his expression suddenly changed.

"First...the peak of heaven?"

Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

Seeing his agreement, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but sigh.

He was not even sure of conquering the demonic beast that was at its peak. From this point alone, it can be seen that his nephew, whom he has not seen for two years, has surpassed him in abilities.

And he found that every time he heard news about his nephew, it seemed to break his inherent concepts.


The shouts came from afar, and everyone looked to see a young man wearing a light blue shirt, with parted hair, fair appearance, and handsome appearance, riding a bicycle towards here.

"Oh, you monster...!"

Seeing the mandrill's ferocious face and tall and burly figure, the visitor screamed and fell off the car.

The embarrassed look instantly made Uncle Jiu's face droop.

"You monster, come here quickly!"

When the young man heard this, he pushed the car with a fearful expression and walked over tremblingly. The wheels were pressed against the roadside, as far away from the mandrill as possible.

"This is Xu Junming whom I have often mentioned to you before. Come here quickly to pay your respects to your senior brother!"


Since the two of them became apprentices, they have heard the name Xu Junming countless times from their master's mouth, and every time it was a compliment, so they have long been extremely curious about their master's highly respected genius brother.

"Jun Ming, these two are the apprentices I accepted after coming to Renjia Town. This one is called 'Wencai' and is my senior brother, and this one is called 'Qiu Sheng' and is my junior brother!"

Xu Junming, who had expected this for a long time, took out the two porcelain vases he had prepared in advance from his bag.

"When we meet for the first time, as a senior brother, I didn't prepare any good gifts. These two yellow bud pills, one for each of the two junior brothers, is considered as a meeting gift. I hope the two junior brothers don't dislike it."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!"

Qiu Sheng took the initiative to reach out and snatch the medicine bottle from Xu Junming's hand.

"Yes, we don't mind it at all!"

Literary talents are not far behind either.

They have long understood the efficacy of Huangya Dan from their master. Now that we encounter it, there is no reason to miss it.

The two apprentices looked like they were obsessed with money, which made Uncle Jiu feel sulky.

He is also a disciple, so why are all his disciples like this?


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were slapped twice on the back of the head.

"Why don't you thank me, senior brother!"

"Thank you, senior brother!"...

Looking at the two of them, Xu Junming was deeply grateful for his master. Although Jiale's qualifications and understanding are not outstanding, at least he will not cause trouble, let alone cheat his master.

"Jun Ming, come in!"

"Don't be busy yet!" He pointed to the open space next to Yi Zhuang and asked, "Uncle, is there an owner of this land?"

“Where there is a wilderness, there is a Lord!”

Yizhuang is a place where corpses are stored, so naturally it will not be built inside a village or town. The same is true for Jiu Shu's Yizhuang, which is still one mile away from Renjia Town.

Moreover, the place where Yi Zhuang was established was not farmland, but a low mountain covered with rocks.

Xu Junming nodded.

Take a step forward.

Uncle Jiu naturally followed him. Although Qiu Shengwencai was afraid of the mandrill's ferocious face, he did not fall behind because of his master's presence.

The place Xu Junming pointed to is located on the mountainside.

It's overgrown with weeds, full of rocks, and it's a slope.

Xu Junming took a brief look, and the emperor's magic talisman in his dantian shone brightly, silently urging his magic power.

In an instant, the land within a radius of thirty feet seemed to come alive, and countless pieces of soil were churning and gathering together to form a platform of about three hundred square meters.

That's not all, the mud kept rising like a fountain, and in the blink of an eye it was already five meters above the platform!

Five meters later, the direction of the mud spurt changed from vertical to parallel until the left and right sides were connected to each other.

It only takes a few minutes before and after.

A house with a courtyard wall three meters high, a house five meters high, and a foot three inches thick, made entirely of mud, appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Junming gave a low drink.


With a flash of inspiration, the house originally made of earth slowly transformed into blue stone!

Look at your results.

"It still lacks some vitality!"

Activate the green wood talisman, and a camphor tree, which is common in the south, rises from the ground in the corner of the wall. Within a moment, it becomes as thick as two people can hug it, and its crown is like a cloud.

Then many shrubs and flowers grew rapidly from the wall.

From the beginning to now, in just a few minutes, except for the courtyard door, room doors and windows, the entire house has nothing missing for Xu Junming.

His magic power is not yet able to do such delicate work as constructing courtyard doors, room doors, and windows.

But even so, a courtyard was built in a short period of time. Just look at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's stunned expressions, you will know how amazing it is.

Even Uncle Jiu took a long time to calm down.

"Jun Ming, have you practiced the Taoism of Wood and Earth?"

“By chance, I learned a lot!”

He said it in an understatement, but Uncle Jiu understood the level of Taoism required to build such a house in such a short period of time.

However, thinking of Xu Junming's current cultivation level and the powerful understanding and strength he showed in the competition between the two factions in Changchun Valley, Uncle Jiu did not say anything about 'biting off more than he can chew'.

A green light flashed out from his bent fingers, transmitting the foundation building chapter and the innate chapter of the 'Aoki Shangyuan Gong' to the mandrill.

Compared with the demonic techniques that Mandrill has explored on his own, Taoist golden elixir magic techniques such as Qingmu Shangyuan Gong, which directly point to the immortal way, are undoubtedly countless times stronger.

It is also a person who knows the goods, and his face will show joy when he sees it.

"From now on, you will live here and look after my uncle's house and nursery. If you do a good job, I will teach you the follow-up skills!"

The mandrill nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you... old... master!"


The mandrill nodded and walked into the yard.

In order to facilitate its entry and exit, Xu Junming built the courtyard gate and wooden door to a height of one foot and a width of two meters, which is enough for it to enter and exit.

"Uncle, this is the talisman to control the mandrill. If it does evil, use this talisman to control it."

Looking at the jade talisman that Xu Junming handed to him, Uncle Jiu took it after hesitating for a moment.

After all, it was my nephew's wish, and since he had a better way to control the beast, there was no harm in keeping the mandrill himself.

"Let's go home and talk!"

Xu Junming nodded and followed Uncle Jiu into Yizhuang.

After the guests and hosts were seated.

"How is your master lately?"

"I have been practicing in seclusion recently, and my magical power is even better than before!"

"He is lucky to have a disciple like you!"

Xu Junming has understood the true magic of Shen Da to the blue basic talisman stage, which is beyond the four-eye level. With him as his apprentice leading the way, it would naturally be better to enter the country with four eyes than by groping on his own.

Moreover, since he tasted the sweetness, Simu has also lost the dignity of being a master. Whenever he encounters a problem in the comprehension of the true secret of Shen Da, Feihe will send a letter to Xu Junming to ask.

The gains achieved in three months are greater than those in the past three years, and the understanding of the true magic of divine fighting has reached the critical point of breaking through the blue fundamental talisman.

"Uncle, this is my disciple's understanding of the 'Golden Light Bagua'. Please accept it, uncle!"

Compared with Shimu Zangzi, Jiu Shu is much more sinister. So Xu Junming didn't take any detours and took it out directly.

Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up. He wanted to ask about this just now, but he didn't expect Xu Junming to take it out first.

Can't wait to take it and take a look.

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes for a moment.

Compared with the four eyes, his understanding of the Chunyang Bagua has just advanced to the blue fundamental talisman stage.

But the records in the jade slips still made him feel quite profound.

Obviously, this nephew's attainments in the Pure Yang Way have far surpassed his own.

"Jun Ming, you must stay with my uncle this time for a few more days!"

Although the experience of enlightenment recorded in the jade slips is good, it is not as direct as asking for advice in person.

Xu Junming, who expected this, nodded.

"As long as my uncle doesn't dislike it, I will stay for a few more days!"

Uncle Jiu helped him a lot when he entered Taoism, and he would repay him emotionally and rationally.

"Wencai, Qiu Sheng, go and clean up a guest room for your senior brother."

"No need, uncle. I'll just live in the newly opened building on the east side."

"Then I'll prepare some quilts for you."

Xu Junming waved his hand.

"One futon is enough, uncle, you are worrying too much!"

Looking at his nephew who was becoming more and more Taoist in his quiet demeanor, Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction.

Look at the two stupid apprentices next to them. If there is no comparison, there will be no harm.

He didn't expect to receive a talented disciple like Xu Junming, but this was too far behind.

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were like this before, and now Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, who have just taken over for a year, are also like this.

Uncle Jiu wondered if he should be like Junior Brother Four Eyes, be more diligent, be more attentive, and collect more corpses to accumulate merit, so that Heaven could arrange for him some filial, sensible, and well-qualified disciples to pass on the Taoism.

Otherwise, facing these two stupid disciples every day, he felt that he might not live to achieve innate perfection, so he would go down below to wash the stinky feet of his ancestor.

"Why did my eyes become lame in the first place?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head silently in his heart.


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