Chapter 2 Talisman Seeds

After leaving the quiet room, he said hello to Jiale who was cleaning the room, walked out of the hall, turned left, and walked to the end of the corridor. Xu Junming opened the door.

The furnishings in the room, which is about fifty square meters, are simple.

Facing the window on the east side, there is a desk with all the four treasures of the study on it. The shelves against the wall on the right are filled with Taoist books.

Judging from the ruffled corners, it had obviously been turned over frequently.

There is a thick wooden bed in the west corner with neat bedding.

There is an incense table placed in the southeast corner. On the wall in the middle of the incense table, there is a calligraphy and painting with the word "Tao" hanging on it.

In the middle of the incense table, green smoke curls from three long incense sticks in a brass incense burner.

On the left side of the copper furnace, there is a peach wood sword, and on the right side, there are a dozen yellow talismans under the soul-stirring bell!

There is a green futon on the ground behind the incense table!

Xu Junming is already very familiar with this room that he has lived in for three years.

Close the door, walk to the incense table, smoke three long incense sticks, light them, place them against your forehead and bow three times, then insert them into the incense burner.

After staring at the word '道' on the wall, he sat down on the futon next to him.

He took out the century-old peach wood given by Taoist Priest Four Eyes from his arms. The strong inspiration was heart-warming, but if he wanted to make the best use of it and refine as many magic talismans as possible, he would need some other materials to assist him.

Although these materials are not as difficult to find as this '100-year-old peach wood', they still require a lot of time and energy.

In addition, his cultivation level is not yet innate, so it will take some time to refine the talisman.

Temporarily enduring the longing in his heart, he put away the peach wood. Xu Junming took a deep breath, and the expression on his face slowly relaxed.

Fold your hands and form the clear seal to enter concentration!

The spiritual sense sinks into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, and a white mist floats in the darkness. Under the mobilization of spiritual consciousness, the white mist is like flexible lines, starting from the feet, and gradually outlines a human shape.

But just when the head was about to take shape, the white mist suddenly trembled and then quickly dissipated.

Xu Junming was not discouraged and started sketching again with his spiritual consciousness.

After failing over and over again, twelve times before and after, he stopped.

"It's a pity that it's still a little worse!" Xu Junming sighed in his heart.

Taoism pays attention to the dual cultivation of life and life, and the unity of the three elements of essence, energy and spirit to create the supreme foundation. Therefore, in addition to physical training and Qi training, the visualization method of training mental strength cannot be left behind.

Now that he has trained his body enough to advance to the innate level, and the aura in his Dantian has also completed the Great Zhoutian Movement, he only needs to combine his mental strength with the two to break through.

It's a pity that despite his repeated attempts, his mental power could not be condensed into a human form, and he was always a little short!

After silently chanting the Heart Clearing Mantra to calm down the anxiety in my heart, my consciousness fell into my Dantian.

In the sea of ​​​​qi, which is about the size of an acres of land, light blue inner breath is rushing.

In the center is a palm-sized bronze mirror with a simple color!

This bronze mirror has been worn by Xu Junming since he was a child. His grandfather asked it from the temple to keep him safe. It has been hanging around his neck in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, after he was reborn, this bronze mirror would also come with him.

What's more important is that this ordinary bronze mirror, which has no decorative decorations, can actually increase your understanding! !

The reason why he was able to form the talisman seeds in his Dantian before he was born was thanks to the help of this bronze mirror.

It is a pity that this bronze mirror has no other function besides increasing understanding. It can neither assist in cultivation nor have any means of attack or defense.

This is somewhat regrettable.

Surrounding the bronze mirror, these three white charms are floating!

Shaped like a ball of blazing sun, with a masculine and fiery meaning, it is the ‘Golden Light Divine Curse’, one of the eight Taoist divine curses!

Shaped like a long sword and carrying a fierce killing intent, it is the ‘Demon Slayer Talisman’ inherited from Maoshan!

Like a seal, with a strong and suppressive meaning, it is the 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman' in front that makes Taoist Priest Simu beam with joy.

There is a faint blue light in the three white talismans, and even half of the 'Demon Killing Talisman' has turned blue. Obviously, Xu Junming's understanding of these three spells has reached an extremely deep level.

In fact, with the help of the bronze mirror, he can comprehend more talismans and condense them into talisman seeds. But then he gave up.

Soldiers are more valuable than finesse, and the same is true for cultivating the Tao.

There are three thousand avenues, and each type of talisman corresponds to one avenue!

Even the most common 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman', if it can be understood profoundly, the power it exerts can be earth-shaking.

With his current cultivation and realm, these three kinds of 'talisman seals' are enough.

As for other things, it’s not too late to understand them when necessary.

Of course, there is another very important reason: the types of talismans and seals taught to him by Taoist Master Four Eyes are not many, especially the thunder method that he desires most!

Divine consciousness activated the bronze mirror, and a faint cyan light spread out.

Instantly, a feeling of ethereal tranquility came to my mind, and all distracting thoughts were excluded. When I looked at the demon-slaying talisman again, new insights gradually emerged.

Throughout the morning, Xu Junming was comprehending the 'Golden Light Divine Curse', 'Demon Slaying Talisman' and 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman'!

It's just that now he has understood the three talismans to the peak of the 'Innate White Talisman'. If he wants to break through to the blue talisman, it is not easy even with the assistance of a bronze mirror.

Just like Taoist Master Four Eyes, who has practiced Taoism for more than 40 years, the number of talisman seeds in his dantian is only equal to his, and there is no blue talisman at all.

Three days flew by!

After breakfast, Xu Junming changed into a navy blue Taoist robe and hung the soul-catching bell around his waist. Put the yellow talisman enshrined on the incense table into the deerskin bag prepared in advance and stuff it into your chest.

Taomu Jian was carried behind his back, and he used a furoshiki to pack some changes of clothes and tied them around his body, then opened the door and walked out.


Chao Jiale nodded.

"Master, I'm ready!"

Looking at the tall and impressive eldest disciple, Taoist Master Four Eyes nodded with satisfaction.

"We'll leave right away!"


"Jia Le, while your senior brother and I are away, you have to take care of your home."


"Also, don't miss your homework in the morning and evening. If I come back, your "Deng Zhen Jue" will still look like a bear now, so be careful I beat you!"

Taoist Priest Simu raised his palm, which scared Jiale and quickly closed his eyes.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard and not embarrass you."

"That's pretty much it. ...Remember to offer incense to Grandmaster every day."

"Yes, master!"

After agreeing, he looked reluctant to give up.

"Master, senior brother, when will you come back?"

Stretching out his big hand and covering his head, Xu Junming smiled.

"Master and I will be back soon. Don't run around while we are not at home. If you encounter trouble, remember to find Master Ikkyu!"

"That smelly monk...!"

Taoist Priest Simu muttered, but didn't say much.

"I understand, senior brother!"

Patting Jiale's head, Xu Junming followed Taoist Simu out of the house.

When I came outside, I happened to meet Master Ikkyu returning from carrying water.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes would naturally not give him a good look.

He snorted coldly and walked over as if he didn't see it.

"Master Yixiu, my master and I are going to Luofu Mountain. It may take more than half a month to come back. During this period, I will ask you to take care of Jia Le."

"Amitabha, there is a poor monk here, so don't worry!"

"It's getting late. Jun Ming, it's time for us to leave!" Taoist priest Simu greeted from the front.

"Master, please!"

After Xu Junming bowed his head, he said goodbye to Master Yixiu and followed Taoist Master Simu out of the valley.

"Master, should we go directly to Luofu Mountain?"

"It takes more than four hundred miles from here to Mount Luofu. It's a waste of time to walk there directly. Let's go to the town ahead to catch a group of corpses. It just so happens that you are about to build a foundation now, so it's time to learn this method of chasing corpses. Tao, you will be able to accumulate virtuous virtues in the future!"

Maoshan Taoist priests exorcise corpses and catch ghosts not only for their responsibilities as Taoist priests, but also for the purpose of accumulating moral virtue.

The more yin virtues you accumulate, the greater your chances of being able to re-enter the reincarnation and embark on the path again in the future. In addition, yin virtue is also a blessing. The greater the blessing, the deeper the opportunity.

"Yes, master!"

He has been cultivating for the past three years and has never driven out corpses with Taoist Master Four Eyes.

In fact, according to his cultivation level, he has already reached the standard that can drive away corpses. However, in addition to their own cultivation, Maoshan Taoist priests also need to practice talisman and seal script, alchemy, scientific rituals, fighting ghosts, fortune-telling, waiting for gods and many other learnings.

According to Maoshan standards, an authentic Maoshan Taoist priest needs three years to lay the foundation and ten years to graduate!

Xu Junming has been studying Taoism for three years, and his cultivation has improved rapidly. With the assistance of the bronze mirror, his mastery of all kinds of knowledge has fully reached the standards for becoming a master.

Now, all he lacks is experience!

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