Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 211 Responsibility of the Guard

Chapter 210: The Responsibility of the Guard

"Brother Xu Dao, seniors, there are still other sect members in Wuzhang Peak. I want to check on their safety first, and then come back to collect earth spiritual energy to repair the cave sky of Wuzhang Peak!" Luo Yu said.

Xu Junming nodded.

"Everyone, I am here to guard the formation. You should first go rescue the injured comrades in Wuzhangfeng Cave Heaven. After this matter is over, come back to collect spiritual energy and repair the formation."

"Amitabha, Taoist friend Xu has a kind heart, so please act accordingly."

The old woman holding a dragon-headed crutch nodded in agreement.

With the two of them agreeing, the others naturally have no objections or dare not have any objections.

Just when a group of people were about to take action, three rays of light fell from the damaged part of Wuzhang Peak. Two middle-aged and one old Taoist priests appeared, both wearing Bagua robes.

Especially the old Taoist priest in the middle, with his obscure aura and powerful magic power, is obviously in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir.

When Liao Kong and others saw it, their faces instantly showed respect.

Just about to step forward to greet him.

Just listen to the old Taoist priest's angry lectures.

"You are raised by a boss, your pipes are broken (your brain is broken)... If you detonate the eye of fire and destroy the three towns of Jianghan, I will let you all go to the underworld and be reincarnated as beasts for eternity!"

Kong, who was already feeling guilty, was treated like the third grandson by the old man, who was holding a dragon's head and a crutch.

Xu Junming originally had no intention of speaking out, but the old man's words were too unpleasant.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

"The news of the birth of the ancient cave in Tianxingzhou has been spreading for two months, and Wudang Mountain is even closer. Since Master Chongxu has long known that this is not the ancient cave, but a place to suppress the fire eye, why not advance it Show up to stop it?”

The old Taoist priest suddenly turned his head and looked at him. His angry look, combined with the strength of the middle stage of Jindan, made people dare not look directly at him.

Xu Junming had already absorbed the Divine Fighting Art, and with his peak innate cultivation, facing a mid-stage Golden Elixir, it was impossible not to be afraid.

Fortunately, he has the Pure Heart Talisman. After giving it to myself, there was no emotion at all.

There was peace in his eyes.

"You are so brave as a junior. Which family do you belong to?"

The old Taoist priest surprisingly did not get angry.

It's not that he likes Xu Junming very much, firstly, because he just scolded him, most of his anger has dissipated; secondly, because he has the responsibility of guarding Wudang Mountain, a place where Huoyan suppresses people.

However, Huoyan has been idle for hundreds of years, so they have become somewhat slack.

As a result, this time he took two golden elixirs with him to study Taoism in seclusion without informing the Wudang leader in advance. So word spread, and everyone in Wudang thought that the ancient cave was born, and many disciples came to participate.

When the three people came out of seclusion, the black gourd exploded.

Shocked in his heart, he hurried over to prepare to suppress the ground fire.

After arriving here, they discovered that although the Wuzhangfeng Cave Sky was severely damaged, the Fire Eye did not explode, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing Xu Junming and these 'culprits', the anger in my heart burst out.

There was also a lot of curses from the old Taoist priest.

Of course, the reason for such a result was that Wuzhang Peak hid the Fire Eye, which was only circulated among the various sects' golden elixirs and did not inform the younger disciples that it was related to casual cultivators.

This was originally done to keep secrets and reduce unnecessary trouble, but unexpectedly it almost set off a fire this time.

"Go to Maoshan Nanzong Xu Junming again."

"A disciple of Maoshan? His cultivation is quite good."

However, he did not answer Xu Junming's question. After all, it was his own fault.

"Who is so stupid as to make this place like this?"

The old Taoist priest glanced back and forth at Monk Kong and the old woman holding a dragon-headed crutch. In his mind, such a big movement was most likely to be caused by these two golden elixirs.

"Senior Rong Zhen, this matter is...!"

Monk Lokong explained the cause and effect.

"You ordinary golden elixirs are not as good as a junior who is at the peak of his innate nature, but you are fooled around by a few words from a Japanese witch?!"

Monk Lokong and others all showed bitter looks on their faces.

"Your name is Xu Junming?"


"How did you know there was an eye of fire here?"

"This junior has a good understanding of the Tao of Formation. When I studied the formation, I felt the amazing flame energy under the formation, so I am sure there is a fire eye below."

There was a hint of surprise on the old Taoist priest's face.

"In less than two months, you can master a large cave-level formation. Boy, do you think I'm easy to fool?"

"That's the truth. The seniors don't believe it, and the juniors can't do anything about it."

The old Taoist priest narrowed his eyes.

"You brat, you contradict your seniors in public, are you really not afraid that I will slap you with a big ear-scratcher?"

Xu Junming must have been afraid before, but not anymore.

"Junior has this now!"

Xu Junming opened his palm, and a yellow jade talisman emerged from his palm.


The old Taoist priest was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"You're really unlucky to be chosen by it."

Monk Lokong and others didn't know why, but they soon understood.

"You brat, just stay here and guard the Fire Eye from now on! It's a great merit after all. Hahaha, I, the Wudang Sect, should really thank you, haha...!"

No wonder he was so happy to have Xu Junming take over.

The responsibility of guarding the Fire Eye has nothing to do with Wudang. Even if the Fire Eye breaks out in the future and causes cause and effect, the Wudang Sect's luck will not suffer any loss.

On the contrary, Maoshan Nanzong was unlucky.

As a disciple of Maoshan Nanzong, Xu Junming is connected to the destiny of the sect. If he makes a mistake in guarding the fire eye and affects countless people in the three towns of Jianghan, the fortune of Maoshan Nanzong will plummet.

However, the yin and yang of all things are relative to each other.

If he is successful in guarding, it will also improve Maoshan's luck.

It’s just that this time is relatively long.

Xu Junming sighed. From now on, his luck will be linked to the Wuzhang Peak and the Baizhang Fire Eye underground.

"Seeing that you have a good heart and have now become a guard with the fire eyes, I will help you restore the Five Zhang Peak."

The old Taoist priest was happy and offered a little help.

With him taking action, together with Monk Kong and other golden elixir monks, it would not be difficult to collect earth element spiritual energy and repair Wuzhang Peak.


In the underground secret room of the Japanese Consulate, Hanako Ito was sitting on a futon, her face turned pale, and she spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"The clone is gone!"

Because the soul in the clone didn't escape, she didn't know what happened in the middle, let alone whether it was successful.


There was a loud noise.

Hanako Ito looked happy, but soon became suspicious.

If the eye of fire breaks out, it will never sound just this time.

He took out the elixir from the bag of magic and drank it. He temporarily suppressed the pain in his mind. Like lightning, he reached the highest point of the consulate and looked toward the northeast.

There was no magma everywhere, thick smoke billowing, and the three towns of Jianghan and Han were in flames as she longed for.

"How is it possible? Why is this happening?!"

Shocked in her heart and traumatized in her soul, she failed to notice the black shadow that flashed from the sky.


A thick Fangtian painted halberd seemed to have penetrated the space and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the evasive consciousness emerged in her mind, the sharp blade had already penetrated her chest.

In mid-air, a demon-like figure wearing black armor flashed forward, grabbed the oval-thick halberd pole with his thick right hand, and lifted the body high.


A ball of black mist flew out of the corpse.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

He took off the rope from his waist and pulled it out with a shake of his hand. In an instant, he was like a dragon and a snake coiling around, tightly tying Hei Wu inside.

Looking at the sword light galloping from the northeast, Lu Pan grabbed Ito Hanako's body and turned around to leave.

He originally thought that he would have to search a few more places to find this woman, but he didn't expect that she was actually hidden in the Japanese Consulate, which meant that he would not have to search for it.

Time is the best eliminator. One month later, few people mentioned the explosion that once caused discussion in the streets of the three towns of Jianghan.

After Liao Kong and others completely repaired the Wuzhang Peak Cave Sky, they also said goodbye and left.

Only Xu Junming and Liu Dehua remained here temporarily in the once sparse Wuzhangfeng Cave.

As for Zi Tong, who was born with a phoenix life, since the day the tomb was erected, she said that something in the northeast was attracting her and she would not reincarnate.

Xu Junming didn't force her. One more day to protect her would be one more day of merit. Let her go.

In the wooden house, Xu Junming sat cross-legged on the boulder and looked at Hanako Ito's memory with yellow rice.

In addition to various onmyoji secret techniques, the person who sent her to perform this mission to explode the fire eye was a person wearing a ghost mask.

He was also the master who taught Ito Hanako the Onmyoji technique, but this person had never exposed his appearance in front of Ito Hanako.

Xu Junming had no way of judging his identity.

Judging from this person's aura, he must have at least a third-level cultivation of the Golden Core.

"Although I haven't found the mastermind behind the scenes, it's not all without gain."

Throwing away the jade slip in his hand.

It records the onmyoji that Ito Hanako has practiced since she was a child, especially the secret technique of dividing souls that she has practiced.

Seven Souls Clone Technique!

As we all know, humans have three souls and seven souls.

The Seven Souls Clone Technique is to separate the seven souls of the human body, thus giving birth to seven clones with independent thinking. The level of cultivation of the clones has nothing to do with the main body, and can be high or low.

However, it is not easy to separate the seven souls. The soul injury in the middle will take a long time to heal.

During this period, it is easy to fall prey to secret techniques targeting souls.

Fortunately, this weakness is not serious to Xu Junming. He has mastered the soul path, and his resistance to spiritual magic is much stronger than that of ordinary monks. Moreover, the soul's resilience is also stronger.

The most important thing is the bronze mirror, which has the ability to break through illusions and can prevent yourself from falling into almost any illusion.

As for the secret techniques that target the soul, almost most of them are illusion techniques.

More importantly, Xu Junming didn't want to be trapped in this five-foot peak cave.


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