Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 395 Small Sandalwood Buddha Light

"You are very good."

Looking at the respectful junior nephew in front of him, Xinming Shenni was very satisfied.

"Uncle Taishi, thank you. These are what disciples should do."

After nodding, Xin Ming Shen Ni thought for a moment, then waved his hand, and a red wooden fish flew into Ru Xiang's hand.

"This treasure is a magic weapon that I used in my early years. It is a top-grade magic weapon with seven treasure taboos. I will give it to you today."

Ruxiang nun was overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, Grand Master Uncle, for the gift."

After nodding, "What you practice is the 'Bodhisattva Purity Sutra' from the Seven True Traditions of this temple?"


"Although I haven't practiced this sutra, I have seen a lot of practice experiences left by our predecessors in the Sutra Pavilion. I will compile one or two and then give it to you for understanding. In addition, I have passed on the wisdom heart, and she will give it to you. A grain of 'Arhat's Golden Pill' will help you survive the catastrophe."

Seeing that everything she had originally planned was achieved, great joy filled Nun Ruxiang's heart.

However, Xinming Shenni's words made her become ecstatic.

"If you can successfully overcome the tribulation, the poor nun will accept you as a registered disciple."

"Registered disciple? Registered disciple!"

Hearing these words, Nun Ruxiang showed a look of disbelief on her face.

Although he is only a registered disciple and not a disciple who inherits the Taoism, he is also a registered disciple of Xinming Shenni, one of the two major monasteries of White Horse Temple.

With this identity, her status in the White Horse Temple was quickly elevated from an ordinary Jindan monk to a registered disciple of the Yuanshen monk.

No matter where she goes, others will respect her.

Gain fame and fortune.

Such a harvest exceeded Nun Ruxiang’s original expectations.

After swallowing, he said cautiously: "Uncle Grand Master, are you telling the truth?"

"A poor nun never lies!" Xinming Shenni frowned, "If you don't want to...!"

"Yes, of course my disciple is willing. But when I suddenly heard such news, I was so happy and shocked that I couldn't control myself, and even lost my composure. I hope Grand Master Uncle will forgive me."

Xinming Shenni nodded and was about to speak when suddenly he frowned and looked northwest.

A ray of light flew over at an astonishing speed. It was still far away at first, and the next moment it appeared in the backyard of Miao Xiang'an.

"Qingfeng, Yuechi?"

As soon as she landed on the ground, Shen Yueniang couldn't help but want to pounce on her two daughters when she saw them.

Fu Yun, who had gone through so many hardships, was calmer after all.

And looking at the old nun, he knew that he was not an ordinary person, so he quickly grabbed his wife.

"Grand Master Uncle, those two are the parents of the two Junior Master Uncles."

Nun Ruxiang stepped forward quickly.

"Ruxiang, it's useless for me to regard you as my confidant. I didn't expect that you would actually collude with outsiders to take away my child!"

Shen Yueniang saw this and said angrily.

Ruxiang smiled slightly.

"Yue Niang, you don't know something. I am a monk from the White Horse Temple, the top sect in the spiritual world, and my grand master uncle is the head of the Bodhi Temple of the White Horse Temple. He is a rare Yuanshen monk in the spiritual world. Now the old man is interested in her. After taking over Qingfeng and Yuechi, I will soon accept them as disciples and pass on the mantle."

"This kind of unparalleled immortality, no one in the spiritual world can ask for it. Now it falls on your child. You and your wife should be happy..."

"You are shameless! You actually asked my daughter to become a nun!"

Shen Yueniang said angrily.

How can a daughter from a good family become a nun? Only those old ladies who cannot get married and orphans who have no one to care for them will choose to go to a nunnery to become a monk.

As for practicing, if she wanted to, she wouldn't hide her two daughters.

Nun Ruxiang had an angry look on her face.

"Why are you so ungrateful?!"

"Amitabha." Xinming Shen Nun raised her eyebrows and shouted the Buddha's name, "Two benefactors, although your love is your son and daughter in this life, in the previous life, I was indeed a great saint of my Buddhist family. This poor nun was guided by my Buddha and specially Come and enlighten them, so that they can join our Buddhist teachings again, cultivate merits and virtues, and benefit the common people."

"I don't care about my past or present life, Buddhism and Taoism. Qingfeng and Yuechi are my beloved daughters who were born in ten months of pregnancy. No one can take them away from me without my permission."

Shen Yueniang said fiercely.

It was not like she had never seen a cultivator before, but her father was the general of Zhenbei in the current dynasty, and her father-in-law was the Minister of Rites. The Shen family and the Fu family had old friends all over the government and the public. With such a strong family background, she was naturally not afraid of cultivators.

The protection of the imperial dragon energy and the power of the Xuanjing Division are enough to frighten the world.

Xin Ming Shen Ni's eyes showed anger.

No one has dared to talk to me like this for many years.

If she hadn't been concerned that the other person was the father and mother of her future direct disciple, she wouldn't have bothered to say anything and just took him away.

"Amitabha, we have a great relationship. The old nun has already made it clear to the two benefactors that he will take the two Buddhist disciples back to the temple today. We will see them again in the future when they succeed in their practice."

After saying that, the monk waved his robe, picked up Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, and was about to leave.

"Taoist priest...?"

Fu Yun looked anxious.

Without his reminder, Xu Junming would not let this old nun leave.


The strong sound of the bell rang straight towards the old nun.

The Buddha's light trembled and quickly stopped.

Xin Rushenni's figure became clear again, but her eyes looking at Xu Junming were full of caution.

The sound of the bell just now shook her soul and caused her power to become chaotic. Although after she was alert and isolated the sound of the bell, everything returned to normal.

But the bell that can shake her spirit must be a spiritual treasure, or a monk of the same level.

After looking at the bronze bell hanging on the bamboo stick, she looked at the Taoist priest in green who had never been in her eyes before.

"Who are you?"

"The poor Taoist Xu Junming."

"Xu Junming?" Xinming Shenni's eyes widened instantly, "Chongshan Master Xu Junming?"

"You know how poor you are, but you still don't let people go!"

Xin Ming Shen Ni's face changed, and she became anxious.

Although she was a master at the Yuan Shen level, and her cultivation had reached the fourth level of Yuan Shen, she really didn't have the confidence to face the man in front of her.

In the past thirty years, there have been more than one or two Yuan Shen masters who fell into the hands of the other party, especially the old demon from Black Mountain, who even she did not dare to provoke at will.

Chongshan real person Xu Junming has a reputation that comes from killing.

"Zhenren is also a giant in my righteous path. In the past, the 'Seven Unreceipts' on Tianmen Mountain outside Zhongzhou City was famous all over the world. If I make an action to intercept people's disciples today, wouldn't it ruin Zhenren's good reputation?"

Xu Junming smiled lightly.

"Sixteen years ago, when I cured Fu Yun's cold illness in Xiajiang City, I left a message that Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi should become my disciples. You can go to Xiajiang City to verify the truth of this matter."

"I testify that this is true! My two daughters have long been accepted by the real person." Fu Yun said.

"You heard me! For the sake of being a righteous person, I will tell you clearly. If you continue to be ungrateful, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Xinming Shenni's expression changed drastically. She finally found two excellent disciples who could pass on the Taoism. It would be too unwilling to just give them up.

"You are so arrogant, aren't you afraid of offending me, Baima Temple?"

"White Horse Temple? Haha, I destroyed the Black Heart Demon Sect, so what about White Horse Temple?!"

"This old nun wants to learn from the real person's Taoism!"

"I don't want to give up yet. That's fine, I'll teach you a lesson."

The mana rolls like a tide, pouring into the soul-falling bell hanging on the bamboo stick.

Waves of black light glowed out, and the bronze bell with its divine light rang loudly.

As a spiritual treasure of the ten spiritual taboos, the Soul-Destroying Bell was activated by Xu Junming at this moment, and its power was more than twice as powerful as before. The mighty bell condensed into a line and swept straight towards Xinming Shenni.

Feeling the powerful aura on the bronze bell, Xin Ming Shen Ni was naturally prepared for it.

A pinch of Buddha's seal.

A bright light blue light flew out from the back of his head.

"Little Chan Tan Buddha Light!"

Buddha light and heart lamp are the top magical powers of Buddhism.

It is the result of Buddhist monks' understanding of superior Buddhist principles and their own spiritual brilliance combined with the power of Buddha.

It is powerful and is an excellent means of subduing demons and protecting the law.

Xu Junming was a little surprised when he saw that she was able to refine the 'Small Sandalwood Buddha Light'.

This kind of top-notch magical power in Buddhism cannot be cultivated at all without superb cultivation and profound understanding of Buddhist principles.

However, although Xinming Shenni's 'Little Sandalwood Buddha Light' is the top magical power of Buddhism, the light is not considered powerful in Xu Junming's eyes.

"It shouldn't take long to realize it."

When the bell touched the Buddha's light, the Buddha's light persisted for a moment and then disintegrated.

His understanding of the Soul Avenue has reached the pinnacle of the purple fundamental talisman.

If it weren't for his lack of cultivation and his body being unable to carry the fundamental talisman of the immortal realm, his understanding of the soul's magic would have been even stronger.

Such a state exceeds the understanding of Buddhism by Xinming Shenni.

Coupled with the blessing of the ten soul-forbidden soul bells, it is naturally impossible for him to resist.

After the Buddha's light was shattered by the sound of the bell, Xinming Shenni was horrified. She knew that Xu Junming was very strong, but it was so unexpected that her most proud magical power could be broken by others so easily.

Just as he was about to retreat, the bell was already ringing.

‘Dong’, a voice like a yellow bell exploded in my ears.

Xin Ming Shen Ni only felt that her mind was shaking, her soul was scattered, and her body was light and lost its strength.

I don't know how long this state of confusion lasted before Xinming Shenni slowly recovered.

He looked at the Taoist in Tsing Yi who had not moved a step in the distance with a complicated expression, especially the bronze bell hanging on the bamboo stick.

With her knowledge, she naturally understood that this was at least a top-grade spiritual treasure, or even stronger.

"It is rumored that Chongshan Master Xu Junming has many spiritual treasures in his hands, and now it seems that it is indeed true."

Thinking of this, Xinming Shenni breathed a sigh of relief.

She was able to pick it up and put it down.

After knowing that others had shown mercy, he did not persist.

"Amitabha, my skills are inferior to those of ordinary nuns, so I'll take my leave."

Without waiting for Xu Junming to say more, he turned into a ray of light and flew away.

Seeing her back go away, Xu Junming smiled faintly.

"Although this old nun has a bad temper, she is a bachelor."

Turning around, he saw the frightened nun Ruxiang next to him. With a wave of his sleeves, a violent wave swept her up and flew out of the mountain.

"There is nothing wrong in thinking about you. I will give you a gentle punishment and you will not be allowed to return to Jinhua again!"

He rolled down to the bottom of the mountain in embarrassment. After getting up, he didn't dare to look back and quickly flew out of Jinhua.

This is yesterday’s second update. I forgot to upload it after I finished writing it.

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