Several people just followed and did not rush to stop Yan Chixia. After watching him enter the mountain, he followed him for a while, but stopped at the entrance of a remote mountain pass.

"It's Lanruo Temple up there, are you still following?"

"Fuck you, if you go into that ghost place, you won't come out alive. I don't want to be a ghost."

"If the boss blames...?"

"If the boss blames you, the most he can do is give him a slap in the face. If he goes to Lanruo Temple, his life will be lost."

After nodding in approval, the two of them glanced at each other in fear, then turned towards the road extending towards the top of the mountain and ran back the way they came.

After the two of them walked away, Yan Chixia jumped down from a tall locust tree.

After looking away from the two people's backs, he looked at the mountain road extending upward.

"Lanruo Temple? A certain family really wants to see it."

He originally liked to fight with the sword and fight injustices in the world, but after receiving the 'Supreme Spell to Avert Sins, Slay Demons and Protect Oneself', he became even more enthusiastic about slaying demons and accumulating merit.

With one step, he was tens of meters away in an instant, moving forward along the desolate and ruined mountain road. After about a few hundred meters, he rounded a huge boulder and suddenly a clear view appeared in front of him.

On a large stone flat, a majestic mountain temple comes into view.

The temple gate is tall, three feet tall.

There are thirty-six broad steps paved with rocks. Climb up and you will see the vermilion temple, one large, two small, and three temple doors.

Above the temple door in the middle, there is a huge plaque with the words "Lanruo Temple" written on it.

Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, and due to the erosion of wind and rain, the walls of the temple door fell off and the temple door collapsed, it can still be seen that when Lanruo Temple was in its heyday, it must have been the place where it was most prosperous.

Climbing up the steps and passing through the mountain gate, you will find the three-door hall that is common in Buddhist temples. Two powerful Vajra statues are enshrined in the hall.

At this moment, due to disrepair, one of the Vajra statues in Lanruo Temple collapsed and another lost its head.

The shrines on the left and right are also mottled and covered with cobwebs.

The corner of the hall was filled with animal excrement and was extremely filthy.

Yan Chixia took a quick look and then came to the back from the side aisle.

Passing through the release pond filled with sewage, passing through the yard covered with weeds in the cracks of the rocks and covered with fallen leaves, we entered the Main Hall.

As the most glorious hall in the Buddhist temple, the Main Hall enshrines three Buddha statues.

Vairochana Buddha in the middle, Lushena Buddha on the left, and Sakyamuni Buddha on the right.

The three Buddhas in the same hall correspond to the Buddhist concept of "Three Buddhas".

The Vairocana Buddha in the middle is the 'Dharmakaya', the left is the 'Sambhogakaya', and the right is the 'Yingshen'.

Yan Chixia didn't know much about Buddhism.

Being born in a Taoist sect, he is not very interested in Buddhist things.

In the blink of an eye, a wisp of sword energy killed the two walking corpses hidden in the main hall.

Just as he was about to exit, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Eh?! There seems to be something in this main Buddha statue!"

In order to avoid mistaking the demon, he kept activating the phantom of the bronze mirror in his Dantian to bless his eyesight.

Although it is just an illusion, the ability to break through illusions and preserve reality is not as good as the bronze mirror in Xu Junming's dantian, but at such a close distance, it can still see through reality.

He flew up and landed on the altar table, looking up at the Vairocana Buddha statue which was more than one foot tall.

Although Buddhism and Taoism have different origins, destroying other people's golden bodies is not done by the Righteous Path.

Yan Chixia thought for a moment and took out the Hutian Talisman.

With the help of his magic power, a space channel the size of a sea bowl appeared in his chest. With a move of his hand, the box hidden in the belly of the Buddha statue flew along the channel and into his palm.

Untie the oil paper on the surface to reveal the ebony box inside.

This box is extremely exquisitely made, with a relief on the surface showing Sakyamuni sitting on a scab, surrounded by one hundred and eight monks.

The whole thing is like a "Buddha's teaching picture".

"What a mysterious magic weapon, it can actually block spiritual consciousness?"

Yan Chixia used her spiritual sense to check it, but it seemed that the box did not exist and could not be seen at all.

If it weren't for the extremely mysterious phantom of the bronze mirror, this box would not have fallen into his hands.

After looking left and right, there are no other patterns except the relief image of 'Buddha's Dharma'. The gold buckle in the middle of the box is not locked.

After opening Yan Chixia, there is a faint scent of sandalwood.

Two things appeared in front of him.

The same gold threads are threaded together, totaling twelve pieces of Bay Leaf Sutra.

It is also a small box made of topaz, the size of an adult's palm.

There was no pattern on the small box. After opening it, there was an irregular-shaped, off-white bead placed on the yellow jade holder.

Feel the vast Buddha power inside the beads.

"This should be the Buddhist relic that Master once said."

With such profound Buddhist power, one does not know what state the Buddha who condensed this relic reached during his lifetime.

Shaking his head slightly, he picked up the Bayeux Buddhist Scripture and soaked it with his spiritual consciousness.

"Short piece of Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra!"

Although Yan Chixia belongs to a Taoist sect, she also knows that the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra is the fundamental sutra of Buddhism and the summary of many sutras in Mahayana Buddhism.

Different from the "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" circulated in the world, this "Short Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" is more detailed. In addition to Buddhist sutras, there are also Buddhist cultivation methods.

Out of curiosity, Yan Chixia looked through it with shock on her face.

"A cultivation method above the immortal way?!"

In this "Short Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", there is a method of cultivation that is superior to the immortal way.

However, the realm title of Buddhism is different from that of Taoism.

They call the Heavenly Immortal Arhat, the True Immortal the Venerable, the Mysterious Immortal the Bodhisattva, and the Golden Immortal the Buddha.

The "Short Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" can be cultivated to the realm of the venerable, that is, a true immortal.

If he didn't enter Xu Junming's sect and get this 'Short Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra', maybe he would practice some more. but now…!

After browsing, I put it in my pocket.

Take it out in your spare time, study it, absorb the nutrients, and provide it for your own sword practice. This is the right way.

After dealing with these two items, Yan Chixia finally put away the ebony box.

Being able to isolate the spiritual consciousness from prying eyes, it is obvious that the restrictions inside are extraordinary. If you are not good at the formation, you can take it back to the master for enlightenment.

She got several treasures upon arrival, and Yan Chixia instantly regarded Lanruo Temple as her blessed place.

With a wave of his hand, Daxiu cast a dust-repelling spell, and after cleaning up the dust and feces in the Mahavira Hall, he prepared to practice here for a period of time.

With the Five Poison Wine he had cultivated himself and the Three Yellow Pills given by Xu Junming, he could advance to the ninth level of the Golden Pill in less than a year.

The sun sets and the night gradually becomes darker.

Yan Chixia, who was sitting cross-legged in the main hall, suddenly opened her eyes, her sharp gaze floating three feet in the air, like two small searchlights.

"Why is he here?"

At this moment, on the mountain road, a young scholar wearing an old gown was carefully walking towards Lanruo Temple with a lantern in his hand.

Walking around the big rocks, I looked at the remote mountain temple in front of me.

"Lanruo Temple? We're finally here!"

After finding a place to stay, the scholar showed a happy smile on his face and quickly climbed up the stairs and walked into the Sanmen Hall.

The Sanmen Palace is desolate, with wind leaking from all sides and the roof half-down, making it really uninhabitable.

The scholar carefully walked around the piles of garbage and came to the temple.

Seeing the majestic Mahavira Palace, which seemed to be relatively well preserved, I walked over.

“It’s so clean here!”

As soon as I came in, I saw the clean floor and the three-body Buddha statue that was mottled but not dusty.

"Scholar, why are you running around so late at night?!"

"Ah...! Ouch!"

Suddenly hearing a sound, the scholar screamed in fright, and took a few steps back. He hit the knee-high door rail and almost fell out.

Yan Chixia dodged and stretched out her right hand to hold his back.

"Scholar, you are so cowardly, how dare you come to this mountainous place at night!"

Noticing Yan Chixia's face, the scholar's face showed a happy look.

"Hero, it turns out to be you!"

He stood up straight, straightened his clothes, and then bowed his head.

"Xiaosheng Ning Caichen, thank you so much for your heroic action today at noon, otherwise Xiaosheng would have been thrown to death by those shameless people."

Yan Chixia waved her hand.

"It's a little effort, no need to be polite."

Step into the main hall.

Ning Caichen quickly followed. It's hard to find a living person in this damn place, so of course you have to follow him.

Yan Chixia turned around suddenly, and Ning Caichen was unprepared and almost bumped into her.


"Don't call me a hero, I'm not a hero. Also, don't follow me like a dog. There are so many places in the hall, find your own place."

Seeing his fierce expression, Ning Caichen shuddered and quickly hid aside.

Before Yan Chixia joined the army, she was a yamen policeman who killed many people. After becoming Xu Junming's apprentice, although it was not a long time, hundreds of demons and ghosts died at his hands.

The accumulated murderous aura was extremely strong. Coupled with his own practice of swordsmanship, his every move and every move was filled with sharp aura.

Not that an industrious scholar like Ning Caichen could resist.

After retreating from Ning Caichen, Yan Chixia returned to the futon she found and sat down cross-legged.


The loud belly rumbling made Ning Caichen look embarrassed. He quickly put down the bamboo basket behind his back, took out half a full head, and ate it with water.

Yan Chixia activated the phantom bronze mirror in her dantian and looked towards Ning Caichen.

This person is not a demon, and there is a light yellow cloud above his head, as well as a red aura, hovering above the light yellow cloud.

"I didn't expect this person to have such strong merits. Wow, he has a strong fortune, and he will be rich in the future."

Yan Chixia was not good at identifying qi, but with the help of the bronze mirror phantom, everything became easier.

"Ning Caichen?"

Yan Chixia waved her hand and a paper ball flew towards Ning Caichen.

The latter caught it in a hurry, with soft tentacles and a strong fragrance.

Peel off the hemp paper on it, and a golden roasted chicken with fragrant aroma appears in front of you.

The extremely alluring fragrance instantly became stronger several times.

The saliva is like a flood, secreting rapidly.

Ning Caichen, whose eyes were filled with longing, swallowed a large mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

"Da... hero, this...!"

"Looking at you, I'll give you this roasted chicken!"

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