Chapter 428: Huzhou Experience

Huzhou City is the capital of Huzhou Prefecture under the jurisdiction of Beiyue Province. A population of more than 100,000 is concentrated in this large city located on the lakeside plain.

Xu Junming, dressed in a green robe, walked over with a green bamboo staff and a yellow gourd hanging on his waist.

After paying the city entry tax of two grains, he followed the flow of people into the city.

Although the surrounding peddlers and shops are still as prosperous as before, looking at the beggars crowding the streets, we can see that the political situation of Dayongjiang is deteriorating.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way...!"

As the government officials brutally drove them away, countless people were driven aside with water and fire sticks. Xu Junming frowned slightly, but did not take action and retreated to the side.

After the government officials cleared the streets, a large group of carriages and horses came forward.

He was surrounded by knights wearing bright clothes and angry horses.

A large flag was held high next to it.

"Prince Jingnan's Mansion."

"Old man, who is this King of Jingnan? He actually travels in a sedan with a capacity of sixteen. This has violated the ancestral rule set by the Taizu of this dynasty, which states that the official sedans of princes and princes cannot carry more than twelve people. Isn't he afraid that the emperor will find out and punish him? ?”

The person who spoke was a young scholar. From the look of him, it was obvious that he was also a passionate young man.

Next to him, an old man with gray hair wearing a patched coarse cloth turned his head and examined him for a moment.

"Are you from a foreign country?"

"I'm Zhao Songyun. I passed by here on my way to Beijing to take the exam."

"It's strange that I have to know. Let me tell you, this King Jingnan is General Dayong Longxiang. He is in charge of the 200,000-square-foot Nan army in Beiyue Province. Not to mention violating the ancestral system, even if he chops off the head of the prefect of Huzhou, The emperor won't say anything. In this Beiyue Province, Jingnan King Liu Zhiyuan is 'this'."

The old man pointed towards the sky.

"Damn it, this man is really bold. I have to take part in the Jinluan Palace Examination in the future." Zhao Songyun said angrily.

Xu Junming glanced at him. Zhao Songyun had little official aura and little fortune. Even if he went to Beijing to take the exam, he would not be able to reach the imperial examination.

After the car from Jingnan Palace passed by, the government officials no longer blocked the street, and the still-wide street became prosperous again.

After Xu Junming walked forward for a certain distance, he turned to the right, passed through several alleys, and came to the outside of a dilapidated courtyard.

After briefly taking a look at the courtyard wall, which was made of compacted earth blocks and supplemented by straw in the middle, he walked in through the firewood door opened on the side.

The yard is very simple, but it is very clean, and the clotheslines nearby are full of drying herbs.

Some ragged women and children were lining up.

At the end of the team was a doctor wearing a green shirt and a short beard.

It can be seen that this doctor is not rich either. The green shirt on his body is full of patches. Even if it is intact, it is a little white from the starch.

However, despite his ragged clothes, the doctor exuded a kind and trustworthy temperament.

Gentle, gentle and approachable.

At this moment, he was taking the pulse of a middle-aged woman.

Looking at the woman's clothes, one can tell that she does not come from a wealthy family.


"Doctor, can my disease be cured?" the woman asked with concern.

"It can be cured."


The doctor in green shirt smiled and nodded, stood up, took a few packets of medicine from the bamboo basket next to him, and handed them to the woman.

"Take these medicines back and take them twice a day after meals. Come to me for them after eating."

"Contact fee and medicine fee...?"

"There is no need for consultation fees or medication fees."

"Thank you, doctor. Thank you, doctor."

The woman left with a lot of gratitude.

The people behind him followed, and throughout the morning, there was an endless stream of people coming here to see doctors, almost all of whom were poor people and beggars.

Finally, when there were fewer people around at noon, the scholar took out a steamed bun, soaked it in hot water, and finished his lunch with pickles.

After eating, he still held a book "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" in his hand and read it non-stop.

There were a lot less people in the afternoon.

It was busy until the evening, and then the doors were closed.

Compared with lunch, dinner only has a little more wild vegetable porridge.

After dinner, the scholar first took out a pen and paper and wrote down his experience of today's medical treatment. After pondering for a moment, he put it away and took out a wooden box from the bookcase with great care.

After opening it, he removed the outer layer of oilcloth and took out a navy blue thread-bound book from inside.

The scholar put the book on the table, turned the pages gently, and read the contents aloud.

You can see a layer of milky white brilliance, which becomes stronger little by little as the scholar reads.

"The aura of creation."

Xu Junming thought.

"He is indeed a good candidate for practicing the Tao of Creation. In just one year, without any teaching, he was able to form the Talisman of Creation in his Dantian, which is much faster than I did."

A gentle voice came from Xu Junming's left side.

Xu Junming nodded slightly, turned around, and looked at the woman next to him who was wearing a green sarong, holding a cane, her hair wrapped in a silk scarf, and with a birthmark on her left cheek.

"It seems you think highly of him."

"To be able to use his mortal body to treat illnesses and save people without fear of danger, and has persisted for three years, this kind of perseverance is something that most people don't have. I believe that he can complete 300,000 good deeds in a hundred years."

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

"If this is the case, you will have one more good disciple, and our Chongshan sect will have one more direct disciple."

The woman nodded in agreement and gathered her skirt as a gift.

"Shou Xin pays homage to his mentor."

"No need to be polite, just get up."

Looking at his third disciple whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Yes, the Nascent Soul has reached consummation."

"I have to thank my mentor for his guidance."

He waved his hand.

"You and I, master and disciple, don't have to be polite. Let's go to your place."

As soon as he took a step, the figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, it was already a small courtyard surrounded by various flowers and a quiet environment.

He glanced at the fruit-laden pomegranate tree in the middle of the yard and changed his gaze.

In the hall next to her, a little girl of about eight or nine years old with braids, a floral dress, an apple face and big eyes ran out from inside.


After looking at Xu Junming warily, he shouted and ran straight towards Qiao Shouxin.

"come over!"

Holding the little girl's hand, she walked to Xu Junming.

"Master, this is a disciple that my disciple has taken in over the years. His name is Gongsun Jiuniang."

"Jiuniang, come and kowtow to Master."

The little girl knelt down obediently and kowtowed three times to Xu Junming.

"Jiuniang pays homage to the master."

After Xu Junming smiled and nodded, he raised his hand, and a secret energy surged out, lifting Gongsun Jiuniang up.

At the same time, a milky white lotus flower, carrying a Hutian Spirit Talisman, flew to Gongsun Jiuniang.

This lotus is not the lotus in the creation spirit pond in Xu Junming's backyard, but a middle-grade magic weapon that he used to practice spiritual energy.

"This is the meeting gift given to you by Master."

Gongsun Jiuniang, who has been practicing with Qiao Shouxin for three years and has already reached the advanced stage of innate cultivation, recognized at a glance that the two treasures given by her master were extraordinary.

I really wanted to, but I still looked at my master with questioning eyes.

"Take it."

Gongsun Jiuniang accepted it with joy on her face.

"Thank you, Master, for the treasure."

"Go inside and practice the treasures given by Master."

"Yes, Master."

Gongsun Jiuniang's face was full of joy and she ran towards the quiet room.

After her back disappeared, Xu Junming turned his head.

"Shou Xin, if Jiuniang cannot pass the postgraduate entrance examination of the Earth God Sect, she will not be able to become a direct disciple of my Chongshan lineage."

"My disciple knows. However, Jiuniang is a natural Taoist with a hundred innate meridians. She has excellent understanding and a benevolent and filial nature. After being taught by my disciple, I believe she can pass the test of the Earth God Sect."

Xu Junming nodded and didn't say much.

The rules have been set. In the future, if Gongsun Jiuniang cannot get through the Divine Sect, he will be just like Xu Yang and can only be a registered disciple.

With a finger, the soil surged underground and quickly formed two stone benches.


After the two sat down, Xu Junming looked up.

"I believe you already know the secret of the birthmark on your left cheek, right?"

Qiao Shouxin nodded.

"Aren't you ready to break it and take it for your own use?"

"My disciple is confident that he can survive the Heavenly Tribulation of the Soul. The innate Taisu created spiritual energy in this birthmark will be used by my disciple when he attacks the immortal path in the future."

"That's fine. It's just that one of the created auras is most suitable for you, and it can be used as the lotus flower as your natal spiritual treasure."

Qiao Shouxin smiled faintly, and with a movement in his heart, a three-legged copper furnace slowly flew up from the Baihui Point.

"Lotus flowers are not the only treasures that are suitable as natal spiritual treasures."

"Top spiritual treasure!"

Xu Junming was proficient in weapon refining, and when he saw the three-legged bronze tripod, he recognized its grade.

"This 'Godly Furnace of Creation' was obtained by a disciple in an ancient cave deep in Dangyan Mountain. It is a spiritual treasure of creation that completes the twelve spiritual taboos. At the same time, there is also a 'Green Lotus Creation Sutra' and a 'Green Lotus Pill' on one side. The scriptures were obtained by the disciples."

Qiao Shouxin opened his palms and flew two jade slips towards Xu Junming.

With the help of the immersion of his spiritual consciousness, Bian quickly saw the contents clearly.

"What a wonderful way to practice the Tao of Creation."

With Xu Junming's experience and vision after reading thousands of scriptures, there are very few techniques that he can call exquisite. From this we can also see the mystery of the ‘Green Lotus Creation Sutra’.

However, compared to the cultivation methods, the elixirs in the 'Green Lotus Alchemy Sutra' were more helpful to him.

Especially the prescriptions containing three elixirs are extremely valuable.

Putting down the jade slip, he looked at Qiao Shouxin.

"Your good fortune and luck are truly the envy of all teachers."

Not to mention the far ones, but the nearby ones, in addition to this 'Godly Furnace of Creation', as Xu Junming knew, Qiao Shouxin also obtained two spiritual treasures, a Dongming-level spiritual root named 'Xuanqing Willow'.

Although Xu Junming obtained more treasures during this period, the trophies he obtained after killing his enemies were still far behind Qiao Shouxin's relaxed and happy chance encounters.

Qiao Shouxin slapped the gourd on his waist, and a magic sword and a purple Ruyi flew out.

"Master, these are the two spiritual treasures I have obtained. Please take them."

Xu Junming waved his hand.

"It's good that you have such filial piety. Your master, I am a weapon refiner, and I have no shortage of treasures on hand. Just keep these two spiritual treasures for your disciples."

Qiao Shouxin, who knew his character, saw that he persisted, nodded and took the treasure back.

"Master, Ning Caichen has understood the Talisman of Creation, but he has not practiced it. If he continues to understand it, I am afraid that his body will not be able to bear it, so can I allow my disciple to teach him the 'Dao Fist' first, so that he can lay a good foundation first? This will also prevent you from wasting your time in the future.”

The physical body and magical power are the foundation for carrying the great road. If the foundation is insufficient, it will naturally not be able to carry more powerful talismans.

"How many good deeds has Ning Caichen completed so far?"

"There are already sixteen thousand seven hundred and eighty."

"Is it all from practicing medicine?"

Qiao Shouxin nodded.

"He went up the mountain to collect the herbs himself, dried them, and then treated the poor and beggars for free."

"I never thought he had such superb medical skills."

"Master is wrong. Ning Caichen has only read some medical books and does not understand medical skills. It is just that he is talented, willing to work hard, and is good at summarizing, so his medical skills have improved rapidly. In recent years, not only the poor and beggars, but also many A young wealthy man came to him for consultation. All the money he received from the consultation was used to buy medicine and help the poor, so his good deeds could be accumulated so quickly."

Xu Junming nodded and smiled: "I am afraid you reminded him of accumulating good deeds by practicing medicine, right?"

Qiao Shouxin smiled.

"Nothing can be hidden from Master. The disciple also considers that he is a scholar. Although he is not said to be incapable of tying a chicken, he is not much different. Compared with other things, medical skills are more suitable for him. Moreover, the disciple is also good at Qihuang's technique, and also has Give him some advice if you can."

"...And if he can achieve something, 300,000 people in this world can relieve their suffering. It is really a great merit!"

Xu Junming nodded.

"It seems that you are very dedicated to this future disciple."

"The master treated his disciples as his own children, raised them with all his heart, and taught them to become successful. Now, as disciples, of course they must follow the example of their mentor."

"Haha, you little girl is now good at flattering me." After a pause, "Since you want to teach him Dao Fist, then go ahead and teach him. But you are only allowed to teach his skills, not his spells."

"Yes, disciple, keep this in mind."

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