Chapter 437 Dead Baby

"In the past twenty years, your wives and concubines have been pregnant, and each time they were stillborn before the tenth month of pregnancy. But you fed these stillborn fetuses to that black dog."

"It has eaten seven of your children, and it has already hidden its anger and demonic nature. When your eighth child was born, although it survived, it had already realized the benefits of this kind of food, so when you don't While you were paying attention, it broke free of its chains and ate your eighth child.”

After listening to Xu Junming's words, Luo Dacai had already burst into tears. A six-foot-tall man was crying at the helpless child next to him.

There was endless regret in the cry.

Xu Junming sighed.

Nine is the ultimate number. Fortunately, the black dog did not eat the ninth baby. Otherwise, with the support of the innate creation energy of nine children, it would become an innate demon in one step, and the entire Luo family would be eaten by it. , even the people here will suffer.

"It's all my fault. If I had known this, I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have, wuwu!"

Luo Dacai, who was crying loudly, suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of Xu Junming.

‘Bang bang’, several sounds in a row.

Because of too much force, blood oozed from his forehead.

"Taoist, please use your magical power to save these poor children like me. Luo Dacai is willing to give up his family and wealth to repay the Taoist."

Seeing how miserable he was crying, Xu Junming sighed slightly and raised his palms slightly. Along with the invisible strength, Luo Dacai stood up involuntarily.

"Now that I'm here, Pindao will naturally resolve this matter for you. I don't want you to waste your family and property, just let me take this black dog away."

Luo Dacai wiped his tears and regained his senses and said: "Priest Black Dog can take him away, but my children?"

"They were stillborn before they reached full term. Not only were they full of resentment, but their souls were also incomplete. After their bodies were eaten by the black dog, they were bound into its body. Now both parties are in conflict because of the black dog's magical power. It has become a symbiotic relationship. If you kill this black dog, children like you will be stunned. That’s why Pindao stopped you from killing it before."

Luo Dacai looked deeply at him and said, "And this incident is not the dog's fault. It is just a beast and does not understand good and evil. If you hadn't fed it with a dead baby full of resentment and innate good fortune, , it wouldn’t have become what it is now.”

Luo Dacai's face turned pale, with endless regret on his face.

"Taoist, Taoist...I...!"

At this moment, he was so confused and regretful that he couldn't say anything.

Xu Junming waved his hand.

"No need to say any more, you just need to remember that you need to always accumulate virtue and do good deeds in the future. Otherwise, you will not have any heirs in this life."

"Yes, yes, Luo must remember the Taoist priest's teachings and do more good deeds."

"I hope you will remember what I said today."

With a gesture of his hand, the rope binding the black dog disappeared. An invisible rope bound the black dog's neck. With a flash of light, the two people and the dog disappeared instantly.

It came suddenly and disappeared quickly.

If it weren't for the clear memories in my mind, I would almost think that everything was a dream.

Arriving at the outskirts of Dingling Port, Kui Niu shook his head as he looked at the black dog that Xu Junming was holding in his hand, grinning but still unable to resist.

"Feeding dead babies to dogs, I really don't know what Luo Dacai is thinking?"

"You can go back and ask him again." Xu Junming said.

"Hey, forget it. Old cows don't have that spare time. By the way, sir, what are you going to do with this beast? Are you going to keep it?"

"The souls of these babies are too fragile and incomplete. Although I can restore them with my methods, it is too energy-intensive, so it is better to let this black dog support them. They have become symbiotic. The stronger the black dog, the stronger the black dog will be." Their souls will also grow stronger until they reach perfection."

Kui Niu nodded, rubbed his chin and looked at the black dog.

"Master, this guy seems to have a trace of Hellhound blood."

The Hellhound is the guardian beast of the underworld and is naturally capable of mastering the rules of the underworld.

"It seems like your bull's eye can see something else besides women."

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Kui Niu's face. His previous performance at the Fuyu State Banquet was indeed too conspicuous.

"Um...Master, I'm just a temporary disguise."

"It's best this way. If you let me know that you dare to act recklessly based on your cultivation, I will slap your bullwhip away."

In one sentence, Kui Niu instantly felt that there was air leaking from his crotch and it was also chilly.

With his whole body full of alertness, he quickly caught up with Xu Junming, his expression extremely obedient.

Looking at the black dog being led by him.

Although the resentment and innate good fortune in the body of the dead baby inspired the Hades bloodline hidden in the body and separated by unknown distances, he was still an uncultivated beast with a shallow foundation and mixed aura.

If you want it to give birth to a baby soul, you must give up the demon path and turn to Taoism.

Thinking of this, Xu Junming stretched out his hand and a grain of yellow rice flew out and sank in from the top of the black dog's head. Soon, all the resentment and evil spirits gathered in its body were swept away.

In an instant, the snarling black dog calmed down, and there was a hint of intelligence in the ferocious dog's eyes.


The dog rope woven by Xu Junming with spiritual energy fell into the hands of Kui Niu.

"From now on, you will use your spiritual energy to comb its meridians for half an hour tomorrow, and recite the 'Tai Shang Ling Bao Sutra' for saving people for half an hour. Don't be lazy."

Seeing his twinkling eyes, Kui Niu reluctantly agreed.

"Woof woof!"

The dog barked, causing Kui Niu to glare at him.

"If I bother you Mr. Niu again, be careful that Mr. Niu will kill you with a thunderbolt."

‘Ouch’, the black dog was attracted by Kui Niu’s powerful aura. He whimpered and crawled to the ground with his tail between his legs.

"If you dare to abuse it, I will make you carry a weight of 100,000 kilograms and run twice around the Dihuang Mountain Cave."

A faint voice came from the front, and Kui Niu trembled in his heart.

It’s just a load of 100,000 kilograms. If you run twice around the Dihuang Mountain Cave, which already covers an area of ​​nearly 120,000 miles, then you still have to risk your life?

"Grandma, now the dog is riding on the cow's head. It's really unfair in the world."

Muttering, he led the dog and caught up with Xu Junming.


The heavy rain fell from the sky, making the leaves crackle and ring.

Countless raindrops merged into trickles, gathering more and more, and finally turned into a rushing turbid current, rolling across the land, and finally merged into the sea.

A warm light emitted from a stone house built entirely with earthen methods dispelled the cold and illuminated the room.

Xu Junming sat cross-legged in silence, while Kui Niu over there was holding a ruler and giving lessons to the black dog.

"On the three luos, above the Dalu, they are all empty. There are natural five clouds. Its color is pale and yellow, and it is called Huangtian. Above the yellow sky, its color is green, and its name is Cangtian. Above the Cangtian, it is located in the mysterious sky. The accumulated emptiness becomes green, and it is called the blue sky..."


The sound of the ruler falling.

"Damn dog, listen carefully."

"Oooh, woof woof!"

Angry, unwilling, and aggrieved, the dog barked, but it was quickly suppressed by Kui Niu.

Teaching Taoism to a beast who has only basic intelligence and has not yet become a demon is no less difficult than teaching a baby who is babbling to read.

But it’s also an exercise.

Kui Niu, who is proficient in the way of thunder, has a character as violent as Thunder. Such a temperament needs to be tempered.

Xu Junming ignored the conversation between the dog and the cow. He had seen this situation many times and had long lost his curiosity.

Looking at the rainy night outside the window, Xu Junming, who was quietly admiring it, frowned for a moment and looked straight to the southeast.


As soon as he took a step, his figure disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, it was already the top of a locust tree.

The pouring rain reached three feet above Xu Junming's head, and was blocked by invisible strength, and then slid down from left to right.

In the rain, which could only see what was happening ten meters away, faint cries could be heard.

‘Papa’, the sound of the whip twitching penetrated the raindrops and reached Xu Junming’s ears.

"Hurry up, hurry up. If you delay the City God, I will question you."

Accompanied by shouts and curses, a pair of government servants wearing official uniforms, holding swords astride each other, came from a distance, holding down a group of nearly a hundred ghosts.

"City God? I haven't met any gods in Dayong. I didn't expect to meet them in Fuyu."


Kui Niu followed with the black dog.

As a Yuanshen monk, he also saw ghost soldiers and ghosts coming from a distance in the heavy rain.

As ghosts, although the rain is heavy, it has little effect on them.

And when the yin energy is strong, it is more suitable for their activities.

"Woof woof...!"

The black dog barked in the direction of the ghost.

It has the blood of Hades in its body, and it has been taught by Kui Niu every day for a month, and Xu Junming also gave it a yellow bud pill every day.

Although he hasn't transformed into a demon yet, his foundation has been laid very solidly.

It is not surprising that it can detect the extremely dense Yin Qi in the distance.

Walking in front of the ghosts was a tall ghost servant wearing official uniform and carrying a wild goose feather sword.

"Where did the wild dog come from?"

"Du Tou, Lingzhou City is another one hundred and twenty miles ahead."

"How long until daybreak?"

"There's still one hour left."

"One hour is enough. Let the brothers hurry up and finish this mission. I'll treat the brothers to a drink."

"As I said before, we'll get to Lingzhou City before dawn and treat us to drinks."

"They are all very loyal."

"Haha, I, Lao Chen, have decided to drink this drink."

The ghost guards immediately started making noise.

The men worked harder and harder, whipping the stragglers and rushing towards Lingzhou City.

Looking at the ghosts passing by quickly.

"Sir, what's so interesting about a bunch of brats?"

It followed Xu Junming in Uncle Jiu's world. At that time, his benefactor had a very close relationship with the underworld, and he had seen countless ghosts.

"Of course the kid is nothing to look at, but the city god is the real boss here. I have something to ask him, sir. Let's go and follow him."

As soon as he took a step, his figure disappeared instantly.

Kui Niu's steps faltered and he also chased after him.

In his opinion, although meeting the city god was extremely boring, it was much simpler than teaching this stupid dead dog.

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