Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 51 Positive and Negative Five Elements Formation

Chapter 51 Positive and Negative Five Elements Formation

"Put your head over here!"

Although he had doubts, Xu Junming still followed his words.

A flash of light flashed on the fingertips of his four eyes, one point on his forehead.

In an instant, countless talismans and characters were introduced into his sea of ​​consciousness.

A quick glance revealed that it was the cultivation of the 'Demon-Slaying Sword Talisman', 'Ghost-Slaying Talisman', 'Divine Foot Talisman', 'Tianmu Talisman', 'Pagoda Talisman', and 'Puppet Talisman' that he had been curious about for a long time. Maintain the law.

"Back then, I was just like you, young and energetic, and very curious about the seven true teachings and the thirty-six talismans. I thought I could learn many talismans at the same time, so I took the 'Demon Slayer Sword Talisman' that your master had learned, The cultivation methods of the 'Ghost-fighting Talisman' and the 'Sacred Foot Talisman' are here."

"It's a pity that after many years, except for the 'Tianmu Talisman' which has made good progress and the 'Demon Slaying Sword Talisman' that has been slightly understood, the other tools have not been able to get in. It is really unnecessary."

Xu Junming was silent for a moment, waiting for his eyes to calm down a little.

"Master, you and your uncle should have six true talismans, but why are the 'water-repelling talisman' and the 'flying crane talisman' passed down to me?"

"These are the three talismans passed down by your master. In addition to the 'Water-Resisting Talisman' and the 'Flying Crane Talisman', there is also the 'Hutian Talisman'. I asked for it together. But the 'Hutian Talisman' You have already learned the talisman, but it has not been passed on to you."

Xu Jun nodded clearly.

"Jun Ming, these talismans are passed down to you, not for you to practice them all, but for you to choose two or three to practice that you are interested in. Remember, don't be greedy."

"Yes, please keep this in mind, disciple! ... Master, since you are at an advanced level in the practice of the 'Tian Eye Talisman' and the 'Demon Slayer Sword Talisman', can you tell your disciples about these two talismans?"

Even if there is a bronze mirror, standing on the shoulders of those who came before us is a hundred times better than working behind closed doors. If Master Four Eyes Taoist Master's sermons were given, it would save him a lot of time in the practice of the 'Tianmu Talisman' and 'Demon Slaying Sword Talisman'.

After being guided by Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Four Eyes would never refuse his disciple's reasonable request.

One of them spoke seriously and the other listened carefully. The seven days passed quickly.

During this period of time, Xu Junming not only took out the master's four-eye "demon-killing sword talisman" and "Tianmu magic talisman" practice experience, but also asked about the "divine fighting skills".

After seeing that Simu's sermon had begun to repeat the preface, Xu Junming wisely stopped.

"Master, I feel that I have benefited a lot and need time to sort it out. Why don't you come here first and ask the master for advice after a while?"

Four eyes nodded quickly, wishing to stop quickly.

His old skills have already been wiped out by his disciples, and if he continues to talk about "putting new wine in old bottles", his old face will become a bit unbearable.

After all, it is somewhat embarrassing for a master to be inferior to his apprentice.

"That's fine, you take a rest first. I'll go tell you, Master Yang Xuan, and we'll leave when we get back."


He hurried out of the 'Muwuju' and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's so tiring to teach this little monster. What should I do in the future?"

He shook his head, looked in the right direction, and walked towards Yang Xuan's residence.

Sitting cross-legged in the Muwuju living room, looking in the direction his eyes were leaving, Xu Junming smiled secretly and looked inwards at his Dantian.

The 'Demon-Slaying Talisman', which is over one foot long and has been trapped in the white talisman stage, finally broke through to the blue fundamental talisman stage after incorporating the true meaning of the 'Demon-Slaying Sword Talisman'.

Proud of Simu's profound understanding of the 'Tianmu Talisman', he also entered this talisman and formed the seeds of the talisman in his Dantian.

The ‘Divine Fighting Talisman’ also broke through the five-foot limit and entered the third stage. You can borrow more divine power, increase your strength by a small level, and last longer.

As for the other talismans given by Taoist Priest Four Eyes, he did not intend to delve too much into them. After all, what he has learned now is enough for him to practice for a long time.

Moreover, if you win the position of "Chong" senior brother in the future, you can freely enter and leave the Sutra Pavilion. With those previous cultivation experiences to refer to, and with the assistance of bronze mirrors, most of the thirty-six true talismans can be accomplished in one go, so there is no need to waste time now.

Taoist priest Simu returned after half an hour.

The two finally lit incense sticks for their ancestor, then closed the 'Muwuju' and came to the riverside.

"Master, how do we get out?"

"Just follow me!"

Seeing that he was lying, Xu Junming didn't ask any more questions.

He followed Simu step by step along the river bank and came to the rock crevice.

It was too far away before so I couldn't see carefully. When I walked in, I realized that the stone gap was unusually wide, extending no less than a hundred meters. The top is not too high, only about thirty or forty meters.

The light inside was dim, and only the gurgling river water could be seen, but the sound of the water hitting the cave wall could not be heard.

When Xu Junming looked at the stone gap, his eyes were already leading the way to a small bluestone pier close to the river bank.

There are two awning boats tied to the stone pillars next to the pier.

After Simu jumped up, he waved to Xu Junming.


Jumping into the boat, Xu Junming, who was tall and strong, made the awning boat tremble, causing countless water waves to ripple.

Seeing this scene, he really doubted that this ordinary Wupeng boat could really take him out of the sect's station?

However, Xu Junming, who had doubts in his heart, did not speak when he saw that his eyes were full of confidence and that he was watching a good show.

"Stand still!"

After shouting, he raised his eyes and palmed his hands.

The magic power spurted out, and the black-topped boats flew into the stone gaps like arrows.

As soon as he came in, Xu Junming saw the river flowing upward at 90 degrees not far away. Before he could prepare, Simu had already controlled the awning boat and crashed into it.

The violent collision that he imagined did not happen. Xu Junming only felt a tyrannical force pinching him, and the wind roared in his ears. In just one breath, everything around him calmed down.

A large lake covering a hundred hectares of light and sparkling under the bright sun appeared in front of us.


Four Eyes smiled.

"Amazing skills!"

Xu Junming still didn't react.

"Our sect's 'Five Elements Formation' is innately created and has the ability to reverse the inside and outside. It is the top formation in the practice world. What you experienced just now is just the tip of the iceberg."

After that, with a casual shot, the boat shot straight towards the lake shore like a sharp arrow!

There is also a small pier here. Next to the pier is an octagonal pavilion, and next to the pavilion is a mountain road that winds outward.

On the right side of the mountain road, opposite the pavilion, there is a simple wooden house hidden in the bamboo forest.

The boat was docked at the pier, and the master and apprentice stepped ashore.

The small boat that had just carried them ashore suddenly disappeared like a phantom.

"If you return to the sect in the future, you only need to activate the 'Nine-Lao Immortal Capital Divine Fire Seal' in your Dantian to summon the awning boat. Once it reaches the center of the lake, it will be pinched into the inner gate by the 'Five Elements Formation'. ... If you have an outsider with you, you must first go to the wooden building next to it, inform the disciples on duty of your sect, and only then can you enter after receiving the jade talisman for entry."

After nodding his head in understanding, "Then should we inform you now?"

Xu Junming pointed to the wooden building next to him.

"No need. The uncle who is responsible for guarding the mountain gate doesn't like outsiders to disturb him. We can just bow outside."

Bowing with four eyes, he saluted the wooden building. After Xu Junming followed suit, the master and apprentice followed the mountain road and came out from the back of Luofu Mountain.

Because Xu Junming wanted to go down the mountain for training, the two separated after having a meal in the town.

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