Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 506: The head of the Long clan, the blood of the great witch

Chapter 506: At the head of the Long clan, the great witch essence and blood

After activating the bronze mirror, he thoroughly inspected Huosang's body and the dark-spirited black soul above him. After making sure that there were no further problems, Xu Junming took the black stone urn in his hand.

In an instant, an extremely heavy feeling spread into my heart.

"This thing is so heavy!"

It seemed as if what he was holding was not a stone urn, but a mountain thousands of feet high.

If he hadn't now become an innate spirit and possessed infinite divine power, he would hardly be able to hold this stone urn.

"I'm getting more and more curious."

After taking a breath to calm down the slightly chaotic breathing after the instant exertion, he looked at the rough stone urn in his hand, which was three feet high and two feet wide, as if it were hand-polished stone tools under primitive social conditions.

After playing with it for a while, my consciousness soaked in.

Not long after, a five-color stream of light flew out from it.

It was the Great Five Elements Divine Light that he took from the Dragon Emperor.

He stretched out his hand, and twelve tattered witch god flags flew out.

Under the suppression of the Great Five Elements Divine Light, the twelve-sided witch god flag did not completely explode. But looking at it like this, it’s difficult to repair.

Unless Xu Junming is like Huosang, killing hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

This is of course impossible.

With a casual pinch, the twelve-sided witch god flag instantly shattered into rich soul essence, a huge amount of netherworld essence, and an immeasurable amount of earth turbidity.

With a wave of his sleeves, all of these, like a giant black dragon, flew into the netherworld of Taishi Cave.

With this great supplement, the area of ​​the Netherworld expanded instantly, and soon reached an area of ​​120,000 miles.

Even if a spiritual treasure forged with billions of soul essences and corpse bones is damaged, what is left can be said to be a great supplement.

As for the Great Five Elements Divine Light, although it was damaged in the explosion of the Witch God Banner, it is basically intact. After the Dragon Emperor takes it back, it can be restored to its original appearance after some sacrifices.

After getting back the Great Five Elements Divine Light, Xu Junming began to practice the Black Soul Man in his palm.

Originally, he thought that the power was so powerful that even the violent storms of the Netherworld White Bone Flag and White Bone God Palm could not shake it. It could block Yimeng Huangliang's spatial magical power. The extremely powerful Black Soul Old Man should at least be a top-notch fairy weapon. Or innate spiritual treasure.

But in fact, that's not the case at all.

Inside the Black Soul Man, he only saw seven immortal bans.

The Immortal Weapons of the Seven Forbidden Immortals are of the highest quality.

But after seeing the memories of the Black Demon Taoist and the Black Mountain Old Demon, the power of the Black Soul Man definitely exceeds that of a top-grade immortal weapon.

After carefully comprehending these seven immortal prohibitions, I couldn't help but frown.

The construction techniques of these seven immortal bans were not only not as exquisite as he imagined, but also very rough, and they could not cooperate with each other.

Although each has its own uses, they are extremely limited.

Xu Junming, who is good at refining weapons, instantly understood that the Black Soul Man was powerful not because of the spiritual restraint inside it, but because of the main treasure material.

This treasure material is also very simple, and it is not a combination of various top spiritual materials.

After he thoroughly practiced the Black Soul Man, a five thousand-foot-long ferocious head was reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This head was so huge that Xu Junming had only seen it in his life.

The owner of such a huge head is probably over 30,000 feet tall!

The 30,000-foot-high giant only exists in various ancient legends.

With such a huge head, it’s no wonder it’s so heavy.

Even if it weren't for the Immortal Forbidden cuts, it would only be heavier.

The dry head is covered with blue-black scales, and a rhino-like horn on the forehead is extremely strong.

The extremely rich death energy permeated the entire head.

But inside the head, there was a drop of golden-red blood.

This hundred-foot-diameter blood essence contains mountains and seas of vitality and blood.

Xu Junming had never seen anything with such amazing energy and blood.

Compared with this drop of essence and blood, the total energy and blood of the high-ranking shaman puppet in his hand, which is comparable to a golden immortal, is as bright as the bright moon.

Whether it is quality or total quantity, the difference is immeasurable.

"Ju Long's head, the blood of the great witch!"

The destiny talisman flickered, and a sudden realization appeared in Xu Junming's heart.

"That's right. Only the head of the great witch can be so huge, and only the essence and blood of the great witch can have such amazing energy and blood."

He remembered that when the old Black Mountain demon escaped into the void and was stopped by Lord Huosang, he saw his shaman body and called him a 'Julong warrior'.

Obviously, this head is the head of the great shaman of the Julong clan. It is no wonder that it has become the inherited treasure of the Huosang clan.

His spiritual consciousness touched the great witch's essence and blood, and the hot breath spread into his heart, as if it was not blood, but a hot sun.

Holding back the burning pain, a stream of light flew into the sea of ​​consciousness and turned into countless words in the blink of an eye.

Ancient witchcraft!

If Xu Junming hadn't learned ancient witchcraft from the other half of Lord Huosang's soul, he might not even be able to understand the content recorded in this text.

"Julong's witchcraft book!"

After the name is the content.

Among them are the body refining methods of the Julong clan of the witch clan, as well as various Julong clan combat techniques and weird witchcraft.

For example, the Seven Kills Blood-Transforming Magic Sword practiced by Huosang Sacrifice is not only a magical weapon, but also a strange witchcraft.

This sword is made from the starlight of the Sixth Star of the South Dou, the Seven Kills Star, as its bones, the essence and blood of living beings as its main body, supplemented by the Seven Kills Blood Ban, and is made through ritual training.

This sword can be virtual or real. The Qi of the Seven Kills Blood Transformation Sword is extremely sharp and unpredictable.

Anyone injured by this sword will have their essence, blood and soul instantly sucked away and turned into nutrients to support the growth of the Seven Kills Blood Magic Sword.

The more you kill, the more powerful the knife becomes.

A typical magic weapon.

In Julong's witchcraft book, there are many methods for cultivating magical weapons similar to the Seven Kills Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. All of them are simple to practice, but the more they kill, the more powerful they become.

This style is very suitable for the Wu Clan who are straightforward and advocate powerful force.

Behind the witchcraft book, he also saw the sacrificial training method of the 'Twelve Witch God Array'.

In the entire witchcraft book, this formation can be called the most complex method among them.

It not only involves the array path, but also involves the mysterious soul path.

After a brief understanding, he understood that it was not without reason that the Wu clan was scorned by the monks as a group of rough men whose heads were full of muscles and only knew how to fight and kill.

Huosang has had this formation for many years, sacrificed the lives and bones of countless creatures in Daqi, and refined the formation, but he can only summon one finger?

Even though he is superficial, he looks down upon him.

But fortunately, if he can achieve what is described in the witchcraft book.

The twelve witch-gods at their peak form summoned the shadow of Pangu. Even if the shadow of Pangu had weakened by an unknown number of times, he would have been killed long ago.

Of course, it is not easy to successfully train the twelve witch-gods at their peak.

The twelve formation flags depicting the ancestral witches not only require the essence and blood of the witch clan's great witch level, but also require the souls of hundreds of millions of living beings to fill them.

The more souls of creatures that are filled in, the stronger the power will be.

After understanding, Xu Junming shook his head.

He doesn't care about killing people, but if he kills people simply for the sake of refining treasures, it goes against his principles.

After briefly comprehending it for a moment, he put the twelve witch-gods array behind him and looked at the cultivation methods above.

The cultivation method in the Julong family's witchcraft book is also the body-training method of the witch clan.

You can go directly to the realm of great witches.

What is a great witch?

It is recorded in the book that the physical Dharma body reaches a height of more than 10,000 feet, breathes into clouds, exhales into frost, catches clouds and the moon, divides rivers and seas.

A stomp of the foot shakes the earth thousands of miles away.

In a flash, hundreds of millions of miles of wind and clouds surged.

Simple words describe an extraordinary realm that Xu Junming can't even imagine yet!

After thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's better to do it step by step. It's useless to think too much."

Looking at the black soul man in his hand, Xu Junming, who understood the essence, knew that this was a big head of more than 5,000 feet. There is also the blood essence and blood of the great shaman of the Julong clan.

He couldn't figure out how to use this kind of treasure, which was more precious than low-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Put it away for now and save it for later.

He stretched out his hand and the iron gate next to him flew into his hand.

He has long been famous for this Daqi artifact.

There is no doubt that this is a top-notch spiritual treasure that contains the law of sealing.

However, in Xu Junming's opinion, it is somewhat blind material.

Iron Gate Pass is forged with the rare Yuanyang Spirit Iron.

Yuanyang Spiritual Iron is refined iron that has been calcined in the earth's core for hundreds of millions of years. It is not only extremely strong, but also has extremely strong toughness.

It is most suitable for cultivating hardware treasures, whether it is offensive swords, guns, swords and halberds, or defensive shields.

But it is not suitable for cultivating sealed spiritual treasures.

However, Da Qi Shen Dao controls the world and has many treasures, so they are indeed qualified to be extravagant.

After closing the iron gate, Xu Junming summoned Huosang's last spiritual treasure.

The seven-kill blood-transforming magic sword.

Without actuating it, this horizontal knife that looked like blood-red agate not only had no trace of blood, but was as exquisite as a work of art.

This is a murder weapon!

It has swallowed the essence and blood of hundreds of millions of living beings. With just a little training, it can survive the catastrophe and become even more powerful.

But Xu Junming suppressed the desire in his heart.

There is no good or evil in weapons, only the people who use them make them good or evil.

This statement is fairly accurate among ordinary people, but not in the spiritual world.

The reason why magic weapons are called magic weapons is that they are easier for people to follow the path of magic than other magic weapons.

Similar to the Seven Kills Blood Transformation Sword.

It does not require Xu Junming to painstakingly collect materials, carefully carve out more profound prohibitions, continue to feed and refine with elixirs and spiritual energy, and spend countless hard work to improve.

Kill, as long as you keep killing, the Seven Kills Blood Transformation Sword will become stronger and stronger.

If it kills tens of millions of people, it will become an immortal weapon; if it kills hundreds of millions of people and survive the catastrophe, it will become comparable to the White Bone Flag of the Netherworld.

There are so many living beings in this world.

As long as you work hard, it's not easy to improve.

For monks who have tried the hardships of practicing magic weapon, after tasting this crude and simple powerful magic weapon, it will be difficult to give up unless they have great perseverance.

If he cannot restrain his murderous intention later on, he will become a puppet of the Seven Kills Blood Transformation Sword. In the end, he will either die in the hands of the righteous way or be completely replaced by the inner demon.

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