He quickly activated Taiyi Wuyanluo to protect his body, thus blocking out the unbearable scorching heat.

Seeing his master strolling leisurely and slowly falling towards the magma, as if he couldn't feel the heat of the place at all, Chen Lin secretly admired him in his heart.

The core of the earth is too hot, more powerful than many soul-level spiritual fires, and the further down it gets, the stronger it becomes, and even the fairy fire will be inferior to it later on.

Being able to withstand such a raging fire without a magical weapon and relying only on cultivation can only be done by a first-rate immortal.

In fact, for Xu Junming, who is physically strong, the temperature of the crater is only slightly hot, far from being hot.

With Taiyi Wuyanluo, which was several times more powerful after being trained by Xu Junming, Chen Lin followed closely behind Xu Junming.

However, after going thousands of feet deep into the Eye of Fire, the surrounding flames were already comparable to fairy fire. Even with Taiyi Wuyanluo protecting him, the earthly fire here was not something he could bear.

Looking at Chen Lin who was still insisting and did not ask for help, Xu Junming nodded slightly and a small jade tree rushed out above his head.

A ray of green light rushed out of the tree, grabbed Chen Lin, and disappeared instantly.

"This guy is still as stubborn as ever."

After smiling, continue downward.

After going a thousand feet deeper, the surrounding magma had turned into a sea of ​​fire. The golden-red flames are so hot that unless they are monks in the fairyland or have powerful fire-preventing treasures, they cannot reach here at all.

With the help of the bronze mirror, it was easy to find the cave left by Master Lianshan on the cliff not far away.

This is a stone platform located in magma. Because it has been in the eye of fire and has been calcined by earth fire for thousands of years, its material has long been extraordinary.

In front of the stone platform, which is about half an acre in size, are two sword-holding warriors about three feet tall.

Guarded by two warriors, there is a cave that is nine feet wide and one foot high.

The ancient stone gate is tightly closed and heavily restricted.

Above the lintel, there are four characters "Lianshan Cave Mansion" with iron paintings and silver hooks.

Looking at people based on their characters, if these four characters were written by Lianshan himself, he must be a person with a determined mind and a stubborn temper.

When he landed on the stone platform, the restraint was activated, and the cave guard raised his sword with an angry look on his face, as if he was about to cut him down.

Seeing this, Xu Junming shook his head slightly.

"Puppet Road is so easy to cultivate."


Light cyan aura spread out from the palm of his hand, and the stone man and even the restriction on the door were immobilized by this aura.

He urged Hu Tianshen to perform his magic, passed through the stone gate, and soon came to a wide hall covering an area of ​​several acres.

The surrounding walls are like red jade, overflowing with light and extremely gorgeous.

You can vaguely see traces of the placement of treasures in the opened stone boxes, but they are all empty now.

On the stone wall directly opposite, there is a portrait of a handsome young man in feathers and a star crown, about twenty-five or six.

"Since my fellow Taoist is here, why don't you come out and meet me?" Xu Junming said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the portrait changed instantly. Along with the spiritual light, the light and shadow not only came to life, but also walked down from the jade.

"I am a poor Taoist who lives in the mountains. I have met fellow Taoists."

Master Lianshan looked solemn.

There is no doubt that people who even he can't see the truth must have already achieved immortality.

"Xu Junming, I have met fellow Taoist Lianshan."

"I wonder why my friend came to my cave? If it's to get treasure, you saw it. The treasures here have been taken away by predecessors."

Xu Junming shook his head slightly.

"Getting the treasure is just incidental. It doesn't matter whether you can get it or not. I am here just for a meritorious deed."

Lianshan's face changed slightly.

"Friend Daoist, do you want to eliminate this ancient fire eye?"


Lianshan's face instantly darkened.

At the beginning, he gave up the orthodox Taoist sect and studied all kinds of Dharma. He wanted to find a way to become an immortal for the scattered cultivators of different sects in the world, so as to gain tens of millions of merits, become a Taoist with the title of Golden Immortal, and pave the way for subsequent practice.

It's a pity that human power cannot defeat the heavens. The purpose of the heavenly calamity test is to expose those monks who are already unqualified.

Therefore, in the end he was harassed by ten thousand demons and died.

However, he also knew the difficulty of what he was doing, so he left a backup plan when he was going through the tribulation, saving a trace of his soul.

After thousands of years of practice in the cave, he finally recovered his original cultivation level. He only needs to obtain a great merit to ascend to the spiritual world.

And this merit is the ancient fire eye outside.

Only a few seconds later, Yu Yingnan used the clutch Wu Yungui to break the fire eye, and he could use his own backhand to restrain the fire, eliminate disaster, and gain merit.

If this merit is taken away by others, then he can only accumulate it again, or simply become an earthly immortal in the lower world.

Master Lian Shan is arrogant and arrogant, and of course he is not willing to be an earthly immortal in the lower world.

Otherwise, how will we face fellow disciples Dayuan Zhenren and Chuo Sanzi in the future?

He is also a person who wants face!

"Fellow Taoist, the fire eye is related to the future of this poor Taoist. I wonder if you can let it go? If you agree, Lianshan will be grateful to you for your kindness, and you will be richly rewarded in the future."

Xu Junming smiled lightly.

"The underground fire eye is also related to my path. But I am not an unreasonable person. I will leave your future path to Pindao."

Before his face could react, a mysterious bell suddenly rang.

Lianshan is just the master of the soul and has no physical body, so he can't compete with Xu Junming's Soul-falling Bell magical power.

In an instant, three souls were swaying, seven souls were shaking, and they couldn't even lift half of their magic power.

A mysterious black divine door wrapped around a gourd vine rushed out of Xu Junming's head.

A chain flew out from the red gourd of the gourd vine, trapped Lianshan Yuanshen, and pulled it in.

In an instant, countless pictures appeared in Xu Jun's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's like watching a movie, seeing all the monastic paths in the past one by one.

Including the Emei's direct transmission technique that he wanted most.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Scripture!

The mystery of this sect, which was directly passed down from Taiqing Dynasty and reached directly to the Golden Immortal, can only be compared with the Hesha Qishu and the Chunyang Sutra.

In addition to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Scripture, there is also a method in Lianshan's memory that can directly reach the Golden Immortal - the 'Secret Book of the Purple Mansion'.

This is the method passed down directly from Ziyun Palace’s ‘Tianyi Golden Mother’.

Tianyi Jinmu is a Taoist companion of Lianshan, so Lianshan also knows this technique.

Liangyi fine dust formation!

Apart from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Scripture, this is the formation that Xu Junming hopes to obtain most.

Its mystery and profoundness can only be compared to the 'Array of Twelve Witches and Gods' that was obtained from Master Huosang in the Liaozhai World last time.

In addition to the two methods that can directly lead to the Golden Immortal, and the formation that Xu Junming wants most.

In Lianshan's memory, there are thousands of various magical skills and secret techniques, including magic methods.

He wanted to find a new path and open up a path for the scattered cultivators of other sects. Of course, he had to be well-informed in order to innovate and innovate.

"Even if you give up the merit of destroying the ancient fire eyes, this memory is still worth the price." Xu Junming sighed.

After sorting out these exercises, his collection of books will be much richer.

He activated the 'Human Soul Divine Gate' to erase all memories of Lianshan's meeting with him, and then temporarily put it away.

"When the time comes, I will send you to the world of Chongshan to be reincarnated. I will not break my promise then, and I will personally bring you to the Tao and give you a path to the Golden Immortal."

With a flick of his finger, a bright light penetrated the wall on the left, and the originally red jade cracked open a door in an instant.

After entering, there is another stone room.

In the center of the stone chamber stands a stone tablet with sixteen characters of stone verses carved on it.

"Two heroes and beauties come together, separate and unite with Nan Ming, use fire to quench fire, and you will succeed." ’

Above the stone tablet, there is a five-foot-large fireball. There is a space about one foot in the fireball. In the middle of the fireball sits a red man who looks like a baby. His whole body is red, his eyes are slightly closed, and his expression is peaceful.

He was trapped in a fireball, surrounded by fire from above and below, and in the fire there were thousands of hair-thin seven-color rays of light, like flying rays from a rainstorm, and red people flying around him.

It seems that if there is even the slightest movement, it will burst into flames.

Anyone who has seen Shushan will know who this baby is.

Fire is harmless. It was originally born from the intercourse between man and fire, a strange beast of the wilderness. It is similar to 'Xu Shilin' in the legend of the White Snake.

However, the latter is the descendant of Wenquxing, while the former is the essence of Lihuo.

Later, he obtained a path book near the Southern Star Plains in the East Great Desert, and then he became successful in cultivation.

It has been a thousand years now.

Although he has been cultivating Taoism for many years, he has not been able to become an immortal because he has never received the true transmission.

Later, I heard that there was a Fire Sutra among the treasures left by Master Lianshan, so I wanted to get it. Later, I tried to separate Wuyungui, and was killed by Lianshan's Great Five Elements Exterminating Divine Light Needle, leaving only the soul.

However, Huo Wuhai's talent and talent were indeed extraordinary, and he actually condensed his soul and embarked on the same path to immortality as the blissful boy Li Jingxu.

Looking at the seven-color light needle surrounding the fire harmlessly, Xu Junming remembered a 'Five Elements Sutra' he saw in Lianshan's memory.

At the beginning, Lianshan and Taoist Master Hesha fought three times and never won once.

Then he became curious about the Five Elements Taoism, and after painstaking calculations, he found a Five Elements Sutra on an island in the South China Sea that could lead to immortality.

By the time he mastered it, Master Hesha had achieved the ascension of the 'Golden Immortal'.

This golden immortal is not that ‘golden immortal’.

The Golden Immortal in the Shushan world is just a synonym for the fruits of cultivation.

Specifically describes those masters who can ascend both spiritually and physically at the same time.

Rather than those powerful golden immortals.

Xu Junming himself also practiced the Five Elements Taoism intensively, but the results of this part of the Five Elements Taoism rested on the Fu Ya Po Dharmakaya Dragon Emperor.

But even so, he can still use it.

He stretched out his hand and a five-color divine light fell into the fireball.

With a 'bang' sound, the fireball exploded.

A stream of red light rushed out from it like lightning.

"I'm free, haha, I'm finally out!"

Huo Wuhai, who had been imprisoned for three hundred years, had a face full of ecstasy.

Seeing Xu Junming standing next to him, Huo Wuhai quickly stepped forward and cupped his fists in salute.

"Huo Wuhai would like to thank fellow Taoist Taoist for saving his life. If I ask for anything in the future, Huo Wuhai will never refuse."

"I know, go ahead."

Xu Junming waved his hand.

Although Huo Wuhai had excellent qualifications, he had no intention of accepting him as his disciple.

Because this gentleman has been cultivating for thousands of years and has finally managed to form his soul into a physical form. If he is asked to give up his cultivation and practice again, he will most likely refuse.

If you don't give up, you will never be able to build a towering building on a weak foundation.

Huo Wuhai was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would let him go so easily and ask for nothing.

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