Chapter 58 Second Uncle

An hour passed, but Zhu Fengyou did not appear. Xu Junming was not surprised. After all, it was hard to give up good money, and he would not bow down unless he suffered some losses.

Seeing the three poles in the sun, Xu Junming put away the four talismans on his knees, withdrew the 'Four Elephants Evil Killing Formation' and stood up.

Xu Junming said loudly while looking at Tanhua Village, which was somewhat silent under the clear and bright sunshine in the morning.

"I have captured the zombies and ghosts last night. If there are any of your relatives among them, come to Zhu Erlang's house to see me. I will save the undead for you and no longer let them harass Tanhua Village."

Xu Junming doesn't know the art of sound transmission, let alone the 'Tiger Roaring Talisman', but using magic power to activate the sound can envelope the entire Tanhua Village.

After shouting twice in a row, which was enough for everyone to hear, he stopped.

Although there were times when Zhu Feng was searched in front of him, he was not polite. But as a disciple of Maoshan, it is also my duty to conquer demons and accumulate merit.

Of course, the premise is that the demon's cultivation level cannot exceed his own.

Being a hero also depends on your strength!

After waiting for a while, snoopers began to appear around Zhu Erlang's house.

The sun was shining brightly, there were more and more people, and I became more courageous unconsciously.

They gradually surrounded the yard of Zhu Erlang's house, but when they saw Xu Junming, who was tall, carrying a mahogany sword on his back, and with an elegant temperament, they did not dare to come in.

"Second uncle is here!"

I don’t know who shouted.

The crowd got out of the way, and a hale and hearty old man wearing blue linen clothes with white beard and hair, leaning on a cane, walked in from the passage where the crowd got out of the way.

Xu Junming jumped off the stone mill, took two steps forward, and raised one palm.

"Old layman is polite!"

"The Taoist priest is polite!"

The old man quickly bowed and returned the gift.

"May I ask where the Immortal lives and why he came to my Flower Village?"

Xu Junming always respected elders and answered immediately.

"Pindao is a corpse exorcist under Nan Maoshan Gate. He sent the corpses of Zhu Fu and Zhu Shitou back to their hometown for burial. I didn't expect to encounter corpse monsters and ghosts last night, so I captured them. I originally wanted to get rid of them, but seeing that these ghosts were all He is a native of this village, and although he has become a ghost, he rarely hurts anyone."

"In addition, I, the Taoist, are compassionate, so I temporarily detained them in the hall of Zhu Erlang's house at the back. After dawn, everyone is invited to come to the scene to discuss a solution. Either kill or release, it is better for Taoists to let them go. "

"Taoist Master...don't kill him!"

The old man said quickly.

"...these ghosts are the deceased villagers of this village. Although they have become ghosts, they have not harmed their lives. I hope that the Taoist Master will be merciful and use magic to save their dead souls and enter reincarnation as soon as possible!"

After saying that, the old man knelt down.

Xu Junming quickly helped him.

"Old layman, please rise. ... It is my Taoist responsibility to protect the environment and the people, and to maintain the stability of the countryside. It is natural to save the souls of the dead. I just have a few questions. I hope the old layman can shed some light on them?"

"Excuse me, Taoist Master."

After Xu Junming nodded, "I think these ghosts include both newly deceased souls and early dead ghosts. They must have accumulated over the years, so the ghost trouble in this village has been going on for many years?"

"No! This village is the place where our ancestors gave birth to Tanhualang during the Qingming Festival. The stone tablet at the door was a gift from the previous emperor. Over the years, the people have been simple and honest, and the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment. There has never been any trouble caused by evil spirits."

"But a month ago, it rained heavily and a flash flood broke out, washing away the Qingshui River in the south of the village. Fortunately, the village was built on a high ground, and no lives were lost. Although a lot of farmland was washed away, the village still had food left over and was hungry. Not."

"When the flood receded, the old man discussed with the village chief to take the opportunity to renovate the river channel to avoid another disaster in the coming year! Who knew that just when we were digging the river embankment and preparing for repairs, we actually dug out a blue man as big as a man from the ground. Sexy big jade turtle!"

"Blue jade turtle?"

"Exactly! The jade turtle seal has many pictures that we can't understand. The jade is pure and contains haze. The village chief said it is the finest Lantian jade. This jade turtle is a rare treasure given to us by God in Tanhua Village, so let's let him Zhu Dashi and others found shovels, pole heads and other items and planned to move the big jade turtle back to the village, but who knew...!"

There was a look of regret on the old man's face.

"How?" Xu Junming was curious and asked.

"Unexpectedly, as soon as the big jade turtle was moved, a puff of black smoke suddenly burst out of the Qingshui River, and then a cloud of clouds rushed over from the north like a galloping horse. The clear sky soon turned into overcast clouds. Everyone thought that it had collided with the Dragon Prince. , they all ran away."

"As a result, the next day, the village chief's family, Zhu Dashi's family, and everyone who moved the jade turtle died that night."

There was deep fear in the old man's eyes.

Xu Junming activated the 'Pure Heart Talisman', and the light cyan aura sank into the sea of ​​consciousness of the old man. All the anxiety and panic on the latter's face immediately dissipated.

There was a hint of confusion on his face, and before he could figure out the changes in himself, Xu Junming started urging him.

Not daring to be negligent, the old man continued quickly.

"...The village organized people to bury all the nineteen members of the four dead families in the ancestral graves. The next three days were uneventful, and no one died again. But just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, those who died, including those in the village, All the people who died violently in the early years are actually alive."

The old man spoke very smoothly, and the mind-purifying talisman calmed his fear.

"These people who died early returned home at 3:00 pm, and left at 4:15 am, when the rooster crows, every day. Although they have not harmed anyone, they are still ghosts of the dead. Seven days have passed since they appeared."

"There are 467 people who have come to our Tanhua Village in the past seven days. They have been in panic all day long. I hope the Taoist Master will be merciful and subdue these ghosts and ghosts and make our Tanhua Village clean."

After that, he bowed down again.

"Old layman, no courtesy. Since the incident in Tanhua Village has been discovered by Pindao, there is no reason to stand by and watch."

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

"Don't thank me for now. I have conquered all the evil corpses and ghosts in Tanhua Village. I will do the ritual tonight to send them to reincarnation in the underworld and be reincarnated. I just need some things to do the ritual. I hope the old layman and everyone in your village can help. I intend to."

"Whatever the Taoist Master needs, just ask."

"I want a four-corner table, an incense burner, thirty-six incense sticks, four candlesticks, four red candles, a bucket of unpeeled sorghum rice, five feet of jute cloth on one side, three feet of jute cloth on all sides, and thick wrists. Four bamboo poles, a copper basin filled with clean water, and three knives of yellow paper. ...Have you written it down?"

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, I have a pretty good brain, and I've memorized everything."

"That's good. Everything should be prepared before evening and delivered here."


"Where is the big jade turtle you dug up now?"

"Still on the river beach!"

"Find two people to take me there. This is the root of trouble. We need to subdue it as soon as possible."

"That's what the Taoist priest said." The old man turned his head, "Ah Fu, Er Leng!"

A pothead with a sly look in his eyes; a tall, dull-looking man in his early twenties, wearing an old sweatshirt, ran over.

"Second uncle!"

"You two take the Taoist priest to the river beach to see the jade turtle."

"Second uncle, can you change someone else? That thing is too weird. Whoever sticks to you will die. I haven't married a wife yet." Jarhead Ah Fu said.

The old man smashed his cane and said angrily: "I didn't let you touch that damn thing. You just need to take the Taoist priest there. Besides, the Taoist priest is very powerful, so what are you afraid of?"

Ah Fu looked at the young Taoist priest, who was not much older than him, with obvious suspicion in his eyes.

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