Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 580 The Ocean Blue Planet

"Come on, let me show you something!"

Ao Tian raised his escaping light and flew straight into the air.

Xu Junming frowned slightly and followed.

The two came outside the world of Chongshan.

The starry sky world that was once tens of millions of miles away has now reached over a billion miles.

In addition to the 360 ​​main stars, there are hundreds of thousands of various rocky planets and gaseous planets.

Looking up from the main world, the sky is full of stars, like a river of stars, mysterious and beautiful.

After the two of them got out of the atmosphere of the main world and penetrated millions of miles into the starry sky, a planet with a diameter of about 80,000 to 90,000 miles appeared in front of them.

Under the thick atmosphere, the planet blooms a beautiful ocean blue.

Xu Junming, who is proficient in the Tao of Creation, instantly felt the breath of life from it.

The two flew into the planet, and the rich oxygen hit their faces.

Seen from the air, there is a huge piece of land in the vast sea water, accounting for about 40% of the entire planet.

"How's it going? Are you familiar?"

Of course Xu Junming is familiar with it. This place is more than 90% similar to the earth in his previous life.

"You built this?"

Ao Tian shook his head.

"When the main world of Chongshan World exceeded 10 million miles, it gradually appeared. And in this starry sky, this is not the only planet similar to the Earth, there are many other similar planets."

"The prototype of Small Thousand Worlds?!" Xu Junming said.

"It should be. But the way of heaven was not born."

Ao Tian waved his hand, and huge waves suddenly appeared on the sea. But there were no fish to be seen in the rolling waves. Obviously, mammals have not yet evolved in this world.

"This planet is still far from being able to truly achieve the Small Thousand World. A Middle Thousand World should have a main world and three thousand Small Thousand Worlds."

"In the Shushan world and the Huaxia world, apart from the main world, we have not observed many Small Thousand Worlds. Obviously they are not too powerful worlds among the Middle Thousand Worlds."

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

The main world is more than 120,000 miles away. After successfully overcoming the tribulation, it will be a small world.

But to achieve the success of a small thousand world, a diameter of 100 million miles is required.

120,000 to 100 million is simply a desperate number.

Therefore, it is really unimaginable that the Chinese world can advance from the small world to the middle world.

It is this unimaginable quality that has created countless great opportunities.

Xu Junming did not hesitate to put himself there with his two apprentices, and he was still unwilling to leave. That was why.

As for the conditions for advancing from the Middle Thousand World to the Great Thousand World, Xu Junming didn't know.

Because he has never been to the Great Thousand World, Ao Tian is just a Tiandao from the Small Thousand World. He knows the conditions for promotion to the Middle Thousand World, but does not know the conditions for the Middle Thousand World to advance to the Great Thousand World.

"My dear, Chongshan World is our foundation. Only as Chongshan World becomes stronger will we have another chance to become stronger."

Xu Junming came back to his senses instantly after nodding.

"What do you want to do?"

"Give me Ju Long's head. If you put it with you, it will be a top-notch collection that cannot be used at best. But if you feed it to Chongshan World, even if we cannot be promoted to Zhongqian World immediately, we will definitely be able to shorten the time. Most of the time.”

Ao Tian's eyes were full of longing.

As the Heavenly Dao of Chongshan World, the only way for him to grow in strength is for Chongshan World to continue to grow stronger.

Especially after tasting the sweetness of the Chaos Yuan Fei, which instantly expanded the area of ​​the Chongshan world several times, he became more and more eager for this important treasure that was conducive to the expansion of the world.

However, there are too few such treasures, and the head of Ju Long in Xu Junming's hands is exactly the most suitable treasure.

The Witch Clan is a race that practices by absorbing the turbid energy of the earth.

The great witch is the most powerful person in the witch clan second only to the ancestral witch.

Even if it is just a head, it contains extremely rich earthly turbidity.

If it can be used for its own use, Chongshan World will surely usher in a wave of large-scale expansion again.

When Ao Tian thought about this possibility, he was so excited that he could hardly control himself.

Xu Junming can understand this feeling.

If there is a valuable treasure that can improve his cultivation by a big step, he will not give up.

"The great witch's head is so strong that I can't even cut it with the Ziying Sword. Are you sure you have a way to refine it?"

"Haha, it might not have been possible before. But now the area of ​​Chongshan World is close to 16 million miles. With the Emperor's Tower, it should be able to grind down a little."

"Although it was a little slow at the beginning, the world of Chongshan is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the world is getting more and more. This process will only get faster and faster."

Xu Junming nodded slightly, he was not a stubborn person.

What's more, Ao Tian is his Seven Spirits Dharmakaya, and the essence is that if he takes out Ju Long's head, the meat will be rotten in his own pot.

After considering the pros and cons, he quickly agreed.

Moreover, the head of the great witch is extremely strong. Although it is a top-notch spiritual material for refining treasures, it cannot be refined at all with his current methods.

Even if the innate spiritual fire in the Tiangong Divine Furnace was burned for hundreds of years, there would be no change in the head of the great witch.

After trying it, he gave up.

For the time being, it is regarded as a top-level material, placed together with the black blood and the blood of the great witch.

"Haha, I knew you would agree."

Ao Tian was very happy.

"I'll give you the head of the Great Witch, but you can't stop using the Emperor's Tower to refine the acquired chaos energy."

"Don't worry, I want to make Chongshan World stronger more than you do."

Xu Junming nodded.

Chongshan World and Ao Tian are the escape routes he has reserved for himself, once he falls to other worlds. At least he can be resurrected with the help of Ao Tian's dharma body.

You won’t suffer the pain of reincarnation again.

Return to Chongshan Residence in Shushan World.

He took out the head of the great witch from the treasure room, and after spending half a year accumulating spiritual energy, he opened a space channel that was enough to transport the head of the great witch and sent it back to the world of Chongshan.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation hall, he noticed that the bamboo building outside was being tampered with.

After leaving the palace treasure tree, we came to the Tianzhu Tower of Chang'an Cave in Chongshan Mountain.

"The mountain chief is here, Shi Liyun pays my respects!"

Xu Junming came to the living room and lifted the ban outside with a wave of his hand.

"come in."

Soon, Our Lady of the Golden Needle Shi Liyun walked in.

"Meet the mountain chief."

After joining the inner courtyard of Chongshan Chang'an Academy as a teacher, Shi Liyun changed her title. Instead of calling her senior, she and other academy disciples called her "mountain chief".

"sit down."

Our Lady of the Golden Needle nodded and sat down at the bottom.

Xu Junming waved his hand, and a cup of steaming tea slowly floated over.

"Thank you, Chief."

Take it with both hands and put it aside.

"What do you want from me?"

"Master, in another half month, it will be your seventh sermon. Some monks who have traveled far away have arrived in advance. Please tell me how to arrange it."

Xu Junming suddenly realized.

Since he came to this world, in order to gain merit and achieve enlightenment, in addition to teaching disciples, he also gives lectures on Taoism and Dharma from the first to the seventh day of the first lunar month every year.

This is now the seventh time.

However, the previous six times it was his avatar preaching the Dharma, but this time it was his real body.

Looking at the respectful and serious Madonna of the Golden Needle, knowing that she was ordered to take charge of this matter for the first time, I felt nervous.

Xu Junming didn't say much about it.

Many things will be easier to talk about next time with experience.

"The courtyard on the left side of the academy is the guest room. If there are monks who arrive early, arrange them there."


"Also, in addition to preaching for seven days this year, I also have some magic weapons and elixirs to exchange with everyone. You can inform them in advance so that they can be prepared."

After practicing Taoism for many years, Xu Junming acquired many magic weapons. Most of them are not used, and the best ones are given to his disciples and grandchildren. He doesn't need the rest, so he might as well exchange them out while he has the chance.

Our Lady of the Golden Needle nodded.

"Does the mountain chief have any other explanations?"

"No more." After a pause, "Are you still used to being here?"

"Thank you to the director of the mountain. Although the daily teaching is a little busier than before, I can review the past and learn new things. It is countless times better than hiding in the mountains alone in the cold wind and rain, panicking every day."

"In addition, I would like to thank the Mountain Master for giving me the 'Aoki Immortality Sutra', which gives this disciple the hope of becoming a Golden Immortal."

"No need to thank me. Although the technique is good, if you don't have the perseverance to practice it from scratch, it will all be empty talk."

"The mountain leader is too humble. I don't know how many talented people there are in the side sects like me, but they have no hope of becoming immortals because they don't have the right method. Liyun can get the mountain leader to teach the true scriptures, and rebuild with kindness, Liyun Minggan Wunei!"

Seeing her sincerity, Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

"Practice well and lead the disciples in the inner courtyard well. This is the best reward for me."

"Disciple understands that he will do his best to fulfill the mountain master's instructions."

After nodding slightly, "If you have nothing to do, just go and get busy."

There was a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Mountain Master, my daughter also has an innate Taoist body with the Qingmu attribute. She is most suitable for practicing the 'Qingmu Sutra of Longevity'. I wonder if this skill can be passed on to her by my disciples?"


"Thank you, Mountain Master."

Our Lady of the Golden Needle was beaming with joy.

Xu Junming smiled lightly and didn't say much.

He has never been self-conscious about his skills. Whether he is a direct descendant of Chongshan or an inner disciple, he can practice any method of Chongshan lineage.

Preaching to the world was the vision he had promised many years ago.

"Any thing else?"

Our Lady of Golden Needles shook her head.

"Go ahead."

"Disciple resigns."

Seeing her leave, Xu Junming shook his head slightly.

The first thing that limits a person's achievements is perseverance, followed by understanding. Kung Fu only accounts for a small part. Moreover, all disciples who enter Chongshan Academy are not short of skills.

But now that Our Lady of the Golden Needle has spoken, he will not refuse.

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