Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 661 Daxiong’s Treasure House, Purple Green Sword Sutra

Chapter 661: Mahavira’s Treasure House, Purple Green Sword Sutra

"Sister, where are we going?"

Li Yingqiong harnessed the divine light of ice soul and followed behind several senior sisters.

She has been practicing for twelve years. With her extraordinary talent and understanding, as well as the rich resources of the Chongshan lineage, although she has not practiced for a long time, she has already advanced to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

With the divine light of ice soul and several spiritual treasures given by master Xu Huang, even the monks in the early stage of Yuan Shen can withstand one or two in a short period of time.

"Let's go to Kongtong Mountain." Fu Qingfeng turned around and said with a smile.

"Kongtong Mountain?"

"Young junior sister, haven't you been there?" Fu Yuechi said with a smile.

"No. When I was a child, I heard my father say that there are many demon cultivators there."

"Haha, Uncle Li must not have been there either. We have long since killed the demon cultivators in Kongtong Mountain, and the rest have either run away or reformed their evil ways. Instead, many disciples of our Chongshan Academy are cultivating there." Deng Bagu smiled.

"Since there are no magic cultivators, what are we going to do in Kongtong Mountain?" Li Yingqiong asked.

"Master said there is a Daxiong treasure there, let us take it out, and the treasure will be shared by our fellow apprentices and sisters," Fu Qingfeng said.

"Nobita's treasure?"

Yi Jing's eyes lit up.

After awakening the memory of Shiro Younu in her previous life, she also knew a thing or two about the Nobita's treasure house passed down from ancient times.

I just never knew it was actually hidden in Kongtong Mountain.

"Senior Sister, can you tell us the details of this Nobita treasure?" Xu Yuchan asked quickly.

After Fu Qingfeng nodded, he organized his words.

"Thousands of years ago, in the Shushan cultivation world, there was an expert who came from Taoism to Buddhism. He was the leader of both Buddhism and Taoism. He was extremely powerful and well-known in the cultivation world."

"Before the ascension, a strange stone was moved from Western Tianzhu and placed in the Zhuling Stream of Western Kongtong as a place to hide treasures."

"It contains a bay leaf talisman, a golden ring for subduing demons, a golden lotus throne, Western sacred clay, a sword, a wooden fish, a convenient shovel, a golden sword, a dragon-binding rope, a Buddhist scripture stele and forty-nine Granulated magic pill.”

"Wow, so many treasures?" Li Yingqiong's eyes lit up after hearing this.

She has been in Taoism for the shortest time, and her character is not stable enough.

Fu Qingfeng looked at her with a smile and continued.

"There are many hidden treasures, and it is not easy to get them. There are Buddhist and Taoist prohibitions on the inner and outer layers of Zhulingjian Jade Bibi, and there are many ambushes. Unless you can get the forbidden maps on the inner and outer layers, it will be difficult to enter."

"On the outer wall, there is also a six-character Buddhist magic talisman. Unless you have obtained the true teachings of Buddhism and have profound Zen skills, you can turn it six times a day according to the hours attached to the outer forbidden map to temporarily resolve it and temporarily stop its magical effect."

"In addition, the cave door is sealed with the Taoist Hunyuan Zhenqi. Except for the Taiyi Divine Thunder, which is rare in the Taoist sect, and the thirty-six phased gods and demons in the Demon Sect, only the Yin Thunder can open it."

"Moreover, the prohibition of the whole cave is not only closely related, but also interconnected with the hidden magic weapon, and it is extremely powerful. If you have to have the true Buddhist teaching of subduing demons, and you are a destined person, you can get the two pictures, but you will still be unable to enter."

Li Yingqiong's face wrinkled up after hearing this.

"Is it so difficult?"

"Haha, don't worry, little junior sister. Although Zen Master Nobita is strong, he is still a little worse than our master. What's more, this time is the method of entry given by the master himself. I guarantee that I will get all the treasures without missing a piece. ." Fu Qingfeng smiled.

When she thought of her master and master, the worry disappeared from Li Yingqiong's face.

He grew up listening to stories about his ancestor from his father. In her heart, no one was more capable than his ancestor.

"Not far ahead is Zhulingjian. Come on, let's go down."

Fu Qingfeng pressed the button to escape the light, and his fellow apprentices followed him, flying down the clouds and arriving above a deep stream.

Looking over the past.

This is a deep stream hundreds of feet wide, hundreds of feet deep, and thousands of feet long.

Narrow on the sides and wide in the middle.

Overall, it looks like a bead with a line in the middle.

"Senior sister, is this Zhulingjian?"

Fu Qingfeng nodded.

"Master and I once came here once in a while. And when I used the treasure of the Zhenpai to look into the distance, the light of the treasure soared into the sky. It can't be faked."

Everyone subconsciously activated the bronze mirrors in their dantian to look into the canyon, and sure enough, a large handful of precious light rose into the sky.

Colorful and intense.

In an instant, everyone's interest was aroused.

"Come on, let's go there."

Fu Yuechi took the lead and flew straight towards the bead-shaped valley in the middle.

It didn't take long before we reached the bottom.

The closed valley shape isolates the cold mountain wind, so the place is full of greenery, with lush forests and bamboos, making it appear full of vitality.

However, compared with these, the jade on the east side is deeply embedded in the mountain and is extremely smooth, which is particularly eye-catching.

This jade jade is a hundred feet wide and dozens of feet high. It is pale white and translucent.

It's natural.

"Sister, there are many restrictions in this jade." Li Yingqiong exclaimed.

With the help of the bronze mirror, you can clearly see that the jade is densely packed, like a spider web-like restriction, tightly surrounding the hill-like jade in the middle.

And the pressure emanating from every restriction made her feel frightened.

Obviously, any of these restrictions are beyond the scope of what she can handle.

"No matter how strong the restriction is, it is not as mysterious as our Chongshan Academy's Hutian Taoism."

Opening his left hand, a bronze square mirror appeared in his hand.

You can clearly sense the rich spatial mystery it contains without having to go out of your way to understand it.

"The Third Master's most precious treasure, the 'Mirror of the Void'?" Jiufeng's eyes lit up.

"This is given to us by the Third Master, specifically for breaking the restrictions on the Pearl Lingjian Jade Bi."

After that, under the influence of magic power, a bright silver light rushed out of the mirror and touched the jade.

The mysterious power of space opened a passage that transcended the restriction and led directly to the interior.

Looking at the black passage, which was familiar to everyone who often used the Celestial Elephant Gate, Fu Qingfeng spoke quickly.

"Come on, let's go in."

With her taking the lead, eight senior sisters filed in.

In an instant, the scenery in front of him changed.

We came to a space about half an acre in size, surrounded by jade.

There is a mass of dark brown soil suspended in the middle of this space.

Even though it is only a small handful, the powerful Wutu spiritual energy inside is astonishing.

"Western God Mud!"

The senior sisters quickly recognized the origin of the soil.

But no one dared to collect it.

Because the dozens of restrictions in the entire jade are all connected to the Western Divine Clay, once it is touched, it will alarm the entire restrictions in the jade.

Beyond this mass of western sacred mud, at the end is a stone door nine feet high and three feet wide.

Fu Qingfeng slapped the gourd on his waist, and a silver-white talisman flew out.

His palms fluttered and he muttered silently.


The silvery-white magic talisman bloomed with light, and any restriction that touched this silvery-white light would be instantly blocked, without any exception.

"Is this a sealing talisman?" Deng Bagu asked.

"A treasure given by the master."

After Fu Qingfeng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and the Western Divine Mud flew into his palm obediently. After a brief glance, he placed it in front of Deng Bagu.

"Fifth Junior Sister, the Patriarch said that among our sisters, you are the only one to participate in the Wutu Taoist practice, so he specifically ordered that you get this western sacred mud. He also asked you to use it to sacrifice to the sacred sand gourd. The two are combined into one, and the power is If you add more, you will have more foundation for cultivating the best immortal weapons in the future."

Xu Yuchan was about to refuse, but when he heard that it was his master's explanation, he respectfully accepted it.

Facing the east, he bowed and offered silent blessings.

"Disciple Xu Yuchan, thank you Patriarch for the treasure."

As soon as her heart moved, an earth-yellow gourd shrouded in infinite mysterious light flew out from her dantian and quickly took in the Western Divine Clay in her hand.

This Western sacred mud is the best Wutu fairy material, containing rich earth element spiritual energy.

As soon as it fell into the gourd, the divine sand gourd began to bloom with a rich earth-yellow aura, obviously showing that its source of energy had greatly increased.

"Fifth Junior Sister, congratulations." Deng Bagu said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior sister, but there must be better treasures later." Xu Yuchan said quickly.

When they stopped here, Deng Bagu and other girls could not help but show expectant looks on their faces.

Fu Qingfeng saw it and smiled lightly.

He activated the Divine Mirror of the Void again, passed through the restrictions on the stone door, and came inside.

This is a larger space, about the size of an acre field.

In the entire space, the most eye-catching thing is the golden stone tablet in the middle.

It stands on a jade-white lotus flower nearly three feet in diameter, one foot nine feet high, one foot three feet wide, and seven feet thick.

Thousands of golden seal characters are neatly carved on the stone tablet.

A closer look reveals the life story of Zen Master Daxiong.

With the help of the bronze mirror, two scriptures can be seen.

A Bay-leaf Book, a golden book.

After Fu Qingfeng used the Divine Mirror of the Void to take out the two scriptures, he also knew their names.

Amitabha Sutra.

Hunyuan Zhenyang Sutra.

The former talks about the ultimate path of cause and effect in Buddhism, and contains the eight heavenly dragons of Buddhism, the divine palm of Amitabha and other great supernatural powers. It is a supreme scripture that can reach the pinnacle of cultivation and realize the four realms of Arhat and the fourth realm of 'Sotepanna Arhat'. .

The latter talks about the way of yin and yang, but it is not a dual cultivation of yin and yang, but a dual cultivation method based on pure yang and supplemented by mysterious yin.

Compared with the completeness of the former, Hunyuan Zhenyang Jing is missing the two chapters of Xuanxian and Jinxian at the back, so it is not complete.

But it still contains the pure Yang Taoism behind him.

After putting away these two scriptures, Fu Qingfeng looked up.

There are several spiritual treasures suspended there.

Fu Qingfeng followed his master's instructions and used a sealing talisman again to seal all the restrictions.

He reached out and made a move, and a golden sword that was two feet nine inches long and three fingers wide flew into his palm.

After looking at it for a while, he handed it to Deng Bagu.

"Fourth Junior Sister, you are a master of both Ice Dao and Sword Dao, so my master is destined to give this Demon-Slaying Sword to you."

"Thank you, Patriarch, for the treasure."

Deng Bagu took it expectantly.

The Demon-Slaying Sword is just a low-grade immortal weapon from the Three Immortals, which is worse than her Feihong Sword. But half a century ago, the ancestor divided the treasures, and she got a bottle of human yellow elixir, plus a piece of immortal iron that cost 30,000 yuan to refine.

With its help, you can train this demon-slaying sword and your own Feihong Sword into a top-grade immortal weapon for the Seven Paths Immortal Forbidden.

The combination of the two swords is perfect for practicing the "Purple Green Sword Sutra", the supreme sword of our sect.

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