Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 679 The disillusionment of life and death, the dust of Liangyi

Chapter 679: The disillusionment of life and death, the dust of the two rituals


The Dragon Emperor rang the Soul Falling Bell again. The combination of his natal magical power and the immortal weapon was particularly powerful.

Chang Mei Zhenren was the first to bear the brunt.

Because I had already suffered a loss once, I was prepared in advance this time.

A jade seal sheds heavy light, protecting himself in the middle.

However, he underestimated the power of the Soul Falling Bell. Although this jade seal was a high-grade immortal weapon, it was far inferior to the Soul Falling Bell of a higher level.

With the rapid fluctuation of the protective light shield and the powerful bell ringing, the jade seal flew away. Changmei Zhenren felt his head tremble, and his magic power was instantly scattered.

In an instant, the divine light of Kuishui that the Dragon Emperor had practiced most skillfully flew over like lightning.

The speed is astonishing, but after all, Changmei Zhenren is not an ordinary person. His talent, perseverance and understanding are all top-notch. Coupled with the protection of the previous jade seal, he quickly struggled out from the sound of the Soul-Destroying Bell, although his head was still sore. , the mana is still scattered.

But fortunately, it is not without resistance.

He reached out and made a move, and the jade seal's brilliance shone brightly, blocking him in an instant.

But as soon as the corundum sunflower water's spiritual light touched, it was instantly taken away and suppressed.

Taking this opportunity, Changmei quickly retreated, but the red fire divine light had already caught up.

Not fully recovered, he repeated his old trick and activated the jade bottle to block the red fire divine light.


The mighty soul-destroying bell rang again.

With the experience of the first two times, Master Changmei dealt with it a little more calmly than before.

After consuming several immortal weapons, he no longer passively defended himself, but instead offered a purple talisman.

The Dragon Emperor instinctively felt the danger.

He frowned slightly, the magic formula in his palm changed, and the five elements of divine light suddenly changed.


It was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The dazzling purple light, as if the sun was born, filled the sky and the earth.

The mighty thunder gathered into a three-foot-long spear, piercing the space with earth-shattering momentum, and arrived in front of the Dragon Emperor in the blink of an eye.

Astonishing penetrating power, as fast as light and lightning, it is almost impossible to avoid unless you are prepared in advance.

Although the Dragon Emperor had noticed it early, he did not avoid it.

Let the spear come through the air.

However, the strange thing is.

The five-color divine light in front of him, which was no more than a size thick, seemed to contain infinite space. The three-foot-long lightning spear flew into it and was silent for a long time.

"How can it be?"

The long-mei master's face was filled with disbelief.

The Thunder Divine Spear is the most important treasure of the top sect in the Yellow Emperor's Immortal Realm, the "Shenxiao Dao".

It is said that ‘with one spear, it is difficult to save the immortals’.

It is the top killing weapon in the spiritual world.

The thunder talisman condensed with this treasure as the foundation is a protective treasure that only the core disciples of Shenxiao Dao have.

It was only by chance that he got one.

Now that I have used it, I thought that I could achieve great success in an instant and save the defeat, but I never thought that I wouldn't even hear a sound.

Not only did he find it unbelievable, but Tianyi Jinmu, Li Shoujie, Chuo Sanzi, Xinru Shenni and Crazy Monk who returned from the Lingkong Immortal Realm with him also had their eyes widened.

Shenxiao Dao Town teaches the Lingbao ‘Thunder Spear’, which shocks the entire Chi County Shenzhou.

The five immortal realms, the four sea realms, and the three immortal mountains are all as powerful as thunder piercing the ears.

With the help of this treasure to suppress, Shenxiao Dao has survived several catastrophes that destroyed the sect.

I never thought that such a powerful Lei Dao Lingbao would meet his opponent in the lower realm that everyone thought was barren.

Although a talisman that condenses the spiritual power of the Thunder Spear cannot be equal to the Thunder Spear itself, its indestructible power is still breathtaking.

"Fellow Daoist Daoist, do you know what kind of treasure that is? It's so powerful!"

Li Shoujie stared at the five rainbow lights surrounding the Dragon Emperor with fiery eyes.

Chen Sanzi shook his head.

"The old Taoist doesn't know very well. Once we take down this devil, it won't be too late for me to ask again."

"That is not a spiritual treasure, but a magical power!"

Xinru Shenni said.

Looking at everyone's eyes and recalling the news about Chongshan Academy collected in the past few days, Xinru Shenni looked complicated.

"This magical power is called 'Great Five Elements Divine Light'. It is a great magical power cultivated by the third founder of Chongshan Academy, 'Taiyi Five Virtues True Monarch'. His disciples all practice it. It is known as 'Under the divine light, there is nothing.'" Don’t brush’.”

"Nothing is left untouched? What a big statement." Tianyi Golden Mother said.

"Although it's a bit exaggerated, seeing that it was able to block even the Thunder Spear just now, its power is really unbelievable." Xinru Shenni said.

"When I look at this light, it seems that it possesses the wonders of a pot of heaven, containing infinite space." The mad monk hesitated.

"Did Master get it wrong? This magical power is called 'Five Elements Divine Light', and it is indeed true when looking at the aura. How could it be the magical power of Hutian Dao?" said Chui Sanzi.

"Amitabha, maybe the poor monk really saw it wrong."

Before receiving the flying sword message from Master Changmei and returning to the lower realm, he had been studying the great magical power of the great sect of Buddhism in the Lingkong Immortal World, the Great Cloud Temple, the Sumi Palm.

This palm contains the use of Hu Tian Dao, but it is not too profound.

Despite this, it also made him feel that it was obscure and difficult to understand.

But with his current cultivation level of Si Tuohan Arhat, which is equivalent to that of a Taoist Xuanxian, he can understand it to some extent. Only then did I see a bit of the mystery of the Five Elements Divine Light.

Since I am not very knowledgeable, I am not sure.

"No matter what, everything will be clear once we capture this person." Li Shoujie said.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in unison.

Being in the spiritual world, they knew the value of a top-notch magical power, so they all looked forward to it.

At this time, the thunder and lightning spear transformed by the spiritual talisman flew millions of miles within the five elements of divine light, lost its restraints, and slowly disintegrated.

A blow that gathers the spiritual power of top-notch immortal weapons is truly powerful.

But although the Great Five Elements Divine Light seems to be just a light, in fact, there is actually a world of Five Elements elements tens of millions of miles away inside.

It is the true essence of Naxumi and mustard seeds.

Even the Golden Immortal cannot control his Taoism and fly tens of millions of miles.

And there is also the obstruction of the power of the realm.

Master Changmei is also a decisive person. When he saw the magic talisman at the bottom of the box, he couldn't stand the other party's divine light. In an instant, he gave up all thoughts of fighting alone.

Flying back in an instant, shaking his hands, a spiritual light rushed straight towards the bullfighting. After flying thousands of feet, it suddenly turned into a vast yin and yang spiritual light.

At the same time, six figures holding large flags, including Qi Shuming, four monks and two monks, appeared thousands of feet away.

The six people shook violently, and in an instant, the situation within the city changed. Six thousand-foot-long flag gates appeared on the ground, and a complex golden eclipse glyph shone on each gate.

It is exactly the six words "life, death, illusion, destruction, obscurity, and clarity".

The flag door flashed and disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth disappeared in an instant, and the infinite dimness and gloomy aura flew from all directions, filling the entire space in an instant.

The Dragon Emperor, whose whole body was shrouded in the divine light of the Five Elements, stood as steady as Mount Tai in the center.

"The Liangyi dust formation is indeed mysterious!"

With the help of the connected soul, Xu Junming also saw the formation at this moment.

With the help of the bronze mirror, the dark appearance of the complex formation instantly faded away, revealing the essence of countless cobweb-like restrictions stacked on top of each other.

In Xu Junming's eyes, these prohibitions filled with countless eclipses are like mathematical formulas composed of numbers and symbols, exquisite and beautiful.

Every prohibition is precisely arranged together, as standard as a workpiece on an assembly line, without the slightest fallacy.

"It turns out to be a composite formation. With Liangyi Yin and Yang as the foundation and Liuhe Flag Gate as the flanks, it is called the six changes of life and death, disillusionment and darkness, but it is actually twelve. Moreover, Yin and Yang are reversed, and life and death change. There is no so-called life at all. Door."

Xu Junming, who was soul-connected with the Dragon Emperor, used his eyes to look excitedly at the surrounding formation.

Different from the grand finale of Taiqing Laozi in the legend, these two dust arrays do not have the power to transform the universe into a prehistoric state and use dust to evolve everything in the world.

However, even so, as a top-level immortal formation, the ability of this Liangyi Dust Formation is still enough to suppress Shushan and even the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

After taking over the 'Shengzi' flag gate from Qi Shuming, Master Changmei shook his hand and placed the Ziying sword on it.

Driven by the power of the large formation, the power of this innate spiritual treasure burst out instantly.

The mighty sword energy was incredibly sharp.

"It's a pity that the Qingsuo Sword was not found, otherwise it would have been placed at the Death Flag Gate. The two swords combined would be enough to sweep across Shushan."

When he first ascended to the spiritual world, except for one important treasure that was related to his wealth and life, he left all the important treasures including the purple and green swords, the innate energy talisman, and the Ling Cui Peak in Emei.

One is to suppress the luck and let them contribute to the prosperity of Emei.

The other is to avoid the crime of "having a jade".

In the Shushan world, he was a powerful person and no one dared to covet his spiritual treasure, but it was different in the Lingkong Immortal World.

If those Xuanxian and Jinxian knew that he had an innate spiritual treasure, they would definitely come to snatch it.

Instead of worrying about it every day, you might as well wait until your cultivation level is high and then go to the lower realm to get it back.

It's just that he didn't expect that despite all the calculations, he still lost a Qingsuo sword.

Using the magic of heaven to deduce it has no results.

Later, due to the pressure from Chongshan Academy, there was no time to look for it.

He used his own natal flying sword, the Qingyang Sword, to temporarily replace the Qingsuo Sword. After suppressing the Death Sect, Xinru Shenni took charge of it.

Chuan Sanzi used the top-grade immortal weapon Lingcuifeng to suppress the 'Huan Zi' divine gate.

Li Shoujie used the divine thunder hammer, a top-grade immortal weapon, to suppress the ‘Mie Zi’ divine sect.

The mad monk used the green willow staff, a top-grade immortal weapon, to suppress the "Hun" gate, and the Tianyi Golden Mother used the top-grade immortal weapon, the Tianyi Shen Water Flag, to suppress the "Ming" gate.

"Five fellow Taoists, you must guard the flag gate and cooperate with me to kill this beast."

"Fellow Daoist Ren, don't worry. With such a large formation, this demon will definitely be unable to escape." Li Shoujie said with a smile.

He really didn't expect that the person he was optimistic about and planned to make friends with would actually have such a large formation in the remote lower world.

Although the whole picture cannot be seen, the aura revealed by this formation is no worse than that of the mountain-protecting formations of the top sects in the Lingkong Immortal Realm such as Louguan Taoism, Tianshi Sect, and Chunyang Sect.

"And that purple sword, if I read it correctly, it must be an innate spiritual treasure."

Thinking of this, Li Shoujie felt deep envy in his heart.

The preciousness of innate spiritual treasures is known to everyone in the entire Lingkong Immortal World. But except for a few top sects of witchcraft, Taoism, demons, and demons such as Kunlun, Tianshi Tao, and Chiyou Cave, there are not even big sects such as Louguan Tao, Penglai Sect, and Kongmingshan.

Thinking again of the extremely powerful and powerful magical power of the previous person called the ‘Great Five Elements Divine Light’.

"It seems that the lower realm of Shushan is not as barren as I imagined. After this matter is over, I must inspect it again."

The long-browed master took a deep breath and looked at the conspicuous five-color rainbow light in the center of the formation.

Use the innate energy talisman to activate the formation.

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