Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 686 Yelvliao Kingdom, Sirius God Banner

"Who are you?!"

The middle-aged Taoist's eyes were full of green light, but there was a hint of sternness in his tone.

"Me? Haha, you are unlucky to meet me."

Before he finished speaking, a green light like lightning came straight towards Xu Junming's door.

Strike first to gain the upper hand.

Reach out a little, and the soft silver-white brilliance spreads out.

In an instant, everything around him seemed to have pressed the pause button.

Looking at the Sirius demon who was about to leave, Xu Junming smiled faintly.

"Although wolves are cunning, our cultivation levels are too far apart."

He reached out and made a move, and a bit of starlight flew out of the opponent's body. It was the soul of the Sirius.

The mana prompted the human soul divine gate to fly out of the dantian. After swallowing the starlight, a silent movie composed of the wolf demon's memory flashed quickly in front of Xu Junming.

"I see, it's my luck!"

His face showed joy.

He stretched out his hand and made a move, and the bag of magic on the wolf demon's waist flew into his hand.

He easily broke the seal above and took out a tightly sealed jade box from inside.

After looking at it for a while, he uncovered the three-layered talisman on it.

In an instant, extremely rich evil energy surged out along with the power of the stars.

However, it was quickly blocked by Xu Junming's sealed divine light.

Opening the jade box, along with the navy blue aura, a tattered triangular flag slowly flew out.

The strange thing is that the further away from the jade box, the bigger the triangular flag becomes.

Xu Junming stretched out his hand and, being proficient in the art of space, he was able to carve out tens of thousands of feet of space from a small area in an instant.

A flash of green light.

A large navy blue triangular flag, three feet tall and nine feet tall, six feet wide and seven feet wide, appeared in front of Xu Junming.

The flagpole, which is as thick as an adult's thigh, is completely green and black, like a big spear that is about to pierce the sky. The sharp tip of the spear emits cold light, which is intimidating.

The banner, which is nearly seven feet long, is entirely navy blue, with a triangular edge, and a moon-roaring wolf that is entirely azure embroidered in the middle.

The giant wolf with visible hair seemed to be alive, with sharp fangs and ferocious eyes.

Looking at it, I vaguely heard the desolate wolf howl that echoed through the sky.

Unfortunately, this wolf flag seemed to have been greatly damaged. The thick and tough flag was full of holes and tears of varying lengths.

A good flag, but almost half of it is missing.

Even the remaining parts were stained and dilapidated, as if they had been left in a corner for hundreds of years and had just been dug out.

However, despite the broken wolf flag, there are twelve complete prohibitions inside it.

Obviously this is a perfect level of top-grade immortal weapon.

More importantly, he also discovered nine other traces of the existence of the Immortal Forbidden City.

Obviously, when this flag is complete, it is an immortal treasure with twenty-one immortal restrictions.

Immortal treasure is an immortal weapon used by Taiyi Immortal.

Taiyixian is a higher realm.

Although Xu Junming is already standing at the last moment, it will take hundreds of years of practice to kick him out.

"Sirius flag!"

Xu Junming felt that it was a wise choice for him to use the Divine Ball to calculate for himself before starting.

If not, I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to get the Sirius Flag.

However, the origin of this treasure is not simple. It can be learned from the memory of the wolf demon.

This treasure is the national treasure of the Liao Kingdom.

A top-notch immortal weapon that contains the Way of Wind.

To be able to steal this treasure from the heavily guarded Liao Palace, the identity of the wolf demon just now is naturally not simple.

From his memory, he learned that his name was Yelv Shi, and he was also a member of the royal family of the Liao Kingdom. He was of pure ancient Sirius bloodline and was born extraordinary. He was the most famous rising star among the royal family of the Liao Kingdom. In just a hundred years, he had advanced to the late stage of Yuanshen.

He was the fastest disciple among the Liao royal family for thousands of years.

However, as the saying goes, ‘The first bird will be struck with the gun’.

Moreover, throughout the long history, the battles between the royal family are far greater than those among the people.

The Liao Kingdom is naturally no exception.

Yelu Shi's excellence threatened 'Yelu Yan''s position as crown prince.

Although the latter had already become a heavenly being, Yelvshi's cultivation was too fast.

Give him a thousand years, let alone a heavenly immortal, it is impossible for him to become a true immortal.

Although the Liao Kingdom absorbed the Confucianism of the Song Dynasty that "ordering elders and younger ones", cultivation was the most important criterion for inheriting the throne of emperor.

In order to eliminate this rapidly rising threat, Yeluyan used his power to mobilize the royal family members who guarded the 'Sirian Wolf Flag'.

He also invited Yelvshi to the important place where the Sirius flag was stored. He did not keep the appointment himself, but took the opportunity to let the disciples of the Heart Demon Sect he collected use the seven-emotion magic to arouse Yelvshi's greed and let him steal the Sirius flag himself. flag.

Privately stealing the ‘Sirius Flag’, even if Yelvshi was the royal family of the Liao Kingdom, he would not be able to escape death.

He simply refused to do anything and took the treasure and fled towards the Southern Song Dynasty. Only in this human country, which had always been at odds with the Liao Kingdom, could he have a glimmer of hope.

According to Yeluyan's estimation, Yelvshi, who was in the later stage of Yuanshen, could not escape from the Liao Kingdom no matter how much he could run, and would be captured by those worshipers with the Xuanxian cultivation level.

But what he didn't know was that Yelvshi was also very human. In addition to the natural magical power 'Xiao Yue' unique to the Sirius tribe, he also awakened a natural magical power called 'Zang Yue'.

The latter can hide the breath and become invisible.

But he didn't tell anyone that he had two natural powers.

Only then can he earn a chance of survival for himself.

The magical power of the Hidden Moon, coupled with the speed given by the Sirius Banner, actually allowed it to escape from the Liao Kingdom.

However, the Sirius Flag is the treasure of the Liao Kingdom and must not be lost.

Even in the Song Dynasty, the pursuit from the Liao Kingdom never stopped.

When he met the Golden Tiger Escort Agency some time ago, it was when he was being hunted. That's why they didn't dare to bite people and ran away as soon as they were discovered.

Now that he finally got rid of his opponent, he thought about coming back for revenge and having a hearty meal to replenish his consumed energy, blood and mana.

After understanding the whole story, when he looked at the wolf demon named 'Yelushi', his eyes were full of indifference.

Since escaping to the Song Dynasty, he has devoured thousands of people, which can be said to be a heavy debt of blood.

"I originally wanted to keep you as a coolie, but now it seems that I can't keep you here."

As soon as he reached out to grab it, Yelvshi's physical body collapsed. After a moment, it turned into a blood-red pill and flew into the green gourd around his waist.

An 'Essence and Blood Pill' condensed from the flesh and blood of the Soul-level Sirius Demon can hardly bring much help to him now.

"Keep it for now."

Look at the Sirius flag in his hand again.

There is no doubt that if it is left behind, it will be regarded as a mortal enemy by the Liao Kingdom.

Smiling calmly, he casually put the green gourd around his waist.

The reason why he came to the Lingkong Immortal Realm was to occupy this realm's destiny and facilitate the annexation of Chongshan World.

To achieve this goal, we must first clean up the five immortal realms and the three mountains and four seas in this world just like we clean up Emei, Buddhism and Demon Sect in Chongshan World.

The Liao Kingdom is naturally one of them.

What's more, it is still a demon clan force.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you offend or not.

Even Xu Junming was lucky to get this Sirius flag. Without it, the strength of Liao Kingdom would undoubtedly drop a lot.

With a wave of his sleeves, the previously opened space disappeared, and the room that had been messed up by the wind returned to its original state.

Under the orange light, the night is quiet and quiet.

Watching all this, Han Bacheng and Han Yunzhi beside them looked in a daze, almost as if they were still dreaming.

"Okay, the wolf demon has been captured by me. You can go back and rest."

The faint words made the two of them tremble. Looking at the tall Taoist with a mysterious aura sitting cross-legged on the bed, they quickly bowed and saluted.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for your help. The two of us will take our leave."

After saying that, he exited the door with a respectful expression.

After the matter was settled, Xu Junming also wanted to leave.

Thinking of the previous harvest, he took out the Divine Ball of Heaven and Calculation again to calculate his own luck.

He was slightly stunned and looked at the closed door.

"Is there any chance for them?"

He frowned, it was hard to imagine that a group of bodyguards with weak merit and low cultivation level could have the opportunity to be useful to him.

However, he believed that the result of the Taiyi Bagua he had deduced would be correct. In particular, there is also the help of the Tianji Divine Ball, which is an advanced low-grade innate spiritual treasure.

"Forget it, in that case, just follow."

With nothing important to do, he made a decision quickly.

At dawn the next day, Han Bacheng knocked on the door.

Seeing Xu Junming getting out of bed, of course he was very grateful.

"I can't repay Taoist Master for saving his life. I got this piece of beautiful jade by chance. I will give it to Taoist Master today. I hope that Taoist Master will not be too polite."

While speaking, Han Bacheng reached out and took out a black wooden box from his arms. After opening it, put it in front of Xu Junming.

I saw.

In the red soft lining, there is an oval-shaped jade embryo the size of a child's palm.

When I took it out, I saw that the tentacles were warm and moist, and the translucent jade seemed to contain a group of light golden mist. It was obviously a piece of extremely high-quality warm jade.

However, to Xu Junming, this piece of warm jade that has been heated for 500 years is not a precious thing. He can create whatever he wants.

"Are you really willing to give it to me?"

"Although this jade is precious, it is nothing compared to life."

Seeing his sincere tone, Xu Junming nodded slightly, put the jade embryo back, and fastened the jade box.

"Take your things back."

"Taoist master, this is...?" Han Bacheng was stunned.

"Your jade is nice, but it is of no use to me. If you are really grateful to me for saving your lives, give me a map of Dongchuan Mansion."

"Map?" Han Bacheng was stunned for a moment.


As escorts travel around the world, Han Bacheng certainly has maps, but drawing maps privately is a serious crime, so the maps of the escort bureau are always in his hands and have never been revealed to others.

"you are not willing?"

"No, no, no, Taoist priest, don't get me wrong. It's just a little unexpected."

After saying that, he took out a brocade bag from his arms, opened it, and took out a piece of cowhide.

Unfolding the folded part, a fairly detailed map of Dongchuan Prefecture appeared in front of Xu Junming.

For any escort agency traveling around the world, the map is the most important thing.

It can save countless escort hours.

Therefore, the more profound the escort agency is and the more detailed the map, the more precious it is.

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