Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 688 The Disaster of Ghost Fox

Chapter 688: The Disaster of the Ghost Fox

"Brother, was it not like this before Yuejia Town?" Han Yunzhi said.

Han Bacheng nodded and looked around.

"Yunzhi, find a few stable brothers and go to the surrounding stores to inquire. If necessary, spend some money."

After Han Yunzhi nodded, he found two escorts and walked into an open inn nearby.

It didn't take long before he came back.


"Brother, let's ask clearly. The store owner said that people have died frequently in Yuejia Town recently, even during the day. Everyone thought it was ghosts and foxes causing trouble. Therefore, people are panicked and all businesses are in ruins."

"Ghosts, foxes and monsters? Don't the local government and nearby palaces care about it?"

"They took care of it, but they didn't find the ghost behind it. They just issued an official document asking people in the town to stay at home as much as possible and not to go out unless they had something to do."

Han Bacheng nodded thoughtfully.

"Brother, why don't we leave here as soon as possible? The trouble caused by demons and ghosts is beyond our control."

"Yun Zhimo, don't worry. We can't control it, but the Taoist priest certainly can."

Subconsciously looking at the carriage in the center of the team, the panic on Han Yunzhi's face calmed down for the most part in an instant.

In his panic, he forgot that there was a Taoist Priest in his team who had great magical powers and could conquer demons.

"Don't worry. The Taoist Master is an expert in this world. If there is a monster causing trouble in Yuejia Town, he will definitely be subdued by the Taoist Master."

Han Yunzhi nodded in agreement.

"The disaster of demons and ghosts?"

The huge spiritual consciousness that Xu Junming had accumulated in his body was about to be released, but it stopped in an instant.

His spiritual consciousness is too amazing. Once released, too many people will be alarmed, which is inconsistent with his current purpose of traveling around the Song Dynasty, collecting information, observing the situation, and then taking advantage of the opportunity.

"Forget it, it's just a monster. When you show up, it won't be too late to capture him."

Han Bacheng led the escort team to the door of a large house with red walls and green tiles.

At a glance, you can see the red lacquer courtyard gate, the golden lion mouth, the high walls and the wide courtyard. Although it cannot be called magnificent, it is definitely not an ordinary home.

But the door was locked at the moment, and it didn't look like anyone was home.

"Old Qi, come forward and call the door." Han Bacheng said after looking at him for a few times.

Liu Laoqi nodded, dismounted and ran to the door, "dong dong dong", and knocked three times.

"Is anyone here? Open the door. The chief escort of the Golden Tiger Escort Bureau is here to visit your master."

After shouting loudly, not long after, I heard the sound of tiny footsteps coming from far to near inside.

‘Squeak…! ’

The closed courtyard door opened a crack, and a young boy wearing a gray cloth hat with a hanging turban on his head poked his head out of the crack in the door.

He glanced at Liu Laoqi, then turned to look at the escort team with nearly a hundred people outside.

"Are you really from the Golden Tiger Escort Agency in Dongchuan Fucheng?"

"Our chief bodyguard is here, how can we cheat? Go and inform your master." Liu Laoqi said.

Xiaosi also knew that Mr. Han, the head of the Golden Tiger Escort Agency, was an old friend of his own, so he nodded.

"You guys stay here for a moment, I'll go and notify the master right away."

After that, he turned around and closed the courtyard door, and went away far away.

Not long after, heavy and chaotic footsteps came over.


The heavy courtyard doors all opened, and a tall, elegant middle-aged man wearing a dark purple robe, a jade crown, and three long beards strode out, led by the old housekeeper next to him.

At a glance, he saw Han Bacheng sitting on a tall horse with a big sword on his back.

"Brother Han!"


Han Bacheng clasped his fists with his hands, quickly got off his horse, and faced him.

"I haven't seen you for several years, but my brother-in-law is still as charming as ever. It's really gratifying to congratulate him."

"Brother Han, you're welcome. I'm stuck here, and that's not as good as your pleasure of traveling around the world."

The two of them held their arms tightly and said happily.

"Come on, let's go in and talk."

Han Bacheng quickly grabbed the other party and said, "Brother-in-law, wait a minute, I will introduce you to an expert."


After smiling, Han Bacheng led him to Xu Junming's carriage.

"Director, we have arrived at our destination, please get off the bus."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of light, and Xu Junming's figure instantly appeared outside the carriage.

This magical scene made everyone who saw it look shocked.

Han Bacheng calmed down quickly because he had seen his magical power before and was prepared.

"Brother Yue, this is Taoist Priest Chongshan. Thanks to Taoist Priest for helping me, otherwise I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me."

"Brother is in danger?"

"I met a 'wolf demon' on the road and almost died." Han Bacheng nodded.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for saving my wise brother's life."

"I, the Taoist, have no measure of people. It is my lifelong ambition to kill demons and defend the common people. I don't need to say thank you, a layman." Xu Junming said calmly.

"The Taoist Master is indeed a Taoist master."

"Taoist Priest, this is the Yue He and Yue Zhonglin I mentioned to you before." Han Bacheng introduced.

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

Judging from Yue He's cultivation, he was much stronger than Han Bacheng.

The cultivation of martial arts has reached innate perfection.

After the introduction, everyone walked into the house under the leadership of Yue He.

The Yue family's house is quite spacious, with three courtyards in front and back, plus the two courtyards on the left and right, covering an area of ​​six or seven acres.

Being able to own such a large courtyard in a prosperous town shows the strength of the Yue family.

Come to the front yard and living room.

Everyone was seated as guests and hosts, and the maids served tea.

"My dear brother, my escort team has traveled nearly a thousand miles across mountains and rivers since they came out of Qieyun County, and they have not properly corrected themselves. Today, I came to your precious land. I want to stay for a few more days. I hope my dear brother can be accommodating."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Han Bacheng directly stated his intention.

"Based on the friendship between me and Brother Xian, in the past, it would have been a few months, let alone a few days. But today, I'm afraid I can't keep Brother Xian for too long."


Yue He sighed heavily.

"Brother Xian doesn't know something. Since seven days ago, ghost foxes have begun to appear in Yuejia Town. Over the past seven days, more than 30 people have died tragically in the entire town. Now people in Yuejia Town are panicked, and families The house is closed.”

"Those who have the means have already gone out to avoid disasters. If Xiao'e hadn't been pregnant and about to give birth and couldn't travel far, I would have left here."

"Speaking of this matter. I also noticed when I came here that the entire Yuejia Town is very deserted now. However, this place is not far from Dongchuan Fucheng. Even if the local government cannot handle it, within seven days, the people who press the inspection department should have already arrive."

"Could it be that they can't control the ghost fox in Yuejia Town?" Han Bacheng said.

Yue He shook his head with a heavy expression.

"The inspectors from Dongchuan Fucheng came here four days ago. Unfortunately, in the past four days, people are still dying in the entire Yuejia Town, and the situation is getting heavier and heavier."

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