Chapter 71 Mao Tou

"Where did you hear all this nonsense?"

"Who among the men in Tanzhou City doesn't know that Chunfang Tower is the number one gold-selling kiln in this city?!"

"You don't have all your hair, so what kind of man are you?"

Mao Tou held out his chest and belly, looking arrogant.

"I'm twelve this year. Grandpa said that you will be a man when you turn twelve!"

Xu Junming smiled, then touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Chunfang Tower?! It seems that 'that' is legal these days. Why don't you go and see it?"

Suddenly he shook his head.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Dao Ancestor is here again, the disciples were joking just now. ...However, Ren Tingting in 'Mr. Zombie' seems to be very beautiful. Oh, Master Yixiu's apprentice Qing Qing is also good. No, no, I want to pursue the Dao all my life,' That's like a floating cloud with me! Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, sin, sin!"

After a while.

"But if I don't say 'that', wouldn't I have to wear the hat of 'ten thousand years old virgin'? It's too embarrassing."

Xu Junming was bored thinking about his own things, and followed Mao Tou through the streets and alleys to the south of the city.

He originally thought that Mao Tou lived in a poor house built with thatch branches, but he never imagined that his home was a private courtyard with gray bricks and gray tiles.

Although it has not been repaired for many years, the walls are often cracked, and the roof is covered with weeds, it is still a good place to stay.

"Here we are, right here."

Mao Tou took out a red rope that had been dyed black from his neck and opened the courtyard door with the key tied to it.

"Taoist Master, come in!"

Xu Junming nodded and stepped through the door.

Looking up, a corner of the building collapsed, revealing the adobe screen wall inside.

Due to rain erosion and no maintenance for many years, most of the white dust painted on the surface has fallen off.

Going around the screen wall, there is a small courtyard of about 100 square meters. To the east of the courtyard is a vegetable garden, in which some rapeseed, beans and the like are planted. To the west is a chicken coop, in which six or seven half-grown chickens are raised.

The chicken coop and the vegetable garden are separated by a fence made of short wooden sticks, leaving a one-meter-wide road in the middle leading directly to the main house.

There is a side room on the left and right of the main room. The Spring Festival couplets affixed to the door lintel and door frame have lost all their color and become white and mottled.

The wooden door is dark gray with occasional cracks caused by dry wood.

The white paper covering the window was mostly torn and unrepaired. It floated in the breeze like a split mouth, mocking the owner's poverty.


An old and heavy cough came from the main room.


Mao Tou's face changed slightly, and he quickly opened the door and walked into the main room.

Xu Junming, who was walking behind, closed the courtyard door and walked in.

Anyone who has lived in a mud house knows that because there are fewer windows, the light in the room is often dim.

Although this was nothing to the already congenital Xu Junming, the rancid smell mixed with the smell of feces and urine in the room after being bedridden for a long time was really unpleasant, and there was also a smell of Chinese medicine.

His eyes passed over the Eight Immortals table, which was lame and supported by a few green bricks, facing the door of the room, and saw the old man lying on his back in the northeast corner.

His complexion was sallow, his cheeks were thin, his eyes were dull and dull, and he seemed to be struggling to open and close his mouth and nose. It was obvious that he had been on the sickbed for a long time.

Maotou was rubbing his chest, and his originally shrewd face was now full of worry.

While Xu Junming was looking at him, the old man also noticed him, but his eyesight was not very good and he couldn't see clearly.

"Changshan, cough, are there guests at home?"

"Grandpa, he is a Taoist priest and wants to rent our house for a few days."


Turning his head in the direction of Xu Junming.

"Ahem, Taoist Master, ahem, I'm sorry that the old man is weak and sick, but I can't get up to greet you!"

"Old layman, there is no need to be polite!"

After taking a few steps forward to examine it for a moment, he raised his right palm and slapped it from a distance, causing an undercurrent of magic power.


The old man's cough suddenly stopped and his eyes widened.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Suddenly a 'snoring' sound came from the old man's mouth! After a while, he suddenly coughed loudly, tilted his head, and spit out a smelly, black, blood-streaked mouthful of egg masses as big as peach cores.

Taking a deep breath, the old man's face gained a touch of color and his energy became a little stronger.

Xu Junming used magic power to warm up the old man's body, and then withdrew his palm and stopped the exercise.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"Changshan, help me up!"



Maotou quickly opened the quilt and helped the old man up.

His feet landed on the ground, and after taking two steps forward, he wanted to kowtow to Xu Junming. He is not a fool either. He was able to recover from the tuberculosis that had troubled him for many years. This was naturally due to the Taoist priest.

He quickly waved his sleeves to support the old man.

"Old layman, there is no need to be too polite. Helping people in danger and those in need is the purpose of my Taoism. Since I was met by a poor Taoist today, and it happened to be within the scope of my ability, I naturally did not hesitate to help."

"Taoist priest is a moral person, I'm so sorry, old man! ... Changshan, go and get some water for the Taoist priest!"

"Then you...?"

"After the Taoist Priest's diagnosis and treatment, my tuberculosis has recovered. Although my body is still not feeling well, it is not as difficult as before, so don't worry. ... I won't go soon."

Seeing his grandfather urging him, Mao Tou did not dare to neglect, and slowly let go of his hand. When he saw that his grandfather could stand on his own, he breathed a sigh of relief and went to pour water for Xu Junming.

"Taoist Master, please sit down."

Xu Junming nodded and sat down on the only two chairs next to him.

"It's a humble house, I hope the Taoist priest won't dislike it."

"The old layman is so polite. He practices Taoism and is as sweet as sugar in the cold mountains and cold caves, let alone now."

"Taoist Priest, drink some water!"

Mao Tou walked over carefully, carrying a coarse porcelain bowl with a chipped mouth.

His expression showed much more gratitude and respect than before.

Xu Junming took it and took a look. There were some food residues on the mouth of the bowl and it looked dirty.

He raised his eyebrows, opened his mouth and sucked in, and the water flowed into his mouth like a thread.


Return the bowl.

The grandfather and grandson were stunned by the miraculous scene, and it took them a long time to calm down.

"Taoist Master has such magical powers!"

Xu Junming smiled lightly but said nothing.

"How many days will Taoist Master stay?" The old man changed the subject.

"Maybe three to five days, or seven or eight days, we'll decide based on the situation!"

The old man nodded.

"Maotou, go and clean up the east wing and let the Taoist priest live in it."

"Got it, Grandpa!"

"It doesn't matter if the Taoist priest stays here for as long as he wants. If what the Taoist priest is doing is of some use to me, just ask."

"Thank you, old layman. If that time comes, I will definitely speak up."

"Haha, it's good if the Taoist priest doesn't see you outside."

Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

"The old layman has just recovered from his illness. It's better to rest more. I won't disturb him too much."

"Taoist priest needs some rest in the future. When dinner is ready, I'll ask Mao Tou to greet Taoist priest."

"Old lay people don't need to be polite. I've been living without food for a long time, so I don't need food. A bowl of water is enough!"

"What does this mean? Taoist Priest treating me is a great kindness. My Ma family is poor and I really have no money to repay the Taoist Priest. If I don't prepare a few meals, wouldn't I become a shameless person?!"

"The old layman is of noble virtue, and Pindao understands that. But if he eats this meal, I am afraid it will delay Pindao's achievements. By then, the old layman will not be repaying his kindness, but taking revenge!"

The old man's face changed slightly and he said apologetically.

"Ordinary people don't know the magic of the family, Meng Lang! I hope the Taoist priest will forgive me."

"He who doesn't know is not guilty. Old layman, rest in peace. I will come to visit you again when you are young and poor!"

"Taoist Master, walk slowly!"

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