Isn’t the Cross Sword delicious? 10,000 starting coins

Son of Destiny of All Realms 5666 Starting Coin

clannd, memory 5000 starting coins

\u0026\u0026Hesitation\u0026\u00262000 starting coins

Shadow Moon Xuanxuan 2000 starting coins

If Gg1 1500 starting coins

16307065329967 1000 starting coins

Fiery Blade 800 starting coins

One Hundred Years of Solitude LCY 500 starting coin

Lingren 500 starting coins

Write and write Spring and Autumn 500 starting coins

Draco Yueyu 500 starting coins

laiyi500 starting coin

Doomed to be lonely for a lifetime 500 starting coins

Hua Yongcheng's 500 starting coin

Supreme Pure Yang 500 starting coin

Xiaoliangzi 500 starting coins

Mine, mine, all my 500 starting coins

Five virtue gourd 100 starting coins

Crossing the hill only to find no one waiting for 100 starting coins

Dd Diqianfeng 100 starting coins

20200321190445574 100 starting coins

20200429231316828 100 starting coins

A lifetime of innocence 100 starting coins

160610150403210 100 starting coins

Sweat is brighter than tears 100 starting coins

Authoritative authority 1 100 starting coins

Chocolate hides 100 starting coins

Your love is far away 100 starting coins

Ye Ye Sheng Fei 100 starting coins

I want to have a good love with you. 100 starting coins

Drifting 100 starting coins in those years

161118092655318 100 starting coins

Invincible Fat Fish 100 starting coins

Universe Chaoyang 100 starting coin

Huang Tiandaojun 100 starting coins

21070124124858817 100 starting coins

Soul of Time and Space 100 Starting Coins

The Good Fool 100 starting coins

The amount of corn land is 100 starting coins

160306181532442 100

Half because of spiritual practice, half because of you 100

Wandering alone 100

Thanks to the above 43 book friends for their rewards last month.

I would like to express my special thanks to the book friend "Isn't the Cross Sword Fragrant" for the reward of 10,000 coins? I will add an extra chapter for you later!

Thank you very much for your support!

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