Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 738 Yin Bead of Resentment, Demonic Bottle of Corpse Qi

Chapter 738: Yin Bead of Resentment, Demonic Bottle of Corpse Qi

In the blink of an eye, nine years of ups and downs in the Kingdom of Jin have passed.

For nine years, due to the heavy blockade imposed by the Jin Kingdom, few people knew the specific inside story. But since then, Jin's aggressive arrogance seems to have disappeared.

The situation among the five major countries has rarely become calm.

On this day, two escaping lights flew from the west at lightning speed.

They reached a thousand feet above Shangjing City and stopped at the same time.

A man wearing a black robe with a sinister look on his face, and a middle-aged man wearing a green robe with a hawk-like gaze, appeared.

Looking at the greatly reduced size of Shangjing City below them, the two looked at each other.

"It seems that Jin Guo was seriously injured by that 'Taiyi'."

"How else could it happen that even half of the capital was destroyed?"

Both of them had happy smiles on their faces at the same time.

Suddenly, an extremely condensed voice sounded in his ears.

"Since the two fellow Taoists are here, why don't you come down and talk."

"Since the master has invited us, let's go."

After the black-robed man nodded, the two of them flew straight towards the imperial city, and soon arrived at the Qianyuan Hall, the main meeting hall of the Jin Kingdom.

Looking at Wanyan Zonghan sitting in the main seat, he was slightly stunned.

But he quickly reacted, took a step forward, and cupped his fists as a salute.

"I never thought that His Majesty the Qing Emperor would greet me personally. We are both extremely honored!"

The man in green robe said.

"The kings of the southern and northern chambers of the Liao Kingdom are here in person, so I should personally greet them. ... Please take a seat."

Zhou Peihong, who was wearing a black robe, and Yelu Qi, who was wearing a green robe, said their thanks and sat down on the jade chairs next to them.

"Why haven't you seen your country's left prime minister Aruhan?" Yeluqi asked.

"Prime Minister Zuo was seriously injured in the battle to kill Taiyi and is now in retreat." Wanyan Zonghan said.

"I see."

Seeing the way he went to the capital, he somewhat believed it.

In order to avoid interference from the Liao Kingdom, they did not tell each other where they would set up their positions. After all, the value of a golden immortal is too high.

Whether it is the natal immortal weapon, the elixirs, Taoist books, or even corpses that you carry with you, they are all top treasures in the world of cultivation.

The Kingdom of Jin did not want to share it with the Kingdom of Liao.

It's just that they didn't expect that the opponent's strength would be so strong. Not only did they not reap the benefits, but they also broke their own teeth.

Even, in order to maintain the apparent strength of the Jin Kingdom, they had to conceal the death of Aruhan.

Yeluqi did not go into details. They did not come here to see Aruhan.

"Your Majesty, the matter that you and I agreed upon at the beginning has come to be taken action, so the two of us came to ask for your opinion," Yeluqi said.

"Since it is something agreed upon earlier, I, the Kingdom of Jin, will naturally not break our promise."

Wanyan Zonghan opened his palm, and a heavily sealed jade box appeared in front of the four of them.

With a wave of his right hand, the sealing talismans flew up on their own.

Immediately afterwards, extremely rich blue-black resentment sprayed out from it.

When all the seals were gone, endless resentment rose into the sky.

The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling made this sacred golden temple seem to have fallen into the eighteenth level of hell.

The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and the rich green frost spread quickly, threatening to wrap up the entire Golden Palace.

No immortal would dare to be contaminated by such strong resentment.

If you don't pay attention, you will end up going crazy.

However, the four people present were all Golden Immortals, so they were not afraid of this resentment.

Wanyan Zonghan performed a trick with his hands, and a ray of blue came down from his upper body, instantly suppressing all the resentment.

Opening the lid of the box, a basketball-sized, dark black ball with clouds inside, as if containing billions of ghosts, appeared in front of you.

Seeing it, Yeluqi and Zhou Peihong had a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"This object is a ghost bead made of one billion human souls!"

The two looked at each other, and after nodding, Zhou Peihong patted the magic bag on his waist, and a black mysterious light slowly rose.

In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a glass jade vase with a narrow neck and a bulging belly.

He pointed his hand at the jade bottle with the hand seal technique, and the black jade bottle instantly became transparent, and a black skull appeared inside.

If you look closely, this skull is completely composed of endless bones.

The layers of human corpses intersected with each other, like building a wall, to form this gray-black skull.

These endless corpses spawned endless gray-black demonic energy.

Even through the jade bottle, one can clearly sense the demonic energy of the corpses as deep as the river.

Wanyan Zonghan pressed the seal, and the sealing talismans floating in the air fell layer by layer, quickly sealing the jade box.

Zhou Peihong also withdrew his hand, and the black jade bottle covered everything again.

With a flash of his eyes, he activated his magic power, and the jade box flew towards Zhou Peihong with a string of spiritual light.

Look at the other person's questioning eyes.

"In order to kill Taiyi, our country of Jin has sacrificed a lot. We will have to rest and recuperate for the next hundred years. I will leave this matter to you two."

Zhou Peihong and Yeluqi exchanged glances.

None of them expected that Kim would hand over the leadership of this matter.

However, in the matter of killing Taiyi, the Liao Kingdom did take advantage.

At almost no cost, Taiyi, who once disrupted the Liao Kingdom and took away billions of pigs, was beheaded by the Jin Kingdom.

"Jin and Liao are in the same spirit, and they should help each other. This matter lies with us, the Liao State. It's just that the nobleman your country has placed in the royal family of the Song Dynasty needs to be recommended by your country." Yeluqi road.

Wanyan Zonghan flicked his fingers, and a ray of green light flew by. After falling into his hand, it turned into a embossed unicorn command talisman.

"Show her this Qilin Qingling, and she will know what to do."

After taking a look, Yeluqi put it away.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your success."

Wanyan Zonghan nodded.

"You two have other things to do. If not, I would like to help Aruhan heal his injuries, so I won't accompany you two."

Zhou Peihong and Yeluqi could naturally hear this obvious order to expel guests.

Although they wanted to know how Aruhan was injured, they also knew that Wanyan Zonghan would definitely not agree.

"Since His Majesty has other important matters, let's take our leave first."

"I look forward to news of your success." He turned his head and said, "Right Minister, see off the guests for me."

Wanyanzhan nodded, "You two, please come with me."


"Walk slowly."

After sending the two of them off, Wanyanzhan returned to the main hall.

"We, the Jin Kingdom, have invested a lot in this plan. If it is left to the Liao Kingdom to take the lead and it succeeds in the future, wouldn't it mean that they would take advantage of it?"

After looking at him, Wanyan Zonghan said calmly: "If you want to have enough benefits, you must have strong strength. Previously, the strength of our Jin Kingdom was higher than that of the Liao Kingdom, so we naturally have to occupy more."

"Now that Aruhan is dead, the demon world has disappeared, the foundation of the Jin Kingdom has ceased to exist, and its strength has suffered heavy losses. Naturally, we must give up the leadership, otherwise we will not receive benefits, but greater losses."

Wan Yanzhan nodded. He understood the importance of strength better than anyone else, but it was just difficult to accept this huge gap.

"Damn Taiyi, it's like he disappeared in the past ten years, without any clues." Wanyanzhan said angrily.

Wanyan Zonghan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It seems that there is a powerful force hidden under the calm waters of the spiritual world!"

There was a pause.

"Is there any news at Chongshan Academy that I asked you to pay attention to?"

"They set up large formations in the three counties of Wuyuan, Yunzhong and Yanmen. No one is allowed in but no one is allowed out. They only accept human refugees and beggars. I sent six batches of spies to and from both human and demon races. All of them left and never returned."

"It's so secretive. It seems that Chongshan Academy is indeed worthy of further investigation."

"Do you suspect it was them?"

Wanyan Zonghan shook his head, "I don't know either, but I always feel that this person is mysterious and not simple."

"Do you want me to take action myself?"


After quickly denying it, "Our Kingdom of Jin is no longer what it used to be. If anything happens to you again, our Wanyan family's ten thousand-year foundation will be over."

Wanyanzhan nodded, that was all he said.

Aruhan's death not only caused him anger, but also brought him great shock.

Golden immortals are also mortal.

Since then, he has been much more cautious.


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