Chapter 750 Shuofangfang City

Looking at both sides of the broad street in front of me, the eye-catching plaques with suffixes of 'Elixir Store', 'Elixir Store', 'Magic Weapon Store', and 'Spiritual Beast Store' are all dazzling, covering almost everything. shop.

"Is this Shuofangfang City?" Zhao Kuangyin asked.

"Your Majesty, that's right. Shuofangfang City is the largest city in the entire northwest of the Song Dynasty, and even in the entire northern part of China in Chi County. Relying on Chongshan Academy, not only are all kinds of cultivation items complete in category, but they can also guarantee the safety of traders. Safe. In just a hundred years, it has developed to its current scale."

"...If it weren't for Chongshan Academy's strict order not to sell magic treasures, this place would have surpassed Penglaifang City and become the number one in China in Chi County." Zhong Shiheng said in a condensed voice.

"Since it is developing so fast, there must be a reason?" Zhao Pu said.

"What the Prime Minister said is true. Shuofangfang City is developing rapidly. In addition to Chongshan Academy cultivating a large number of monks and enough people buying it, it is also because the settlement of various goods is all based on elixirs."

"Elixir? What kind of elixir?"

"Huangya Pill, Three Yellow Pills, Five Yellow Pills, Seven Yellow Pills and Nine Yellow Pills respectively target the five realms of Ji Zhu, Xiantian, Golden Pill, Yuanying and Yuanshen."

"Every one thousand two hundred yellow bud pills can be exchanged for one three yellow pill; similarly, one thousand two hundred three yellow pills can be exchanged for one five yellow pill, and the same is true later."

"These elixirs can be used for both consumption and shopping. No one will refuse them. So they quickly became popular."

As the prime minister of a country and a person who had been in charge of the world's general affairs, Zhao Pu quickly understood the key.

"If you want elixirs to be used as currency among monks, you need a huge amount of elixirs to support them. It seems that there are a large number of alchemists in Chongshan Academy."

"What Xiangguo said is true. In the middle courtyard of Chongshan Academy, there is an 'Alchemist Academy' that specializes in training alchemists. Their graduation standard is to be able to refine 'Huangya Dan', 'Disease Elixir' and 'Healing Pill'." 'Three basic elixirs. It is rumored that alchemists who graduated from Chongshan Academy can refine nine kinds of elixirs, including Sanhuang Dan; Chongshan General Academy's standards are higher. As for the specifics, Weichen has no personal experience. For the time being, Not sure."

Zhao Pu nodded and continued, "Cultivating alchemists requires a lot of resources and high-level alchemy teachers. Chongshan Academy can only be established for a hundred years. Where can these things be obtained?"

"It is rumored that Xu Junming, the True Lord of Chongshan, is a master of alchemy himself. His third disciple, 'Fairy Kongsang' Qiao Shouxin, is also a master of alchemy."

"I see."

Zhao Pu suddenly realized.

"The True Lord of Chongshan, Xu Junming, is truly a genius. He is a master of both martial arts and Taoism, and he can also make great achievements in the way of alchemy."

"Can Xu Junming refine the elixir?" Zhao Kuangyin said suddenly.

Zhong Shiheng nodded, "It is rumored that there are dozens of elixirs inherited in Chongshan Academy, the most well-known is the 'Three Talents elixir'."

"What is the Three Talents Elixir?"

"Huang Dan, Di Huang Dan and Tian Huang Dan. Among them, Human Huang Dan corresponds to the Celestial Immortal Realm, Di Huang Dan corresponds to the True Immortal Realm, and Tian Huang Dan corresponds to the Mysterious Immortal Realm. The three elixirs are the best elixirs for increasing one's strength and practicing Qi." Shiheng said.

"Where's the Golden Wonderland?"

"I don't know. Maybe there is, but a pill of this level, even if it exists, will only be digested among the direct disciples of Chongshan and will not flow out at all."

After the words fell, the atmosphere between the three people fell silent again.

Along the way, they fully realized how prosperous the practice was in Shuofang County.

Even if it can't be said that there are monks everywhere, in two or three hundred years, it will be almost the same.

It can be said that Chongshan Academy has truly popularized spiritual practice to everyone.

Entering school at the age of six and studying for five years, as long as you have intermediate qualifications, you will be advanced to the advanced level by the time you graduate.

Even if you are inferior or have no qualifications to practice qi, if you have the perseverance, you can advance to the innate level through martial arts training.

Moreover, starting from the middle school, Chongshan Academy will train students separately according to their talents. There are nearly a hundred different colleges for you to choose from.

After nine years, those with superior qualifications and diligent practice can break through the golden elixir realm and enter the upper school to study.

Even those who have not entered the Upper House can still enter the Upper House if they advance to Jindan in the future.

This complete system truly makes it possible for you to succeed as long as you have talent.

This subversive inheritance method has long shaken the entire Chi County China.

But there is no sect that can learn from Chongshan Academy, preach to the world, and allow everyone to practice.

Not everyone is willing to give up the established master-disciple inheritance and teach the skills to everyone openly.

Besides, resources are limited, so if you share more, you will lose one.

Not many people are willing to give up their vested interests.

They never thought, or deliberately pretended to be deaf and dumb, that they didn't need to divide at all. As long as they made the cake bigger, they might get more.

"My lord, maybe this is the path that the Song Dynasty should take in the future." Zhao Pu said in a deep voice.

Zhao Kuangyin nodded.

Along the way, he fully experienced the stability and prosperity of Shuofang County, as well as its increasingly solid foundation. This was unprecedented in any county under the rule of the Song Dynasty.

But he also knows how difficult it is to achieve this.

"Is Chongshan Academy really just a sect that has been established for a hundred years?"

Zhao Pu and Zhong Shiheng also frowned.

This is also their common question.

Although a hundred years may seem like a long time, it is actually very short for a monk.

It is basically impossible to establish a system to manage tens of billions or even more monks in such a short period of time.

But Chongshan Academy was not only completed, but the system was also very complete.

This has to be doubtful.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, many people think that Chongshan Academy must control a huge world. They have been developing in this world for many years and established a complete system. Just wait for Chongshan Academy The True Lord only came to the outside world after he advanced to Golden Immortal." Zhong Shiheng said.

After hearing this, an idea flashed in Zhao Pu's mind and he blurted out.

"The lower realm of Shushan Mountain."

Zhao Kuangyin and Zhong Shiheng looked over instantly.

"Your Majesty, do you remember that there is a small world about 20 million miles in length and breadth called the 'Lower World of Shushan' adjacent to our Chi County Shenzhou?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Kuangyin nodded.

"It is rumored that many great masters such as Guangchengzi, Chunyang Zhenren, Fuyaozi, etc. all came from this world."

Zhao Pu nodded and said, "For many years, the lower realm of Shushan has been one of the main sources of immortal officials in the Immortal Court. But since two hundred and fifty years ago, no one has ascended. I didn't care at first, after all, for For people from the lower realm of Shu Mountain, becoming an immortal is not an easy thing."

"But after a hundred years, no one had ascended, so I began to feel that something was strange. So I sent a team of Imperial Guards to investigate, but they never came back."

"Later, I sent people three times in a row, and the last time I asked General Nangong to lead the team personally."

Of course Zhao Kuangyin knew about Nangong Lin, one of the few Xuanxian warriors in the Yellow Emperor's Immortal Domain.

"The result is still no return."

"Later, I wanted General Yang to go there, but he failed to notice and was captured and killed by Xu Junming."

With Zhao Pu and Zhao Kuangyin's golden immortal cultivation, as long as they are willing to investigate, of course, what Zhao Ji did cannot be hidden from them.

But it's too late even if you get angry again.

And this matter cannot be made public, otherwise it will be a heavy blow to the military morale of the Song Dynasty.

"That little descendant really pisses me off!"

Speaking of this matter, Zhao Kuangyin was also extremely angry.

The Song Dynasty had been a country for ten thousand years and had many famous ministers and generals. However, for such a long time, including him, there were only three golden immortals, making it even rarer for Yang Ye to be loyal.

Unexpectedly, this minister whom he relied on would be given to the enemy by the descendants of the Zhao family?

Destroy the Great Wall!

Seeing him angry, Zhao Pu sighed inwardly.

Looking at the past dynasties, there is no royal family like the old Zhao family that except for the founding Yellow Emperor, the rest of the royal family are all mediocre people.

But as a minister, it would be wiser to ignore such a slap in the face.

After regaining his composure, Zhao Pu continued: "Later, in order to find out the truth, I went there personally. It turned out that the entire lower realm of Shushan was enveloped by a very powerful top-level immortal formation."

Seeing the caution on Zhao Pu's face, Zhao Kuangyin frowned.

He knew that this old subordinate of his would be extremely tyrannical if he could make it difficult for him even if he was a golden immortal.

"How does it compare to the 'Five Elements Killing Immortal Formation' that protects the Immortal Courtyard?"


Zhao Kuangyin's expression changed.


"Old minister, there are absolutely no lies." His eyes became deep, and there was a hint of fear on his face. "At the beginning, Weichen also tried to test the formation. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he almost fell into it."

"Is there someone controlling the formation?" Zhao Kuangyin asked.

Based on his understanding of the formation, even if it is a strong formation, if no one is in charge of the formation, 100% of its power will be reduced by 40 to 50%.

If Zhao Pu, the Golden Immortal, can't match him, there must be someone taking the lead.

"Exactly. It's just that after the old minister reported his home, no one answered him, so he had no choice but to return. Later, in order to find out the changes in the lower world, the old minister checked all the related documents, and then discovered that in the two hundred and seventy years "Previously, Liu Qiao, the picket officer placed by the old minister in the lower realm, reported that there is a sect called Chongshan Academy in the lower realm, which is rapidly growing in strength and has attempted to compete with Emei and dominate the lower realm. I hope that the Immortal Court will pay attention to it."

"Later, I saw the letter he submitted saying that 'Chongshan Academy' was also a righteous sect, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I never thought that Liu Qiao would not be heard from again for many years. I thought he had been isolated by the formation and could no longer contact the veteran. , that’s why there is no news.”

"Although I was a little surprised when I first read this old news, I had never connected it with Chongshan Academy in Chixian Shenzhou."

"After all, in less than three hundred years, no matter how powerful a sect is, it is impossible for it to transform from a small sect in the lower world to a giant sect in China in Chi County."


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