Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 752 Shandong Hu Baoyi, Xiaoyi Heisaburo

Chapter 752: Shandong Hu Baoyi, Xiaoyi Heisaburo

Although he was only a small official in the county government, Song Jiang, who had a rich family fortune, owned a spacious two-story building on the main street of Yuncheng County.

I usually feel comfortable living alone.

Of course, he also has a wife, but they stay in Songjiazhuang, not in Yuncheng.

If necessary, go to Hongcui Building to solve it.

However, recently, a new concubine was admitted to the house, and the concubine was happy to serve her, so she lived a happy life.

Thinking, thinking, Yan Poxi's charming appearance and good figure could not help but appear in my mind. When my heart warmed, I was ready to change out of my official uniform and go have a good time.

Subconsciously speeding up his pace, after opening the lock, Zhiya opened the door and went in. When he saw the figure sitting in the hall, he was startled and suddenly became alert.

"elder brother."

"Brother Gongming."

The familiar tone made Song Jiang lower his guard.

He quickly closed the door and stepped forward.

Two men who had been waiting for a long time also hurriedly came forward.

These two people, one is tall and the other is short.

He was tall and strong, with a bronze complexion and a faint fishy smell.

He wears a green scarf on his head, has a rough face, and tall cheekbones, giving him a tough and honest look.

The short one was wearing a dark gray bundt, with a thin build, small eyes, a flat nose, and two rat whiskers below. His eyes rolled around, making him look a bit sinister.

"It turns out to be brothers Xiao Wu and Bai Sheng."

"Brother, don't blame me. Both of us are guilty and dare not stay outside, so we came in without telling you." Ruan Xiaowu said.

"Brothers, what are you talking about? Sit down quickly."

After the three of them sat down.

"How about less security?"

"Brother Chao Gai took us to Liangshanshuibo, and now we brothers have settled here." Bai Sheng said.

"That's good."

Song Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to brother Gongming who came to report the news that day, my brothers and I were able to escape the pursuit of the officers and soldiers. It is a great kindness that we will never forget."

Ruan Xiaowu and Bai Sheng bowed down.

"Brothers, please get up quickly, please get up quickly."

After the two stood up, they took off the baggage from behind, placed it on the round table next to them and untied it.

"Crash", gold, silver and jewelry rolled out, as many as a thousand taels.

"Brother Chao Gai asked me and my two brothers to bring these gold and silver to express our gratitude to our brothers. In the future, if my brother Gongming wants to make a move, our brothers will definitely dig in his guts and never refuse."

Although the Song family is rich in wealth, one thousand taels of silver is not a small amount.

However, compared to gold and silver, Song Jiang values ​​​​more friends such as Chao Gai and Ruan brothers, who are highly skilled in cultivation.

"Our brothers' loyalty comes first. If we add these gold and silver mundane things, wouldn't it tarnish our friendship? Put it away quickly and take it back to Shaobao."

Ruan Xiaowu and Bai Sheng showed admiration on their faces.

Since ancient times, there have been many people in the world who are greedy for money, but few who value love and righteousness.

"Brother, wait a minute. When I came, Brother Chao Gai told me again and again that he must accept it. If we were to take it back again, wouldn't we be betraying Brother Chao Gai's trust."

Bai Sheng also echoed with a few words of advice.

Seeing their eager expressions, Song Jiang thought for a moment and picked up a silver ingot worth about ten taels from the gold and silver.

"I'll just take these so you can explain to Shaobao when you go back."

"elder brother…!"

Interrupting Ruan Xiaowu.

"If you keep nagging me, you won't have me as a brother."

Seeing his serious expression, the two of them did not dare to say anything.

After looking at each other, they had to agree.

"Everything follows Brother Gongming's orders."

"Haha, that's right. Money is something external to the body, but our brotherhood is worth a thousand dollars." After a pause, "Okay, you guys stay here for a while, and I'll buy some wine and meat to eat with the two brothers."

"Brother, wait a minute, our identities are sensitive, so we shouldn't stay here too long. Otherwise, if I injure my brother, I'll be damned. It's just a good time to leave the city quietly while it's getting late," Ruan Xiaowu said.

Song Jiang also knew the importance.

"Well, I still have some dry food here, you can take it with you to eat on the way."

"Thank you, brother."

He put the dry food he bought earlier into a furoshiki, cut some beef he bought for them, and handed it to the two of them.

"Don't cause trouble on the road, be careful."

"Brother, don't worry."

"By the way, this is the letter Brother Chao Gai sent me." Ruan Xiaowu said.

Take it and open it for a closer look.

It said that they had already settled down in Liangshan River, and invited him to come here and join the group as a deputy village leader only under Chao Gai.

Song Jiang laughed in his heart.

He has always been ambitious and wanted to make a difference in the officialdom, and he never bothered to become a water pirate.

Put the letter away.

"You two replied to Shaobao for me. Song Gongming would like to thank him for his kindness. However, I have my old parents here and I dare not go overboard. I hope he will be considerate."

Ruan Xiaowu nodded.

When he came, Chao Gai had told him that if Song Jiang refused after reading the letter, don't use force and just come back.

"Then my brother will say goodbye. Brother Gongming, take care."

"Take care, brothers."

He personally escorted the two of them out of the house and watched them go away before returning.

After this experience, he had no intention of going to Yan Poxi's place to have fun again. After taking out Chao Gai's letter and reading it again, I used less energy.

After having a hasty dinner, I got ready to rest.

Three feet above the Songjiang wooden building, in the temporarily opened mustard space, the Dragon Emperor sat cross-legged.

He has been here for several days and has not noticed any difference between Song Jiang and other Tiangang stars.

"Did I guess wrong? Isn't this Song Jiang a secret laid by Zhao Kuangyin?"

He shook his head, turned his eyes, and looked at Ruan Xiaowu who was walking away.

"It's a pity that this person is here."

To be honest, like Xu Junming, he didn't think much of the so-called Liangshan One Hundred and Eight Generals, except for a few.

Jade Qilin Lu Junyi, although his martial arts skills are high, his brain is not good enough. He was played by Wu Yong and forced to go to Liangshan without saying a word. He was also gullible and lost his head in the end.

Compared with him, Yan Qing, as a slave, was more outstanding. Not only did he rescue Lu Junyi several times, he retreated bravely after sweeping Square La, and finally returned with a beautiful woman in his arms, winning the favor of the famous prostitute Li Shishi.

Lin Chong, the leopard leader, was a coward by nature. His wife committed suicide after being insulted, but he could bear to be recruited and work for the Song Dynasty. It was indeed a knife in his head.

In contrast, the Dragon Emperor still admires Wu Song who is happy with his grudges and repays his grievances and revenges.

Wu Yong, a wise man with many stars, is more of a sinister villain than a strategist. He is full of scheming and uses every possible means when scheming people. In order to force Zhu Tong, the handsome man, to go up the mountain, he even killed children.

When it comes to marching and formation, even Zhu Wu is better than him.

As a military advisor, he has never formulated a long-term development strategy for Liangshan. Whether it is attacking Zhujiazhuang three times, attacking Zengtou City, or even attacking Daming Mansion, it is always a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Virtue does not match.

He has to bear a lot of responsibility for Liangshan's final destruction.

The short-legged tiger Wang Ying not only prostitutes women and daughters, but also eats human flesh.

Not to mention Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang.

There is a cross slope under the big tree, and no one dares to cross it. The fat ones are used to make steamed bun fillings, while the thin ones are thrown away to fill the river.

Such people are simply monsters in human skin.

In fact, except for Guan Sheng, Yang Zhi, Hu Yanzhuo, Hua Rong, Xu Ning, the three Ruan brothers and a few others, Liangshan was simply a den of thieves.

According to the standards of conduct of these people, if they were placed in Chongshan Academy, most of them would be sentenced to serve in the Emperor's Tower for a hundred years.

Therefore, Xu Junming did not take the initiative to look for these people even though they knew that these people had excellent qualifications and were even rare geniuses in Tiangangxing.

But looking back now, if I could establish rules from a young age and guide them on the right path, they might not be as evil-doing as written in the book.

It was precisely after understanding this and seeing Ruan Xiaowu's excellent qualifications that the Dragon Emperor said, "What a pity."

However, he didn't bother to think about things that were already in the past.

Chongshan Academy, which has fifty-nine counties and a population of one trillion, has no shortage of talents.

Suddenly, two astonishing breaths came from afar.

With a thought in his heart, a bronze mirror above the Dragon Emperor shed heavy light, creating a more powerful space barrier, isolating the inside and outside.

The two escaping lights flew like lightning, and after circling around Yuncheng County, they quickly flew towards Song Jiang's location.

The light receded, revealing a big man with a purple face wearing a gorgeous robe, and an old man with a bright head wearing a green robe.

Judging from the appearance, it is Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Pu who flew all the way from Shuofang County.


"What's wrong?"

Zhao Kuangyin shook his head.

Just now, he vaguely felt that the space here was a bit unstable, but he didn't take it to heart.

Looking down, he saw the dark-faced man sleeping in the room.

"Is he Song Jiang?"

"That's right. Although this person comes from a humble background, he has great ambitions and likes to make friends with gangsters in the world. Therefore, he is called 'Shandong Hu Baoyi', 'Xiaoyi Black Saburo', and 'Timely Rain'. He is very popular. Those people in the world respect him. Moreover, he is also one of the Thirty-Six Tiangangs, so he is suitable for executing His Majesty’s plan.”

Zhao Kuangyin nodded slightly and looked at the black-faced man in the room below.

"If Chao Gai dies, can he control Liangshan?"

Zhao Pu nodded and said: "The only one we need to worry about is Tianxiong Xing Lin Chong, but the old minister has a way to deal with this person. I guarantee that he will give up the position of leader to Song Jiang."

After Zhao Kuangyin nodded, he patted the black bracelet on his left wrist, the light flickered, and a carved wooden box flew out.

After opening it, carefully took out a bead the size of a longan.

"It's a pity that there is only one soul-controlling bead, otherwise I might as well add some extra insurance."

With a flick of his finger, the beads turned into black light and sank into Song Jiang's body from the center of his eyebrows.

Zhao Kuangyin changed his finger formula after a moment.


With a low drink, a faint black light enveloped Song Jiang's head for a moment and then gradually disappeared.


"Congratulations to Your Majesty. By taking control of Liangshan, we can turn danger into advantage, wipe out the ambitions of Tianshi Dao, Shenxiao Dao, Chunyang Sect and Kongtong Sect, and ensure that our country, Song Dynasty, will be peaceful for thousands of years."

Zhao Kuangyin smiled and nodded.

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