Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 805 Hunyuan Divine Sect, the Power of Time

Chapter 805 Hunyuan Divine Sect, the Power of Time

"Who were you talking to just now?"

"Senior Brother Sun, it came to see me just now."

"Senior Brother Sun? Sun Shi?" Xu Jiaorong said in surprise.

At that time, she almost recognized the other person as a monster, and of course she remembered it deeply.


"You kid really doesn't understand etiquette. People come all the way to your house, but you don't invite them in to sit down."

The words have not yet been spoken.

"Are there guests at home?"

Following a slightly hoarse voice, a middle-aged man wearing a soap-colored police uniform, with a square face, three strands of long beard on his chin, and an upright look walked in.

This person is Li Gongfu, a squadron leader of the Hangcheng County Criminal Police Corps, whose cultivation level has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

When it was still the Qi State, this man was just a young catcher who had just joined the Yamen to fill his father's vacancy. Later, Chongshan Academy occupied Qi State and popularized spiritual practice.

The Yamen is also a top priority. After weeding out a group of mediocre people who are no match for the common people, a handful of catchers who have cultivation qualifications and are responsible remain.

Li Gongfu, who has moderate cultivation qualifications and is an upright person, is one of them.

Later, after three years of training at the police academy under the Criminal Department of Chongshan Academy, he became a criminal police officer in Hangcheng County.

Over the years, he worked hard and made a lot of achievements. With the help of his brother-in-law, he became the squadron leader in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Of course, the criminal police and so on are completely used.

After all, Chongshan Academy completely regulates the land and population under its control according to the standards of modern society. Of course, it also needs a modern management system to prevent it from being too pretentious and making a fool of itself.

"It's Hanwen's senior brother. He left before entering the house."

While talking, Xu Jiaorong walked forward thoughtfully, took the knife from her husband's hand, and put it on the table next to her.

"Senior brother from Hanwen?"

Li Gongfu was stunned. Although he didn't know the specific status of his brother-in-law in Chongshan Academy, he could guess just by looking at his boss's polite attitude towards him.

His senior brother must also be a big shot in Chongshan Academy.

"Sister, brother-in-law, and senior brother have important matters to attend to, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time. When he comes again next time, we will just entertain him."

His eyes turned.

"Wow, sister, lunch is so rich today."

As he spoke, he ran over, pulled off a chicken leg, put it in his mouth and ate it.

Xu Jiaorong frowned angrily and went up to grab her brother's ears.

"It's so dirty, go wash your hands quickly."

"Hey, sister, let go, it hurts."

Seeing the intimacy between the two siblings, Li Gongfu shook his head slightly, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to wash his hands and eat.

In fact, both he and Xu Xian had already reached the stage of fasting, but they were just sitting here to take care of Xu Jiaorong's feelings.

Moreover, having lost his mother at the age of three and his father at the age of sixteen, he also needs the warmth of family.

After lunch.

"Han Wen, tomorrow is the Qingming Festival. Get ready and come with me to visit the grave."

"I know, sister."

"Also, my sister knows that you are high-minded, but now you have reached the age where you should get married. If you don't find a girl you think is suitable, my sister will help you introduce one."

Xu Xian sweated violently. Now he has only just reached the crown.

Although I don't exclude Taoist companions, I don't have such thoughts yet.

"Sister, I have classes at school in the afternoon, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for Xu Jiaorong to say anything more, she took a step and flew out like lightning.

"Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet...!"

"You are so careless, don't you see that Hanwen is not willing? Besides, can he like the vulgar fans you introduced?" Li Gongfu said.

"Why is she so vulgar? The eldest daughter of the old Liu family on Qian Street is also a teacher in the college. She is as beautiful as a flower and well-educated. Why is she so vulgar?"

Seeing his furious wife, Li Gongfu was instantly defeated.

"Okay, okay, I can't talk to you. I'm going to work."

He quickly picked up the knife and went out, fleeing in confusion.

Watching the figure go away, Xu Jiaorong was still angry.

"Really, none of them let me worry. I really owed them my last life."


The exploding thunder finally passed after showing off its power for the last time.

The four huge gates, bathed in thunder, gradually became clearer.

The majestic stone gate exudes a domineering aura that determines the world.

Each divine gate is different.

The divine gate on the east side is entirely crystal-colored, and its mysterious lines reveal the power of time. The lintel in the center is engraved with two complex divine patterns.

If you cultivate enough, you can understand that it is the word "Hunyuan".

The divine gate on the west side is entirely azure, with divine inscriptions embossed on the door pillars on both sides and the stone gate in the middle. The broad lintel in the middle is the word "celestial phenomenon".

The base of the divine gate is extremely generous, and two unicorns sit squatting with their backs against the gate pillars. Although they are dead objects, they possess an inviolable majesty.

The divine gate on the south side is bronze in color. Except for the word "Ksitigarbha" on the lintel, there are no divine patterns on the doorposts and door leaves.

Two green cows lie on the base, with their eyes half-open and half-closed. Although they look leisurely, people dare not look directly at them.

The divine gate on the north side is completely black in color. On the lintel is the word "human soul", with iron paintings and silver hooks, which carries its own majesty.

There are no divine patterns on the divine gate, and there are no strange beasts next to it. There is just a thick colorful gourd vine, growing around the divine gate like a spiritual snake.

Among the dense vine leaves of the gourd vine, a white gourd and a purple gourd flower are growing vigorously.

The four divine gates are all of extraordinary momentum and vastness.

Hundreds of feet of creation aura poured down, and after absorbing this aura, the auras of the four divine gates became stronger and stronger, and six thick and complicated restrictions emerged one by one.

A majestic force that suppresses the universe, heavens and worlds and is unchangeable throughout the ages. The four colors of white, green, yellow and black shine brightly for thousands of miles.

Xu Junming stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the 'Four Elephant Divine Sect' that he had spent thirteen years of hard work on, and trained on the basis of the Sancai Divine Sect. With his current state of mind and cultivation, he couldn't help but be extremely excited.

Four top-level fairy treasures, one of which is independently separated, are all top-notch things. If they are combined together, they will set up a large formation of four elephants.

There are three major categories: sleepiness, killing, and illusion, and hundreds of them are applied in one.

Powerful and powerful.

Especially the newly acquired ‘Hunyuan Divine Sect’, which represents time, can give him hundreds of times more training time.

"You really worked it out."

Taiyi Zhenjun could not help but marvel in his heart when he felt the powerful and boundless aura of the four divine gates.

With the four great divine gates in hand, even when facing Taiyi Xuanxian, he is still capable of fighting.

Xu Junming waved his hand, and the towering divine gate instantly shrank, turning into four streams of light that flew into his palm.

"It's a pity that my understanding of the Tao of Time is still not enough. Otherwise, I would be confident that I can take them to the next level and become top-grade immortal treasures."

"That's enough. How can you become fat after one bite?"

There was a pause.

"By the way, why did you let Sun Shi go to the third child? Aren't you afraid that the two four monkeys will fight as soon as they meet?"

With the support of Xu Junming, a man who is good at deduction, the Dragon Emperor finally found the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque, which is good at listening to sounds, can sense things, know the front and back, and understands all things, is indeed worthy of the name of the four monkeys in the world. Although it was born not long ago and there was no one to teach it, it has already become an immortal.

Of course, this level of cultivation was not enough in front of the Dragon Emperor, so he was captured easily. Naturally, he became the third disciple of the Dragon Emperor.

"It's just a fiction that the four monkeys in the world don't want to meet each other. If this is true, General Bengba and Marshal Ma Liu will not work together under Sun Wukong."

"how do you know?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taiyi Zhenjun knew that he had asked a stupid question.

Ever since Xu Junming realized his destiny in the Taiyi realm and retrained the Heavenly Mystery Ball as a middle-grade immortal treasure, his deduction ability has increased nearly a hundred times.

Many issues that were unclear or vague before are now as clear as a palm.

Glancing at him, he said, "There is an inexplicable bond between the four monkeys in this world, which allows them to practice together and stimulate each other's potential, and then improve quickly."

True Lord Taiyi nodded slightly.

"The Four Monkeys in the Mixed World are truly unparalleled in their qualifications. It has only been thirteen years since Sun Shi became a disciple of yours, but his cultivation level has already reached the level of Yuanyang Golden Immortal. The six-eared macaque spent seven years under Lao San's disciples. Not only did he develop the Great Five Elements Divine Light, he also cultivated himself He has also reached the realm of Yuanyang Xuanxian."

"After all, they are all innate gods at the Tai Chi level, so they are naturally extraordinary."

Seeing the 'Hunyuan Divine Sect' in Xu Junming's hand, Taiyi Zhenjun's eyes showed eagerness.

"Your treasure should be ready to use now, right?"


Xu Junming said confidently.

"How many times can the time be slowed down?"

"ten times."

"Why only ten times?"

"What do you mean it's only ten times? You've already advanced to Taiyi True Immortal. Being able to have a time delay of ten times shows how powerful my treasure is." Xu Junming said dissatisfied.

Because he got the Taotie inner elixir of the Great Luo Jinxian realm in Chixian Shenzhou, the innate Tai Chi devouring fundamental energy contained in it was enough for Taiyi Zhenjun to not have to consider the issue of mana before he reached the same realm.

As long as the realm is reached, you can advance at any time with the help of the innate devouring fundamental energy in the Taotie inner elixir.

As for the problem that the other monks are worried about, the demonic energy of the demon race and the mana of the human race are not from the same source, it is not a big deal for Taiyi Zhenjun, who practices the way of devouring.

As long as the original avenue is the same, it is easy to transform.

So thirteen years later, Taiyi Zhenjun improved his understanding of the way of swallowing to a higher level and successfully advanced.

"Hehe, that's right. It's even ten times more powerful. Come on, I, let me feel the power of the Hunyuan Divine Sect. You know, what I lack most now is time."

"How long will it take for you to advance to Taiyi Xuanxian?"

"Hundred years of time."

After thinking for a moment, True Lord Taiyi said cautiously.

"Where is Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"Thousands of years of time."

Although there is a bronze mirror projection, it is not the original body after all, and the blessing for understanding is not as powerful as imagined.

Considering that there are too many powerful people in the Earthly Immortal World, Chongshan Academy really needs someone who can control the situation. Except for Ao Tian, ​​who will definitely not be able to come here, among the remaining four people, only Zhenjun Taiyi has the most hope.

Xu Junming activated the Hunyuan Divine Gate, instantly transforming it into a three-foot-long giant.

Thousands of spiritual energy gathered and turned into sticky spiritual energy, which was quickly swallowed by Hunyuan Shenmen.

Taiyi Zhenjun's eyes lit up, "Your Hunyuan Shenmen still has the ability to gather spirits."

Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

Unlike Taiyi Zhenjun, what he lacks most is mana. Of course, the spirit gathering formation must be carved on the Hunyuan Divine Gate.

"Come on, let's go in."

A clone came out of the body and controlled the Hunyuan Divine Gate. Xu Junming and Taiyi Zhenjun walked in hand in hand.

Hunyuan Shenmen can only slow down Taiyi Zhenjun ten times, who has advanced to the Taiyi Zhenxian realm. But for Xu Junming, who was still in the Taiyi Immortal realm, he was able to slow down a hundred times.

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