Chapter 83 The weird old house

Xu Junming's face turned black.

For a person who has been a virgin his whole life, this is the last thing he should mention.

The bamboo stick in his hand was swung out like lightning.

Wu Laoshi, who couldn't react at all, only felt a strong force coming from his chest. He took six or seven steps back and stopped after hitting the wall.

The bamboo stick turned and swept across, and the vermilion door, which was about half a foot thick, opened with a "bang".

Under the dazzling afternoon sun, the dust accumulated over time fell down like little elves, floating in the sunshine.

Xu Junming waved his hand, and a strong wind came out of thin air, sweeping away all the dust.

"There are no blessings or misfortunes, they can only be brought about by oneself. Keep your mouth shut, otherwise even if you become a ghost, I will still put you in a dilemma of life and death!"

The cold tone silenced Wu Laoshi, who had always been lawless.

Only then did he remember that the man in front of him was not Butler Zhang whom he could tease at will, but a Taoist priest who was good at catching ghosts and subduing them.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Junming didn't bother to talk to him anymore and stepped through the door.

Butler Zhang, Mao Tou and others quickly followed.

Looking at their backs, Wu Laoshi had a sinister look on his face.

"Let those evil ghosts tear you alive tonight!"

After that, he limped and closed the door.

Passing through the porch, directly opposite is a 100-square-meter sunken square with green brick paving. White magnolia and jasmine, which are common in the south, are planted on both sides. The autumn wind chases it, exuding a light fragrance.

It's just that it's neglected and grows messy, but it has a bit more natural wildness.

After looking up at the tall hall across the square, Xu Junming turned around and said.

"Jushi Zhang, where is the lake where Yan Niang committed suicide?"

"In the backyard! I will lead the way for the Taoist Priest!"

Under the guidance of Butler Zhang, the group walked into the hand-painting corridor on the left and walked along the winding garden road for about half a quarter of an hour. A small lake with a size of two acres, with weeping willows planted on both sides and a rockery on both sides, appeared. In front of you.

There are golden scales under the sun; the breeze blows, and the new willows on both sides of the bank are fluttering. No one would have guessed that this beautiful lake is haunted.

"Jushi Zhang, I haven't seen many dead branches and leaves along the way, and the buildings in the courtyard don't feel dilapidated. Is there anyone else living here in your mansion besides Wu Laoshi?"

"Taoist Master misunderstood. My husband grew up here since he was a child. He couldn't bear the dilapidation of his ancestral house. Every seven days, he would take advantage of the sunny afternoon to bring people to clean it. So although this yard has been uninhabited for a long time, it is still there. The splendor remains undiminished.”

"I see! But this is strange!"

"Did the Taoist priest discover something strange?"

Xu Junming nodded.

"As the saying goes: if a large house is empty, evil spirits will be born. But when I walked from the front yard to here, I didn't find any place where the yin energy gathered? This is a bit strange."

Look around for a moment.

"You guys wait here for a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can."

After saying that, Mo Yun Hu Tian Shen performed the magic, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

The unprepared Butler Zhang was immediately startled.

After reacting and stabilizing his mood, he couldn't help but think.

"Although this Taoist priest is young, he is really a man of great ability. It seems that there is hope for solving the ghost disaster."

Standing at the highest point in the whole house, Xu Junming's 'Celestial Eye' between his brows shone with golden light, and the whole house could be seen in his eyes. At the same time, the shadow of a pair of bronze mirrors also emerged from the pupils.

With the Heavenly Eye Talisman and the bronze mirror's ability to break illusions and preserve reality, the whole house no longer had any secrets in front of him.

"It's weird, it shouldn't be. Since this place is haunted, the Yin Qi should be stronger. But not only is there no Yin Qi here, it's actually clean and scary."

Xu Junming frowned.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

The cleaner this place is, the more problems there are.

Everything in the world carries yin and embraces yang. Even the monasteries of Taoists have both yin and yang. There is no Yin Qi here, so it must have been taken away by something.

More importantly, there are no resentful ghosts hidden in the backyard lake that is supposed to be the origin of ghosts!

Xu Junming was confident that he would not be wrong. And even if he was wrong, the bronze mirror wouldn't be wrong either.

"Why is this happening?"

Xu Junming thought hard about all the classics related to ghosts that he had read in Maoshan Sutra Pavilion, but he found nothing.

He flashed around and checked almost the entire mansion, but he couldn't find any ghosts.

"Taoist Master Xu, have you gained anything?"

Seeing him coming back, Butler Zhang came over quickly.

Xu Junming shook his head. If he hadn't seen the ghostly spirit from Wu Laoshi, he would have thought that the Cen family's old mansion was haunted. It was simply a scam, not a real ghost.

Butler Zhang is sophisticated and good at observing words and emotions.

"Daozhang Xu, my Cen family is a well-known family in the whole world, not to mention Nanhu Tanzhou. I will not blame myself for such a scandal as a haunted house."

Xu Junming nodded and thought for a moment.

"Steward Zhang, I will stay by the lake all night tonight. If I still find nothing, it means I am a poor man with limited knowledge. I want to apologize for catching ghosts."

"Taoist Master Xu, feel free to do whatever you want. If you need anything, just give me your orders!"

After seeing Xu Junming's ability to come and go without a trace, Butler Zhang put away the slight contempt he had previously felt due to his youth.

After thinking about it, Xu Junming said: "Butler Zhang, please prepare eight sides of good white silk for me. Each side is three feet three inches wide and six feet five inches high!"

"Also prepare eight wooden poles one foot and two feet long and as thick as the mouth of a bowl; eight wooden poles five feet and nine inches long and thick as the wrist; the best wood is peach, followed by ebony, mahogany, and thirdly poplar and willow."

"Please, Butler Zhang, prepare all the above items before Hai Shi!"

"I have noted it down. Apart from these, does the Taoist Master have anything else to prepare?"

"No, that's all for now."

Using these to set up the 'Innate Bagua Array' is just a precaution. If he really wanted to kill the enemy, the Xuanyin Banner, the pinnacle of high-grade magic weapons, would be more powerful than the 'Four Elephants Demon-Slaying Formation' that he understood the most.

The 'Four Elephants Evil Killing Formation' that Simu gave him at the beginning was relatively simple and could be arranged with just a few yellow talismans; he understood Yin Mingzi's 'Four Elephants Covering the Sky Formation' and 'Fukongzi asked Xinling Zhenjun' According to the records of the Four Symbols Formation in the book, Xu Junming's practice in the Four Symbols Formation has gone far beyond the scope of the 'Four Symbols Evil Exorcism Formation'.

If you call this name again, it will seem inappropriate. After all, this is already your own four-image formation.

After some consideration, he changed the word ‘evil’ to ‘devil’ and became Xu Junming’s own ‘Four Elephants Demon-Slaying Array’!

"I'll go down and prepare. ...Liu Xi, you stay and serve the Taoist Priest." Butler Zhang nodded and said.

The tall, thin man next to him nodded reluctantly.

Although Xu Junming is very capable, no one wants to stay in a haunted yard.

After explaining, Butler Zhang left in a hurry with another guard.

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