Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 815 Chongshan Nine Phoenix Immortals

Xu Bingcan flew thousands of miles away and used the teleportation circle in his portable cave to summon the eight senior sisters.

The reason why Xu Huang brought her here this time was because she had just broken through Taiyi Xuanxian and stabilized her cultivation, and did not want other disciples to still practice.

The first senior sister who came over was Hanfeng Fairy Fu Qingfeng. Fu Qingfeng, who was dressed in a white dress, looked exactly like Master Nai, but the expression on her face was not as cold as Xu Huang's.

After years of practice, with the help of the Hunyuan Divine Sect, he has now reached the perfect level of Yuanyang Golden Immortal.

Behind them is 'Fairy Hanyue' Fu Yuechi. The two sisters have been practicing under Xu Huang's sect for thousands of years. If you include the time they spent practicing with the Hunyuan Divine Sect, they have been practicing for ten thousand years.

Although his cultivation is not as good as that of his elder sister, he is still in the middle stage of Yuanyang Golden Immortal.

Behind them are the 'Hanling Fairy' Tang Zichen, the 'Hanshang Fairy' Deng Bagu, the 'Hanyu Fairy' Xu Yuchan, the 'Hanyun Fairy' Yi Jing, the 'Hanshuang Fairy' Jiufeng, the 'Hanying Fairy' Li Yingqiong, and the youngest Junior sister, 'Ice Fairy' Xu Bingcan.

They are known as the ‘Nine Phoenix Immortals of Chongshan’ within Chongshan Academy.

Except for Li Yingqiong and Xu Bingcan, who started late, the others all have the cultivation level of Yuanyang Jinxian.

After glancing at the figure confronting King Yu in the distance, Fu Qingfeng turned his head.

"Little sister, does master have any instructions?"

"Sister, Master asked the nine of us to wipe out all the remaining monsters."

Fu Qingfeng looked at the huge demonic cloud thousands of miles away with cold eyes.

"Let's go, capture these evildoers, and eliminate this great harm to our Chongshan Academy."


The nine rays of escaping light rushed towards thousands of miles away as fast as lightning.

"Your nine disciples want to destroy hundreds of elites in Kunwu Mountain?" King Yu Tao asked.

"Elite? In my eyes, they are just a bunch of rabble."

"Hmph, you're so arrogant. That's fine, I'll capture you first."

The long stick in his hand was straightened out, and he rushed towards Xu Huang as fast as lightning. The strong force of the stick spread out, as if the sky was collapsing, which was extremely shocking.

Xu Huang stretched out his hand and pointed, and a snow-white light shot up into the sky from behind. In a moment, it was already thousands of feet in size. Then it was as if the sky pillar was broken, the momentum was strong, and it brushed down as fast as lightning.

Before it arrived, an air of ice that froze to the bone was already in front of him.

Feeling the tyranny of this snow-white brilliance, King Yu Tamarin looked solemn, and his heart moved. The long stick in his hand was good at facing the wind, and it reached a height of several thousand feet in just a moment.


A shocking earthquake.

An indescribable violent force surged forward, and King Yu Tao was caught off guard and was blown thousands of feet like a ball.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, his face full of disbelief.

"How can it be?"

Xu Huang's expression was cold, and he stretched out his hand, and the divine light of ice fell down again. The weight of a world of ice, even if King Yu's cultivation level reached Taiyi True Immortal, he could not stop it.

Taking advantage of the time advantage brought by the projection of the Hunyuan Divine Gate, her ice soul divine light was completely advanced and its power was greatly increased under the nourishment of the rich spiritual energy of the earthly immortal world.

Moreover, not all monkeys are four monkeys.

Watch the divine light come down again.

King Yu Tao, who had suffered a heavy loss, did not dare to confront the enemy head-on, so he activated his escape light to force him back quickly.

"not good."

Feeling the sudden sharp energy behind him, King Yu Tao did not dare to neglect and pressed his seal.

"Exorcism Order."

A powerful purple light exploded, and in a moment it became thousands of feet in size.

'boom! ’

Amidst the deafening roar, a bright golden sword hit the token transformed by purple light heavily.

"High-grade immortal treasure!"

Looking at the powerful purple token, Xu Huang thought to himself.

The reason why King Yumaran is called the 'Great Sage of Expelling Gods' is indispensable to the 'Exorcism Order' with eight Taiyi Immortal Taboos.

Looking at the middle-aged woman who appeared behind him, wearing a long blue dress and with her hair tied high, the Great Sage Exorcist looked ugly.

He never expected that he, who had just fought for only two rounds and whose cultivation was obviously a level higher than his opponent, would be forced to reveal his trump card.

I never expected that the other party would have such a powerful helper.

The Jin Ge just now is definitely a top-notch middle-grade immortal treasure from the Six Paths of Taiyi Immortal Realm.

And this is not the end. The moment the middle-aged woman appeared, another old woman with childish face and crane hair appeared behind him, holding a bamboo stick and an eight-story pagoda on her head.

"Another Taiyi Celestial Immortal!" King Yu's heart sank.

Moreover, the eight-story pagoda is also a middle-grade immortal treasure that is no worse than Jin Ge.

"I thought highly of you, but I didn't expect you to be a shameless person who bullies the young."

Faced with King Yu's sarcasm, Xu Huang raised a handsome eyebrow and didn't take it to heart at all.

The two people next to her were nothing more than the magical powers of the 'Three Corpses Dharmakaya' taught by her cultivation teacher, which were created with the help of the three innate tail feathers.

The middle-aged woman is the 'jellyfish body' that was cut from the innate water tail feathers, and the old woman is the 'wind queen body' that was cut from the innate wind tail feathers.

After she chopped out the last innate ice tail feather, the three corpse bodies would be complete.

Unfortunately, this last dharma body is the most difficult to kill, and it is still difficult to succeed until now.

But even so, with the great supernatural powers of these three corpses, she has repeatedly defeated powerful enemies. It was also one of her trump cards to defeat King Yu Tao today.

The two dharma bodies of Xu Huang's original body sacrificed a formation diagram at the same time.

"Three Talents Demon Refining Array."

The Ice Soul Divine Light, Jin Ge, and the Eight Treasures Demon Suppressing Tower buzzed, and the mighty spiritual light soared into the sky.

Under the suppression of the three treasures, the restrictions spread rapidly.

King Yu is not a fool. Of course he knows that if he falls into the formation, he will be passive even if he is protected by the Exorcism Order.

There was no longer any hesitation at the moment, the demonic energy flowed into the Exorcism Order, and the vast purple glow flew straight towards Xu Huang like a flame.

The power of the top-grade immortal treasure is comparable to that of Taiyi Xuanxian. When King Yu Tao uses it regardless of his magic power, its power is doubled.

In an instant, the pressure in Xu Huang's heart doubled.

Fortunately, she would not be completely unprepared to deal with King Yu Tao.

He quickly made several seals with both hands.

A golden and extremely gorgeous treasure box flew out from the Bingso divine light.

Feeling the astonishing innate spiritual energy on the treasure chest, King Yu Tao was shocked.

"Mid-grade innate spiritual treasure?!"

Subconsciously, I wanted to turn around, but the treasure chest was already open.

In an instant, a vast white brilliance surged out like a volcano erupting.

When the powerful purple flame collided with this white brilliance, it seemed to be frozen instantly, making it impossible to move again.

Layers of white brilliance spread rapidly, and the purple light solidified inch by inch.

King Yu Tao is also a man of determination. When he sees that something cannot be done, he will cut off his wrist in an instant.

He did not hesitate to abandon the God Exorcism Order, activated the Escape Light to the extreme, and flew towards the outside of the formation that had not yet closed with all his strength.

Xu Huang never expected that he would be so decisive and difficult to block for a while.

"Want to run? It's not that easy."

Accompanied by a slightly teasing voice, a powerful mana shot through the air.

King Yu Tao was shocked and quickly blocked his body with a stick.


Castration stops immediately.

After this delay, the formation was completed instantly, and King Yu Tao had no chance of escaping.

Xu Huang breathed a sigh of relief, activated the formation, and with the help of the sealing power of the golden ark, within a quarter of an hour, the great saint who expelled the gods was sealed in the ark.

Putting away the magic weapon and body, he took a step forward and came to the front of True Lord Taiyi.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Fifth Master. If you hadn't taken action, the Yu Tao King would have almost escaped."

Taiyi Zhenjun waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, there is no need for these vulgar rituals. Quickly clear away the demon clan in Kunwu Mountain, remove this obstacle, and return to your master."

"Disciple, obey."

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