Chapter 87 The net is ready

The tricks that the net has been waiting for are all leftover from Xu Junming's play.

However, today he planned to see what tricks this Gu Master could play.

I found a secret place and hid the unconscious Mao Tou. Return to the gate of the house. The shadow of the bronze mirror flashed in the pupils of his eyes.

In an instant, the walls that originally blocked the view were peeled off layer by layer, and all the secrets were exposed.

But I saw four 60mm-caliber mortars facing the gate. Behind each mortar were six or seven big men in black squatting.

Around the artillery, there were more than a dozen heavy machine guns loaded with ammunition chains, sealing the entire southern wall where the gate was.

Surrounded by more than a dozen machine guns, there were two to three hundred Qinglong Gang members armed with muskets, standing ready.

Rifles, heavy machine guns, mortars, echelon configuration!

No matter whether Xu Junming walked through the gate or climbed over the wall, he was greeted by rifles and machine guns first, and then shells washed the ground behind him.

If he rushes in when he is angry, even if he does not die, he will consume a lot of mana.

Without magic power, a practitioner loses most of his abilities.

"You really think highly of me. With this configuration, you can fight a small encounter."

Looking back, Xu Junming did not rush in rashly. He turned around and walked around to the east of the house. There were still mortars, heavy machine guns and rifles.

The same goes for the west and north sides.

"I didn't expect that the Qinglong Gang would have so many weapons and equipment?!"

Sixteen mortars, more than sixty heavy machine guns, and thousands of rifles. With so much firepower added together, he could be considered a small warlord in the troubled times of the Republic of China.

After thinking for a moment, it would not be wise to go head-to-head with so many firearms. After all, he is not an evil cultivator. If he kills too much, he will not be able to pass the Heavenly Tribulation in the future.

Moreover, if you don't wait for the disaster to come, and go to the underworld, and the killing is too heavy, you will have to go to the eighteenth level of hell to suffer, and then be reincarnated as a beast for three lives.

The price is too high.

But running away without a fight isn't his style either.

Stretching out his hands, two ropes flashing with white light flew out of the cuffs.

The white light was very conspicuous in the dark night. Xu Junming frowned and looked up at the eastern sky. It was already Shen Shi, and it would be dawn in half an hour.

"Then just wait!"


Qian Laosan yawned. He could hardly open his eyes after not sleeping all night.

"Lao Yang, you said daybreak is coming, how long do we have to wait?"

A middle-aged man wearing a short jacket and holding a shell gun next to him shook his head.

"The gang leader told me that without his order, everyone must stay here, otherwise gang rules will deal with it. ... If you want to taste the taste of three swords and six holes, you can go back to sleep now!"

Qian Laosan's heart trembled. He had seen the gang leader's cruel methods with his own eyes, and he really didn't have the guts to challenge the gang rules.

"Haha, I'm just complaining! By the way, what's the origin of the Taoist the gang is going to deal with? We, the Qinglong Gang, actually brought out all the things that happened to the guys in the Qinglong Gang. And those sixteen small Western cannons, they were with the Yangtze River Gang During the land grab, the gang leader only used three doors, but this time he actually used them all?!"

"I don't know either. But you know the gang leader's character. If he can mobilize troops like this, he must be a powerful person. You and I should be more careful!"

Qian Laosan nodded and turned to look at his brothers sitting on the ground holding a gun in front of him.

Most were drowsy and few were awake.

This is not surprising. The period before dawn is the most sleepy time. Even he who has the strength cannot bear it, let alone these subordinates who have neglected training.

Thinking of the gang leader's instructions, Qian Laosan stood up from his chair, took a few steps forward, and kicked the gang member closest to him.

"Get up, get up, cheer me up. If you delay the gang leader's affairs, be careful, I will blow your head off!"

The gang members who were kicked by him did not turn over and sit up as he expected. Instead, they fell to the ground.

Qian Laosan was stunned for a moment and was about to lean over to check. Suddenly, a rope as thick as a finger, shining with a faint white light, swam quickly against the ground like a snake.

He was startled, and just as he was about to scream, the rope wrapped around his ankle like lightning.

For a moment, Qian Laosan felt as if his body was frozen, and his thoughts froze in an instant, completely silent.

However, his strangeness attracted the attention of Yang Feng behind him.

"Old money?"

After shouting, Yang Feng was shocked when he saw no response from the other party. He subconsciously reached out to touch the gun, and unexpectedly a white lightning penetrated his temple.

There was a pain in his head, and all his strength was taken away in an instant. His body fell to the ground, and he gradually stopped breathing.

Xu Junming flew over, stretched out his hand, and the white bone needle fell into his palm.

Although he didn't want to go on a killing spree and ruin his own merits. But he was not going to let go of these high-level officials of the Qinglong Gang who were burdened with sins.

The white bone needle flashed and killed Qian Laosan who was full of resentment. He stretched out his hand and the guns and ammunition in the soldier's hands fell into his palm.

These weapons are all made of fine steel and refined copper. After tempering, they will also be good materials for refining treasures in the future.

Use the space compression technique to crush these weapons and equipment into tofu pieces, put them into the magic bag, and fly towards the east.

He has two corpse-binding ropes and a 'golden lock for subduing demons' in his hands, east, west, north and south. He can suppress ambushes on any three sides, but cannot suppress the fourth side.

"The rest of these are no big deal!"

Looking at the crowd ambushing in the north, Xu Junming stretched out his hand and three ropes flew towards them in light.

Without the suppression of the corpse rope, those who had taken away their weapons before instantly exploded.

The commotion filled the sky and shook the entire Qinglong Gang.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the three ropes, like three hundred-meter-long snakes, trapped the soldiers on guard to the north in the blink of an eye.

As usual, we took away the firearms from these people, and after killing the senior officials, we turned our attention to the middle courtyard!

Without firearms, ordinary members of the Qinglong Gang have no threat and don't need to worry about them.

Out of caution, he did not rush in rashly.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, so taking it step by step is the best policy.

Exploring back and forth on the east and west sides, we found clues about the rockery in the backyard.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary rockery, but in Xu Junming's eyes, the rockery is nothing more than a cover-up.

A black flag eight feet high and three feet wide was planted on the ground.

A vivid red toad is embroidered on the surface of the black flag!

The light red mist hovered within three feet of the flag banner. The ground shrouded in this dense gas was scorched black, with no grass growing, and it was obviously highly toxic.

After examining the black flag, Xu Junming changed the seals in his hands.

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