Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 898 Mysterious Ruyi Body

A flash of light flashed.

Sun Shi suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light emerged from his eyes.

When he saw clearly the figure wearing a yellow robe with a bald head, his expression instantly became respectful.

"Uncle Sixth Master."

After nodding slightly, "Where is your master?"

Just as he was about to speak, familiar footsteps came from behind.

Turning around, it was Xu Junming who was walking out of the room with his hands behind his back.


"Where's Chen Ling?"

"Cultivation in my cave heaven Dharma Realm."

Xu Jun understood and then said, "You should go and have a rest. You don't have to wait here for me."


Sun Shi disappeared.

Xu Junming waved, Chen Xuanzang came over, and the two sat down at the stone table next to them.

"Come back so soon, have you found your wishful body?"


With a wave of his hand, the crowd of figures instantly filled the entire courtyard.

"Damn lame, you stepped on me."

"Go away, are you blind? I'm lame, how can I step on you?"

"That damn ghost touched my mother? Go home and touch your mother."

"The way of a saint starts with..., oh, my pants."

"Amitabha, the female Bodhisattva, the poor monk has a treasure. It is extremely hard and strong. Can you imagine it?"...

Seeing the noisy monks, laymen, Taoists, humans, monsters and ghosts, Xu Junming's face was filled with astonishment.

"Where did you find these crooked melons and cracked dates? And there are so many of them?"

"There are so many people in Chang'an. Isn't it easy to find some monks who are not clean? Although there are more people, if there are not many, how can we help you find people?"

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

"It's just that this cultivation level is too poor."

"It's easy."

Chen Xuanzang's mana surged, but when he saw the auras of the hundreds of people in the courtyard, they swelled visibly.

In just a moment, he had already reached the level of Yuanyang Golden Immortal.

Seeing that their auras were still rising, Xu Junming quickly stopped them.

"Okay, Yuanyang Golden Immortal is enough, Taiyi Realm is too eye-catching."

Chen Xuanzang nodded and restrained his magic power.

With his current magic power, which is close to the peak of Daluo Celestial Immortal, he is enough to create nearly a thousand Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The act just now did not consume much.

Looking at the powerful figures in the yard, Xu Junming nodded.

Chen Xuanzang's "Wishful Body" magical power, except for one main deity, can have tens of thousands of wishful bodies in the Daluo realm.

These consciousnesses of the wishful body are like multi-tasking, all of Chen Xuanzang himself.

The soul and mana of the latter can come and go freely between every wishful body.

Unless the main body is destroyed, he cannot be killed.

It can be called a life-saving skill.

And compared with a simple clone, the wishful body is more real. Unless there is a rare treasure that can peer into the soul, or the cultivation level is too high, it is impossible to tell whether the wishful body is true or false.

If there is any shortcoming, it is that it is not strong.

The wishful body cannot be cultivated, and it is all supported by the magic power of the deity.

Therefore, if you want to use the crowd tactics, it will definitely not work.

But life-saving and investigation must come first.

Xu Junming opened his left palm, and a stack of talismans emerged.

With a wave of his hand, the talismans spread out, leaving one for each person, no more, no less.

"This is the tracking talisman I refined. You can take it while walking around Chang'an City. Once you encounter it and it lights up, it means the person we are looking for is nearby."

"How close?"

"It won't be more than ten miles."

Chen Xuanzang nodded. From such a close distance, with the power of the bronze mirror's projection, he could quickly defeat Wanyan Agu.

"Let's all go."

With a wave of his sleeves, the Ruyi body all over the yard disappeared in an instant.

Xu Junming's ears suddenly became clear.

Chen Xuanzang took out a pot of wine, two chickens, and several side dishes from the green gourd he carried with him, and filled the stone table.

Judging from the quality, it is obviously not an ordinary product.

"Where did it come from?"

"When I came back, I passed by Prince Tang's Mansion and got some. It tasted pretty good."

‘Gulu’, two glasses of wine arrived.

"What should I do in the future, hide in secret, or continue to open a new main campus of Chongshan Academy?"

As the territory managed by Chongshan Academy grows larger and larger, the former four-level management system is no longer sufficient.

Just a hundred years ago, Xu Junming and others discussed and added a first-level ‘High Court’ to it.

The Lower Court, the Middle Court, the Upper Court, the High Court and the General Court.

The county has a lower court, which focuses on cultivating foundation and talent.

The government has a middle courtyard, which is mainly used to cultivate Jindan, Yuanying and Yuanshen.

The county established an upper court, which mainly trained Yuanshen monks.

The state has established a high court, which mainly trains Yuanyang realm monks.

The world is the main academy, which trains Taiyi realm monks and imparts simple Daluo realm knowledge.

Today, there are four general academies under Chongshan Academy, namely Chongshan World General Academy, Tianwai Shenshan General Academy, Southern General Academy, and Northern General Academy located in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

As the Lord of Chongshan World, Ao Tian is in charge of the Chongshan World General Academy, the Dragon Emperor is in charge of the Sui and Tang Dynasty General Academy, and Taiyi Zhenjun is in charge of the Southern General Academy.

As for the Tianwai Sacred Mountain, it is now only nearly ten million miles in size. In the Earthly Immortal World and the Chongshan World, it is equivalent to a state.

If we weren't proud of our Chongshan residence, where the aura is richer than that of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and there are so many talented people, we wouldn't be listed as one of the four major academies.

Of course, Xu Junming himself guards the Tianwai Shenshan General Hospital.

Now that Chen Xuanzang has advanced to Daluo, Chongshan Academy also has the capital to open another main academy.

"The General Academy of Sui and Tang Dynasties has not yet completely mastered it. Blind development will only cause internal instability. Moreover, our rapid expansion over the years will inevitably provoke a few enemies. If they join forces, their strength will not be weak."

"With you here, I can give them a surprise and lay a foundation for the rise of Chongshan World."

"A Daluo monk can save thousands of years of strategic planning and transformation in the world of Chongshan."

Chen Xuanzang pulled off a chicken leg, took a bite and chewed it in his mouth.

"Li Yuan really knows how to enjoy it. There is quite a lot of spiritual energy in this meat. It tastes even better after being cooked by the royal chef."

"It's normal to have great power and good food and clothing."

Xu Junming pulled off the other chicken leg.

After eating, he threw the chicken bones away and shook his hands. The chicken fat on his hands was instantly clean.

"Since I don't need to open a new main hospital, can I travel around the world? I also want to recruit a disciple. You can't all claim to be your ancestors. I don't even have anyone to serve tea or water here."

Xu Junming nodded.

"Let's wait until we catch Wanyan Agu and beat him before leaving. This guy probably has a valuable treasure in his hand. If we fight, I'm sure I can beat him, but it'll probably take some trouble. You're here to make sure everything is safe."

"Wanyan Aguda has too many secrets in his body, we must not let him escape."

Chen Xuanzang nodded.

"As long as this guy doesn't pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, he won't be able to escape..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

"found it?"

Xu Junming understood instantly.


The two figures disappeared instantly, and when they reappeared, they were already above a ruins.

Nearly a thousand acres are covered with weeds, collapsed pagodas, and broken bell towers. It can be seen that this place was once a Buddhist temple.

The black ash on the surrounding walls and the half-broken beams and columns indicate that this place has experienced a fire.

A ray of light flew over.

An old man wearing a ge robe with white beard and hair appeared in front of the two of them.

In his hand, there is a talisman emitting lavender light.

"It is indeed here."

The two looked at each other, and at the same time activated the bronze mirror to look around. The abandoned Buddhist temple was the top priority.

Facts have proved that Xu Junming's talisman indeed has miraculous effects. Deep underground in this abandoned Buddhist temple, a tall man wearing black robes, with a strong build and a lion's nose and a wide mouth came into view.

His body is exactly a green 'wooden unicorn'.

At that time, the royal family of the Jin Kingdom in Chi County was none other than Mu Qilin.

"He was right."

Xu Junming nodded.

The two did not catch up immediately.

Because there are powerful restrictions underground in this Buddhist temple.

"I didn't expect there to be such a place under Chang'an City." Chen Xuanzang said.

"What I'm more curious about is, who set up such a restriction? Judging from its strength, even a monk at the peak of Taiyi will have difficulty breaking it if he doesn't understand the formation and doesn't have a heavy treasure."

As soon as they finished speaking, their expressions changed slightly.

Wanyan Aguda actually disappeared in front of them.

Xu Junming activated the Hunyuan Divine Gate, and a dark space passage appeared in mid-air, and the two of them flew in at the same time.

When he appeared again the next moment, it was already an empty underground space.

Huge bluestones are spread on the ground.

There are four huge totem poles placed around it according to the four elephant directions.

Each totem pole is one foot in diameter and nine feet high, with reliefs in the shapes of green dragon, white tiger, red bird and black basalt.

And between these four stone pillars, in the center of the square, lies a nine-foot-long unicorn sculpture.

The person who carved this unicorn has exquisite skills, the scales are like, the head and horns are sharp, the eyes are half open and half closed, as if he is lying on the ground and taking a nap.

If it weren't for the slightest bit of heat, it would be almost as if it were alive.

"There is a cross-border teleportation array hidden inside this unicorn sculpture."

Xu Junming affirmed.

Although there were layers of restrictive cover, Xu Junming, who was proficient in formation and space methods, quickly discovered the truth and falsehood with the help of bronze mirrors.

"Can you open it?"

"Of course. I just don't know what's behind this cross-border teleportation array?"

"Haha, this is not easy."

Pointing at the Hunyuan Divine Gate, the old man from before walked in from the space passage.

Xu Junming understood what he meant and accurately found the cross-border teleportation array hidden inside Qilin. Soon, a black passage appeared in front of him.

The old man flew into it.

Xu Junming also separated a Ruyi body and followed him.

As the deity himself, he can also use Chen Xuanzang's great spiritual power. Just like he can use Ren Wuji's soul-binding rope and Dragon Emperor's soul-falling bell.

It can be seen that the person who arranged this cross-border teleportation array does not know much about the battle path and the space path, and the transmission channel is not stable.

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and through the perspective of the clone, a world rich in spiritual energy appeared in front of him.

This is a world made entirely of water.

Wherever Xu Junming could see, there were rolling blue waves, stretching as far as the eye could see.

The surrounding water element aura is abundant, almost as much as the ocean in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Looking up, an orange-red fireball hung high in the blue sky, spreading thick light and heat.

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