Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 948 Most of Jingshan, Chongshan’s Thoughts

Chapter 948: Most of Jingshan, Chongshan Thoughts

Looking south to the southeast of Buzhou, there is a huge mountain with a length of 80 million miles. It is winding and undulating, with dragons and tigers sitting on it, and the atmosphere is majestic.

The name of this mountain is Jingshan, and it is famous throughout Nanzhanbuzhou.

Among the three major tribes of the Nanzhan Buzhou Wu tribe, the ‘Jingshan tribe’ lies here.

Jingshan, which governs most of the surrounding 2700 million miles of land, is also the top force in the spiritual world. The leader of the clan, Jingshan Chihuo, is the great witch of the Wu clan.

Blessing the tens of billions of witch clans under most of Jingshan, they are powerful.

But now Jingshan Chihuo's face was solemn, and there was anger in his eyes.

"Clan Chief, Chongshan Academy is really abominable. They can just take over the several human kingdoms south of Jingshan and on the coast of the sea. Now they actually take over the 'Rinan Kingdom', 'Linyi Kingdom', The 'Xiang Kingdom' has taken over all of them, and they have also taken over 30 million miles of land outside our Jingshan Mountains. They really bullied me too much."

A tall, muscular man with a lion's nose and a wide mouth said angrily.

"Clan leader, although the Rinan Kingdom, Linyi Kingdom, and Xiang Kingdom have human clans, they are also inhabited by our Wu clan. The same is true for the three thousand miles outside Jingshan. We must not let Chongshan take it away."

For a moment, everyone agreed.


Jingshan Chihuo shouted loudly.

The witches instantly fell silent.

"Do you think I want to see my Wu Clan's territory taken away by Chongshan? I don't want to resist? But look at White Tiger City in Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, and then look at the Human Race's Great Chen Empire. Now they have become Chongshan's racecourse. .”

"Do you also want Chen Xuanzang to come and turn most of our Jingshan tribe, tens of billions of people, into slaves of Chongshan Academy?"

The noisy witches calmed down. You looked at me and I looked at you, both feeling a little depressed.

It's not that they don't have the courage to resist, but in front of Chen Xuanzang, the True Monarch of Taishi Xuanyuan, the Great Luo True Immortal, all resistance is like a mantis using its arms as a chariot.

White Tiger City in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is just a few demon kingdoms under its command. Due to the expansion of Chongshan Academy, conflicts arose between the two sides, leading to a war.

It was not a big deal at all. Unexpectedly, the next day, Chen Xuanzang did not care about the identity of Daluo Zhenxian, and went directly to the White Tiger City.

The White Tiger Ancestor, the Great Luo Immortal, also became Chen Xuanzang's mount.

Then there is the Dachen Empire.

This is a dynasty located in the east of Nanzhan continent, with a territory of nearly four trillion miles and a population of trillions.

In the territory of Dachen, there is a large Xuanmen sect called the Ming Cang Sect. Its sect leader, Venerable Kong Ming, is a powerful person in the late Da Luo Celestial Immortal Period.

Probably because in the three-thirds of an acre of land in Dachen, I am used to being the only one who dominates.

After all the small affiliated countries were taken away by Chongshan Academy, the Ming Cang Sect also had a war with Chongshan Academy.

However, the battle had just begun. Chen Xuanzang took action without any scruples, severely injuring the 'Venerable Kong Ming' with one move, and wiped out all the disciples of the Ming Cang Sect.

Let the monks all over the world understand what Daluo True Immortal is.

The effect of killing chickens and frightening monkeys is obvious.

Later, the expansion of Chongshan Academy became more and more smooth, and no big sect jumped out.

Seeing the silence of the witches, Jingshan Chihuo sighed in his heart.

In the earthly immortal world, cultivation is fundamental.

If you don't cultivate enough, you have to endure the oppression of others.

Whether they are willing or not, they must accept Chongshan's conditions. Otherwise, they will be the next Ten Thousand Beast Mountain or the Dachen Empire.

"Patriarch, do we have to endure it? Today they demand one-eighth of our land and subjects in Jingshan, but we endure it? In a hundred years, they will demand our land in Jingshan again, will we still tolerate it?"

"If we endure it, and their endless demands will end, when will it end? Do we have to endure it forever?"

For a moment, all the witches nodded.

Although they don't know Su Xun, they haven't read "Six Kingdoms".

But there is no fool who can cultivate to the realm of shaman general.

Jingshan Chihuo stood up slowly, facing the gazes of the witches with a firm expression.

"Of course we cannot let Chongshan Academy dominate us."

"With the destruction of the White Tiger Clan and the Dachen Empire, Chongshan Academy has certainly made countless profits, but it has also left the remaining eleven human empires including Tang, Yu, Han, and Chu, the three major tribes of our Wu Clan, and the Phoenix Clan , full of scruples.”

"I believe that no one wants to become an obedient citizen of Chongshan Academy. Therefore, as long as I unite, I can force Chongshan not to overly force us."

"In the future, as long as a Da Luo True Immortal appears among the factions, it will be the moment for us to fight back against Chongshan and regain our territory."

After a pause, Jingshan Chihuo's majestic gaze swept over the witches.

"Before that, we need to be patient. Even if we can't help it, we must endure it, otherwise we will be the sinners of Jingshan, and we will never be forgiven."

The witches felt a chill in their hearts and nodded in unison.

The Witch Clan is no longer the two most powerful clans in the world that competed with the Monster Clan in the ancient times. Even saints have to retreat in front of the ‘Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation’ set up by the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

The current Wu Clan, after tens of billions of years of evolution, is still seen as reckless in the eyes of others, but it is mostly because of their cultivation methods.

They are still the top clan in the cultivation world and have not declined like the Giant Spirit Clan and Dragon Clan. The key is their brains, which know how to consider the pros and cons.

This is especially true for the Wu Clan who has become the leader of the clan.

At this moment, outside Jingshan, the disciples of Chongshan Academy were monitoring the movements of the Jingshan Wu Clan.

"Master, do you think the Jingshan shaman clan will resist?"

The young disciple, who had just started, looked curiously at the undulating mountains in the distance.

As a disciple of the inner sect of Chongshan, Xu Zhaoyu, who had already survived the catastrophe and became a Yuanyang Immortal, frowned slightly.

"I don't know, my teacher. But I hope they will resist, so that we will have enough reason to sweep across Jingshan and liberate the poor people at the bottom."

The young disciple also nodded in agreement.

Before joining Chongshan Academy, his family had been tenant farmers of landlords for generations. They worked hard every day and most of the food they grew was taken away. The rest had to be mixed with wild vegetables to barely eat half a meal. .

In times of famine, it is common for people to starve to death.

He still remembers how he felt when he was starving during the famine in his family. It was the urge to swallow himself whole.

Later, when Chongshan Academy came, he still remembered that it was an afternoon, and Mr. Huang, the usually arrogant landlord, stood respectfully behind a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

Under his leadership, the land in the village was redistributed according to the size of each family.

He still remembers how his father cried when he got the land deed.

Later, when he was nine years old, he and other children in the village were gathered together and taken to the county to study.

He became literate and read.

In the past, this was something only the children of landlords could do.

Later, he was found to have the aptitude for cultivation and entered the Chongshan Inner Academy. After passing the inner disciple test, he became a disciple of his mentor.

In retrospect, if the academy had not overthrown the Zhongshan Kingdom, he would have become a tenant farmer of a landlord's family like his father, and his children, his grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren would have been like this for generations.

Just like the teacher said when he was studying.

This is an old feudal society where people cannibalize people, and it must be overthrown.

Saving hundreds of millions of working people and allowing them to live with dignity is the ultimate goal that every Chongshan disciple strives for.

Therefore, at this moment, he wished that most of the people in Jingshan could resist. In this way, they could save the bottom Wu clan people and let them live a free and prosperous new life.

Unfortunately, until the order to retreat was given, not even a single Wu warrior came out to drive them away.

"Jingshan Chihuo is such a calm guy, he can actually hold it back."

In mid-air, Ye Tianyun, who was tall and strong and looked like a living overlord, not only said regretfully.

Wang Chao nodded and said: "It seems that the Wu clan is not all brainless."

"How about we push in further?" Gao Chong said.

As the senior brother, Ye Tianyun is the main one here in the absence of his master.

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head.

"Forget it. Before we came here, the Grand Ancestor told us not to force us too much. Since most of Jingshan have become cowards, let them do it."

"When they can no longer hold back, we will deal with these old stubborns again."

Wang Chao and Gao Chong nodded in agreement.

The three brothers led the army and retreated slowly.

The conflict between Jingshan Dabu and Chongshan is a microcosm of Nanzhan Buzhou today.

Since Xu De survived the catastrophe, he became the True Immortal Queen of Da Luo.

Chongshan Academy's pace of occupying Nanzhan Buzhou has obviously accelerated a lot.

Although the interests of the top empires such as Tang, Yu, Chu, and Southern Han were not affected, the subsequent empires of Daqi, Dayue, Dawu, Dazhao, and Daliang, which had a territory of about three to four trillion miles, were all controlled by Chongshan. Occupied all the vassal countries.

I had hoped that if they could resist for a while, they could be easily destroyed.

But Chongshan Academy's devastating methods of destroying the Chen Empire and Baihu City obviously frightened them, and not a single one of them took action.

Seeing how honest they were, Chongshan Academy couldn't bear to push too hard and began to digest the rapidly expanding occupied area.

With the rise and rapid expansion of Zhongshan Academy, the situation in Nanzhan Buzhou has become increasingly tense and uneasy.

In just ten years, Nanzhan Buzhou has undergone such changes that no one expected.


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