Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 956 Angry Tathagata, misunderstood Zhen Yuanzi

Tathagata took a deep breath and raised his right palm.

"Namo Amitabha."

The majestic and high-pitched Buddha's name resounded through the thunderous sound, and his aura gradually calmed down.

The Mahavira Hall once again restored its previous peaceful and peaceful appearance with the Buddha's light shining all over it.

But the doubts on the faces of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were not eliminated.

After Wutian Dao disappeared just now, Buddha's behavior was too weird.

You need to know that the biggest enemy of Buddhism is the devil.

Almost every Buddhist disciple has been harassed by them. When it comes to hatred, Buddhism definitely hates the devil more than Taoism, the witch clan and the demon clan.

As a Buddha, how could the Tathagata pity the devil?

The Tathagata understood the thoughts of the Buddhas and quickly came up with a solution.

Organized the language.

"I thought that both Chongshan Academy and the Demonic Way would be harmed. When the war breaks out in Nanzhan Continent, our Buddhist sect can take the opportunity to spread eastward and turn this barbaric land with poor morals and weak compassion into a blessed land for our Buddhist sect."

“I never thought that Chongshan Academy would win in the end!”

"With the power of destroying the Demon Sect and killing Wu Tian, ​​Chen Xuanzang's reputation is at the peak of his power. Under his suppression, the major factions of Taiping and Quanzhen will definitely not dare to resist."

"Nanzhan Buzhou will completely fall into the hands of Chongshan Academy."

"A Nanzhan continent with a stable order and occupied by Chongshan is destined to have no room for the development of our Buddhism."

Although this explanation was somewhat reluctant, it successfully diverted the thoughts of the Buddhas.

"I am Buddha."

Sunlight Bodhisattva stood up.

"Nanzhan Buzhou Taiping, Quanzhen, and Shenxiao sects have been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years and have profound foundations. I believe they will not allow Chongshan Academy to ride on their heads."

"The reason why I feel wronged now is because I don't have the support of Daluo True Immortal."

"If our Buddhist sect contacts them and makes an appointment to attack Chongshan together, they will definitely agree."

"When the time comes to destroy Chongshan Academy and take away its land and population, our Buddhist sect will spread widely in Nanzhanbuzhou, surpassing the Taoist sect and becoming the largest sect in the earthly immortal world."

After speaking, his expression became a little more excited.

The Dragon Subduing Arhat stood up and said.

"I am Buddha. Chongshan Academy destroyed the demon sect, and everyone in the spiritual world knows about it. This move will definitely accumulate endless reputation for Chongshan in the righteous path."

"If we join forces with the Nanzhan tribes to attack Chongshan, wouldn't it be true? It would also go against the true meaning of our Buddhist compassion."

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva smiled.

"Although the words of Arhat Subduing the Dragon are reasonable, there are many ignorant people in the world. You need to know that what you see with your eyes is not necessarily true, and what you hear with your ears is not necessarily true."

"In the future, as long as they hear my Buddhist principles and understand the righteousness of my Buddhism, they will naturally turn to me as a Buddha."

The Dragon Subduing Arhat frowned.

The general trend is such that this statement is simple and straightforward, revealing naked domineering.

To sum it up in one sentence: history is written by the victors.

However, this is by no means the Buddhist path that he Jianglong recognized.

Just when he opened his mouth to persuade again, the Fuhu Arhat next to him quickly tugged on his sleeve and signaled him not to say anything with his eyes.

But Jiang Long is not the kind of person who can act according to the changing circumstances.

But not before he could speak.

Tathagata's voice has been suppressed.

"Introducing Mahayana teachings to Nanzhan tribe is a plan that our Buddhist sect made thousands of years ago, and there is absolutely no possibility of changing it."

After finishing speaking categorically, the conversation changed.

"Although Chongshan Academy has the virtue of slaying demons now, in the past few decades, it has used its absolute strength to act tyrannically, destroying countless countries, killing without calculation, and committing many sins."

"Moreover, his virtue is not enough to atone for his sins."

"Of course, we, the Buddhist sect, should act with great righteousness and unite with all the sects in Nanzhan Buzhou to attack Chongshan, exterminate this generation, and restore peace to Nanzhan Buzhou."

"I am the Buddha with mercy."

Although people like Dragon Subduing Arhat, who are kind-hearted and truly agree with Buddhist concepts, do not agree with Tathagata's decision.

But at this moment, more than 70% of the Buddhists in the Main Hall agreed to conquer Chongshan together and open up territory for Buddhism.


Venerable Kasyapa stepped out.

"The disciple is here."

"You go to Quanzhen Dao and convey our Buddhist sect's decision to jointly attack Chongshan."

"Disciple, obey."

"Sunlight Bodhisattva?"

"I am Buddha."

"You go to Shenxiao Road."


"The situation is coming?"

"I am Buddha."

"You go to Taiping Road."


Arrangements were made one by one, and the remaining thirteen Taoists, Xuanmen sects, Phoenix Forest, and three major witchcraft tribes in Nanzhan Continent all sent liaison personnel.

After letting the Buddhas leave, the Tathagata left Venerable Ananda alone.

"Go and invite Donglai Buddha and Zen Master Wuchao."

"Disciple, obey."

"Go ahead."

Venerable Ananda turned around and left the hall.

Watching his leaving figure, Tathagata sighed in his heart.

Chen Xuanzang killed Wu Tian and lost one of his five demon gods. Even if he could make up for it in the future, he didn't know how long it would take.

This cause and effect must be resolved.

But with the power of the Wutian Black Lotus Demon Realm, he was actually killed by Chen Xuanzang, the newly promoted Daluo True Immortal. How could it be possible without a powerful treasure?

"Although the Sun Moon Wheel is powerful, it is only comparable to the Black Lotus Demon Realm, unless it is a Hunyuan Spiritual Treasure!"

Tathagata secretly guessed.

However, he was not sure that the most powerful things in the spiritual world were not necessarily magic weapons, but also spiritual beasts, supernatural powers, poisons, etc.

The unknown is the greatest danger.

This was also the reason why he wanted to invite Maitreya Buddha and Zen Master Wuchao.

These two are rare high-level Buddhas among the Buddhist sects in the immortal world.

The Daluo realm in Taoism is the ‘Buddha realm’ in Buddhism.

The Daluo realm of Daomen is divided into four realms: Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal and Golden Immortal.

Buddhism is the four realms of Pratyekabuddha, Superior Buddha, Honored Buddha and Ancient Buddha.

Therefore, the superior Buddha of Buddhism is equivalent to the Taoist Daluo True Immortal.

"Maitreya and Zen Master Wuchao are as good as me. If the three of them join forces, they will definitely be able to defeat Chen Xuanzang."

Although he thought so, he was not sure whether Maitreya and Zen Master Wuchao would help him.

Especially the former, who has an easy-going personality and does not like fighting. Unless it is something that threatens the survival of Buddhism, it is difficult to persuade him to take action.

In contrast, Zen Master Wuchao was easier to convince.

As long as there is a treasure that makes his heart beat, he can win it.

While Tathagata was busy planning to eradicate Chongshan, Zhen Yuanzi was full of disbelief.

Unlike others, he truly saw the details of the fight between Chen Xuanzang and Wutian.

If the three demon gods Zhu Rong, Ju Mang, and Zhu Long only surprised him slightly, then the broken sword behind completely shocked him.

"Is that Qingping Sword?!"

Although he didn't have much contact with the Qing Taoist, they lived in the same era and attended the Taoist lectures together in Zixiao Palace. His natal treasure, the Qingping Sword, was absolutely unmistakable.

He also knew the reason for the broken sword.

"Could it be said that Chongshan Academy is supported by Tongtian Cult Master?"

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Otherwise, other sects would only have one or two Da Luo monks after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation.

But until now, there have been six or seven Da Luo in the independent sect of Chongshan Academy.

Especially when the Demon Sect attacked the five major academies in Chongshan, Wutian was killed by Chen Xuanzang.

The demon sect's intruders from the four major courtyards in the southeast, northwest and northwest except Granny Yinye who was captured by 'Fairy Kongsang' Qiao Shouxin.

The bloody old man was beheaded by Ice Phoenix Fairy Xu Huang and most of his soul was killed.

The sword demon was beheaded by the beard-bearded swordsman Yan Chixia.

The burst of strength from Chongshan Academy completely shocked the entire Earthly Immortal World.

"That's right. Back then, Jiejiao believed in teaching without distinction, and the same is true in Chongshan Academy now."

"Chongshan Academy, Xu Junming, Jiejiao, is really well hidden."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed.

After consciously discovering the truth, all his previous doubts about Chongshan Academy disappeared instantly.

"The world will change, and Jiejiao will make a comeback. Fellow Taoist Tongtian, what do you want to do this time?!"

Not to mention Zhen Yuanzi who had misunderstood.

At this moment, I am in the Doushu Palace of Lihentian.

There was silence in the immortal palace where hundreds of immortal officials were seated.

Everyone looked in disbelief at the bald monk standing in the water mirror above, with his hands behind his back, his clothes flying, and his elegant and unrestrained temperament.

Wutian was beheaded, and the four incoming demons were either captured or killed.

The Demon Sect can now declare its destruction.

The strength shown by Chongshan was many times stronger than imagined.

The Jade Emperor, who took a deep breath and calmed down a little, looked a little ugly.

Originally, he wanted to use Wutian's power to balance the two realms of Buddha and demon, and become the master of heaven himself.

Now it seems that this plan has been completely ruined.

"But there is also Chongshan Academy."

"The Tathagata has spent so much effort to promote the spread of Buddhism to the east. He will never let Chongshan Academy occupy Nanzhanbuzhou."

Thinking of this, I felt excited.

"No matter who wins this fight, the power of Chongshan and Buddhism will be weakened. At that time, I can take advantage of the situation to cultivate the power of direct lineage in the heaven and take control of the power."

There was a surge of excitement in my heart.

I can’t wait to start preparing in advance now.

The Jade Emperor was not the only one whose mood changed drastically. Li Jing, the Pagoda Heavenly King, the Four Heavenly Kings and other Buddhist direct forces in heaven also had solemn expressions.

Chongshan's strength was unexpectedly strong.

If Buddhism wants to occupy the Nanzhan continent as planned, the two sides will inevitably start a shocking war across the two continents.

As heirs of Buddhism, it is difficult for them to be alone.

It's just that the war is fierce and dangerous, and if one person makes trouble, he will perish. Although it is just a clone, it has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

It's such a pity that he died like this.

But as Buddhist disciples, they dare not disobey.

Relatively speaking, the Taoist immortals looked the most relaxed.

Although Chongshan Academy is called Dao Sect, it was established only a short time ago and there is no close relationship between the two parties.

If they fight with Buddhism, both sides will lose, and Nanzhan Buzhou will completely fall into the hands of Taoism. It is impossible to say that he can extend his power deep into Xiniu Hezhou and turn the entire earthly immortal world into a land of Taoism.

So people from the Taoist sect didn't care, and even hoped that Chongshan Academy and the Buddhist sect would start fighting soon.

Zhang Daoling looked at the teacher sitting next to the Jade Emperor.

Among the people, he was the only one who understood that giving up Nanzhan Continent to Buddhism was a matter decided by his teacher and Tathagata.

Now that a troublemaker like Chongshan Academy has appeared, it completely disrupted Master's original plan.

Turning around subconsciously.

The master still looked calm.

I wanted to ask, but I didn’t know how to ask.

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