Qin Jiuyang didn't have to wait long.

About two minutes later, a black mist suddenly emerged from the front.

From the black mist, a hunchbacked old man with a cane appeared.

Qin Jiuyang half-squinted his eyes and looked at the know-it-all carefully. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the know-it-all was not right. He seemed different from ordinary ghosts.

"The little ghost had seen the young Taoist Jiuyang. He had reached the Netherworld at a young age, and was Uncle Jiu's favorite disciple, possessing an innate Taoist body. The little ghost admired him very much."

The know-it-all ignored the white-clothed female ghost and bowed to Qin Jiuyang with a smile on his face.

A Taoist master who had entered the Netherworld was qualified enough for it to bow.

What's more, Qin Jiuyang was a powerful person with an innate Taoist body.

Since the know-it-all knew all this, he must have known Qin Jiuyang's true strength.

"Are you the know-it-all?" Qin Jiuyang raised his eyebrows and said directly,"You seem to be a little different from ordinary ghosts."

"Hehe."The know-it-all grinned,"The innate Taoist body is indeed extraordinary. I didn't expect that you, Little Taoist Jiuyang, could see the clues."

Having said this, the know-it-all turned around.

The next second, it suddenly turned into an old man in white clothes, with white hair and beard, but full of energy.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that it is 80% similar to the land sculpture in the nearby land temple.

"I am the land of this place. I am honored to meet Taoist Jiuyang."The know-it-all held his goatee and said to Qin Jiuyang with a smile on his face.

"So you are the God of the Land here. I was wondering how you knew all the news about the provincial capital, and you are different from ordinary ghosts."Qin Jiuyang suddenly understood.

Wanshitong is the God of the Land. He naturally knows what happened in his own territory. He is different from ordinary ghosts because the God of the Land is also a ghost, but he is a ghost with an immortal position.

Positions like God of the Land, God of the City, God of the Mountain, etc., are many of the positions granted by the immortal world after the death of Taoist masters.

Taoist masters with weaker strength will either become ghost messengers after death, or stay in the underworld to hold other positions, etc.

Therefore, after the death of Taoist people, there is a high probability that they will meet old acquaintances, old predecessors, or even their own ancestors.

Only Taoist masters with extraordinary talents have a slight chance to spy on the immortal secrets.

"This... You are actually the God of Land? Little ghost, I have met the God of Land."The female ghost in white was shocked and quickly knelt on one knee to the God of Land.

For evil spirits like them who have no powerful connections behind them, the God of Land is the sky and the earth. If you offend the God of Land, you will suffer no good consequences unless you leave this area.

If you have powerful connections, you don't have to respect the God of Land so much. You need to rely on relationships in the world of the living, and the same is true in the underworld.

Whether you are a human or a ghost, you can't escape this network of relationships.

For example, Qin Jiuyang, the God of Land has to salute him. In addition to the fact that he is a powerful person who has entered the underworld, the entire Maoshan is standing behind him. However, as long as you are strong, the God of Land is nothing. Some powerful evil ghosts and demons will even kill the God of Land, and there are also earth gods and evil ghosts and demons who are in cahoots with each other.

""Get up, I dare not call myself the master in front of the young Taoist priest Jiuyang." The land god said very humbly, and then warned the female ghost in white,"I hope you don't tell anyone about my identity."

"Okay, I'll remember that, little ghost." The white-clothed female ghost nodded heavily.

The Land God was not only respected, but also more powerful than it, having reached the middle stage of the evil ghost realm.

Immediately, the Land God transformed himself and turned into the know-it-all again.

"You are a landowner, but you actually make money by selling information, and you even make money from people." Qin Jiuyang looked at the landowner in amazement.

"Alas."The God of Land sighed,"All my relatives in the world of the living are dead. No one burns paper money for me during festivals, and the monthly salary of a land god is pitifully low.

When I have nothing to do, I like to go to the underworld to play with some friends. Life is very tight, and I can only make a living by selling information."

Qin Jiuyang expressed deep sympathy. This is the end of having no descendants. Even if you become a land god, it is so miserable, not to mention those who don't become land gods.

Many times, having children is not for old age support, but to continue the family line, in case no one burns paper money for you after death.

If you are reincarnated, it's okay. If you are not reincarnated, it is more painful to have no money in the underworld than to have no money in the world of the living.

Because of this, there is a saying that money can make the devil work.

"God of Land, this is the reward for this information. Please tell us the whereabouts of the Gu Master."The female ghost in white took out a stack of ghost money from her body and handed it to the God of Land respectfully.

Qin Jiuyang didn't know how much there was. After all, he didn't deliberately find out.

"No, no, it's my honor to provide information to Taoist Jiuyang, I dare not accept any reward."The land god said politely.

"Just keep it if I give it to you." Qin Jiuyang said

"Well... well then."

The God of Land took the paper money with great embarrassment, and then volunteered to say,"Little Taoist Jiuyang, I will take you there myself.""

"That's fine."Qin Jiuyang nodded.

It was much more convenient to have the land god lead him, saving him from having to look for it himself.

About half an hour later.

Under the guidance of the land god, Qin Jiuyang and the female ghost in white came to a residential house.

The house had four floors in total and looked quite old. The walls were mottled and the inferior lime on the surface had fallen off.

"The Gu Master is on the third floor, in the room next to the street."The Land Lord pointed to one of the windows and said

"Are you sure it's the Gu Master who went to the Marshal's Mansion?" Qin Jiuyang asked seriously.

"There were three Gu Masters who went to the Marshal's Mansion. This was one of them. The other two left. From their tone, it seemed that they were trying to find a way to target you, the young Taoist priest.

Because you ruined their plan last time, they want to take revenge on you."The Earth Lord said.

He naturally knew everything that happened in his territory. Qin Jiuyang did not feel any doubt about this. After all, he was the Earth Lord, so it was normal for him to know these things.

""Okay, you can leave now." Qin Jiuyang nodded and said

"I wish you, the Taoist priest, to catch them all in one fell swoop."The land god clasped his hands together and said humbly.

Then, it turned around in a circle, turned into a ball of black mist, and quickly disappeared.

""Let's go!"

Qin Jiuyang immediately took the white-clothed female ghost upstairs.

When they reached the third floor, Qin Jiuyang knocked on the door of the house on the street side.

There was no response the first two times he knocked, but when he knocked the third time, an angry voice rang out from inside the house.

"Who is this? Are you looking for death? Knock, knock, knock, do you want to rest?"

"Open the door and check the water meter." Qin Jiuyang said.

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