"These days, no one believes the truth."

Qin Jiuyang sighed, holding a big knife in one hand and a peach wood sword in the other, he rushed towards the boss with both swords and knives.

"What a wonderful knife and sword technique, he could use both hands to perform the knife and sword techniques at the same time."

The head of the family was shocked and retreated without hesitation.

He was a little afraid of Qin Jiuyang and did not dare to fight him in close combat.

Regardless of whether Qin Jiuyang used the Heavenly Master's protective spell or not, Qin Jiuyang, who was protected by ninety-nine layers of golden light, was already invincible.

Fighting Qin Jiuyang in close combat would be a waste of time.

""Brother, this guy is very good at close combat, but we can use magic to deal with him." The second in command suddenly said to the first in command.

"Not bad, you are really quick-witted, I forgot I could cast a spell."The eldest boss's eyes lit up, and he instantly gained confidence.

Immediately, the two of them held the talisman paper and began to cast a spell, seal and chant.

""Blood Soul Devouring Heart Technique!"

The big boss shouted, the talisman paper burned, and black mist rolled all over his body.

Then, the black mist condensed together to form a huge skull, laughing strangely, and rushed towards Qin Jiuyang.

"Bones tearing souls apart!"

The second in command also used his magic

"If you don't take the road to heaven, you will enter hell. Why do you have to fight me? Isn't this courting death?"

Qin Jiuyang sneered, put away the peach wood sword, threw the big knife to the purple zombie king, then held the talisman, stepped on the step, and made seals with both hands.


The talisman burned.

In the blink of an eye, the spell was completed.

"Thunder is coming!"

Qin Jiuyang shouted


A bolt of lightning suddenly struck down, hitting the skull accurately.

However, the skull paused for a moment before continuing to attack Qin Jiuyang.

"Hahaha, give up, you can't be my opponent, the gap between the early and late stages of the Shapeshifting Realm is too big.

Even if you master powerful thunder magic, so what? Your own strength is too weak, you are not my opponent at all!"

The big boss laughed wildly, his face ferocious and fierce, and said:"I will peel off your skin and pull out your tendons, and then extract your soul, and let you suffer the punishment of the eighteen levels of hell, and you will never be reborn!"

Dare to come to their caravan to make trouble, and kill so many of them, even the third brother died in his hands, he wants Qin Jiuyang to pay a heavy price!!

"The boss is awesome!!"

"The boss is awesome!!"


The surviving bandits all shouted loudly to cheer for the big boss.

"It's just the Blood Soul Devouring Heart Technique and the White Bone Soul Tearing Technique of the Bloodthirsty Sect. It seems that you are the evil cultivators of the Bloodthirsty Sect.

You don't really think you can deal with me with this kind of rubbish evil sect and rubbish evil technique." Qin Jiuyang looked at the big boss with a playful look on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking.




More than ten thunderbolts struck down in succession.

Without any suspense, the skull was directly shattered by the thunderbolts.

One thunderbolt could not do anything to the skull, but there were still dozens or hundreds of thunderbolts.

How could his thunder method be judged by common sense?

"It’s not over yet. I’ll show you what the real thunder method is!"

Qin Jiuyang stepped on the Gangdou, formed a seal and chanted a spell:"The essence of heaven is primordial, the earth is vast and uses rivers, the Thunder God strikes the staff, the Lightning Mother controls the extension"


Instantly, the wind howled, sand and rocks flew.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder rolled.

Seeing this scene, the Purple Zombie King trembled.

It was this move, which was clearly the Five Thunders Righteous Law, but it dropped hundreds of thunders, killing all of its men in an instant.

"What kind of thunder magic is this? I can actually smell the breath of death!"

The second in command was extremely terrified.

"It's the Purple Sky Five Thunders of Maoshan. Damn it, he's a Maoshan disciple, no wonder he's so powerful."The head of the family looked extremely embarrassed.

"But he is only in the early stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, why is the Five Thunders Righteous Law he used so terrifying!!"The second in command was extremely puzzled.

Instantly, the first in command was stunned.

Yes, this kid is obviously only in the early stage of the Shapeshifting Realm. Even if the Five Thunders Righteous Law is very powerful, it is not so strong.

Looking at the dark clouds and thunder in the sky, it is as if they have offended the power of heaven and the heaven is going to send down a world-destroying thunder disaster to destroy them.

Is this still a magic performed by the early stage of the Shapeshifting Realm!?

"I know, he has hidden his strength, he is not in the Shapeshifting Realm, but in the Yin-piercing Realm." The big boss suddenly realized, and then roared hysterically,"Quick, everyone run!!"

"It's too late to run now."Qin Jiuyang smiled slightly.

In an instant.

The dense thunder in the sky struck down and landed on the remaining horse bandits.

The first and second in command were also hit by the thunder, one after another, and they had no chance to fight back or react.

The Purple Zombie King's scalp tingled as he watched from the side, and he secretly felt lucky that he became Qin Jiuyang's mount.

Sometimes, being a mount is not a bad thing.

Look, even the first and second in command, who are so strong, didn't even have the chance to be a mount, and were struck dizzy by the thunder.

Seeing that it was almost time, Qin Jiuyang retracted his thunder magic, looked at the Purple Zombie King and said:"Go and suck their blood quickly, start with the first and second in command."

He really wanted to know what kind of changes would happen to the Purple Zombie King after sucking the blood of these two people.


The Purple Zombie King's face lit up with joy, and he quickly jumped to the two of them, grabbed them and began to suck their blood.

The blood entered his body.

His strength increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After sucking the blood of the two, the Purple Zombie King broke through to the middle stage of the Purple Zombie.

In just a short while, the Purple Zombie King's strength increased greatly. Not only that, even the ten fingers of his hands could bend and move initially.

Qin Jiuyang was not stingy, and directly rewarded the Purple Zombie King with the sharp broadsword he had seized.

The latter held it in his hand and waved the broadsword stiffly and awkwardly. It looked a little funny, but more of it was terrifying.

Because a zombie was actually slashing with a broadsword in his hand.

The combat effectiveness of zombies with weapons must be increased several times!

This was also Qin Jiuyang's sudden idea. If it were the Purple Zombie King himself, he would not have this IQ.

"Yes, this sword is too heavy, but it fits you perfectly. When your strength breaks through further and you can move your limbs, I will teach you swordsmanship.

A zombie who knows swordsmanship, holding a sword that can blow hair and short hair, how powerful is this?"Qin Jiuyang was looking forward to it. The

Purple Zombie King was grateful and kept bowing to Qin Jiuyang.

""Okay, you don't have to worship me. Improving your strength is equivalent to improving myself. After all, you are my mount now.

It's getting late. Go suck the blood of the remaining people." Qin Jiuyang said to the Purple Zombie King.

He was not afraid of the Purple Zombie King's rebellion. On the way here, he had planted the fetus-exploding corpse-corrupting talisman on the Purple Zombie King.

This is a taboo evil technique that requires the target's cooperation.

He saw it in the book given to him by Uncle Jiu. It is estimated that even Uncle Jiu himself did not know that there was a forbidden technique in the book.

The Purple Zombie King did not dare not cooperate with this technique.

As long as he moved his mind and the talisman was activated, he could instantly corrode the Purple Zombie King into a pool of pus.

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