Returning to the previous position, Qin Jiuyang stood on the shoulder of the Purple Zombie King and continued to move towards Renjia Town.

When he arrived at Renjia Town, in order to prevent the Purple Zombie King from frightening passers-by, Qin Jiuyang found a piece of clothing and covered its head.

On the roof next to him, the road-blocking ghost followed him all the way, and no one knew what it wanted to do.

"I asked you why you have been following us all this time? If I didn't see that you had no intention of harming anyone, I would have scared you to death."Qin Jiuyang glanced at the roadblock and said

"That little Taoist priest……"

The roadblocker looked embarrassed and hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything to say, hurry up and say it. I hate ghosts who are shy and timid."Qin Jiuyang said in a low voice.

He could tell at a glance whether a ghost had harmed anyone.

Ghosts that had harmed people were usually very violent, and a blood-red light would appear on their heads.

The brighter the light, the more people it had harmed.

There was no blood on the head of the road-blocking ghost, which meant it had never harmed anyone.

Qin Jiuyang was also friendly to good ghosts, otherwise the road-blocking ghost would have been dead when it blocked his way, so how could it be alive now?

"Little Taoist priest, can I ask you to burn a set of clothes for me?" The roadblocking ghost said with all his courage.

"I thought you were a stalker. If you wanted clothes and pants, you should have told me earlier. It's my fault for not thinking about it that way."

At this point, Qin Jiuyang waved to the roadblock,"Come here."

""Okay, little Taoist priest."

The roadblocking ghost was delighted, and like a feather, he landed lightly from the roof to Qin Jiuyang.

"Give me your age, name, and date of birth."Qin Jiuyang said

"Wu Youniang, 16 years old, born in……"

The roadblock Wu Youniang told Qin Jiuyang all the information

"Your horoscope is Yin, and your fate lacks gold. You should be called Wu Jinniang, not Wu Youniang."

Qin Jiuyang's five fingers on his right hand kept moving,"Gold is the master of killing. If I'm not mistaken, you were killed by someone. You were not wearing clothes when you died. Either you were killed first and then raped, or you were raped first and then killed."

"Little Taoist priest, it is just as you said, Youniang was killed, this is Youniang's fate, I am destined to live only 16 years old.

I don't blame the person who killed me, whether he will suffer retribution or punishment, God has his own destiny, I believe that retribution is not a time for retribution."Wu Youniang said very generously

"No wonder you didn't turn into a ghost. I didn't expect that you have such a state of mind at such a young age. Even I admire you."Qin Jiuyang said with great admiration.

Then, he took out four yellow talismans from his body and folded them quickly.

Soon, a piece of clothing and pants made of folded yellow talismans appeared.

Then, Qin Jiuyang cast a spell and burned the talisman clothes and pants.

After they were completely burned, Qin Jiuyang looked at Wu Youniang and said,"It's done."

Wu Youniang nodded, and stretched out her hand impatiently to grab the talisman ash.

The next second, something jaw-dropping happened.

Wu Youniang took out a set of yellow clothes and pants from the talisman ash, with runes printed on the surface.

Wu Youniang turned around and put on the clothes and pants in an instant.

Although the style and color are not good-looking, it can at least cover up her shame.

The most important thing is that this set of clothes is equivalent to a gold medal of immunity from death.

If other Taoists see it, they will recognize that it is clothes made for Wu Youniang by a fellow Taoist.

As long as Wu Youniang does not offend them, they will not embarrass her even if they pass by Wu Youniang. This is to give face to their fellow Taoists.

"Thank you, little Taoist priest, thank you, little Taoist priest."

Wu Youniang knelt on the ground, and bowed to Qin Jiuyang in gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you deserve, just do good things and don't worry about the future." Qin Jiuyang clasped his hands to Wu Youniang,"Let's say goodbye."

""Okay, little Taoist priest."

Wu Youniang nodded, stood there and watched Qin Jiuyang and the Purple Zombie King, and quickly disappeared into the night.



At the entrance of the charity cemetery, a dull sound of footsteps was heard, accompanied by a strong smell of corpses.

"Ring Ring Ring……"

The soul-catching bell hanging at the door began to shake wildly.

Wencai and Uncle Jiu, who were resting in the charity cemetery, were awakened.

"There is corpse gas, very strong, at least it is purple zombie, Wencai, hurry up, take out your weapons!" Uncle Jiu's voice sounded.

After a while,

Uncle Jiu and Wencai rushed out in full armor, and with them was the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

But when they saw Qin Jiuyang standing on the shoulder of the Purple Zombie King, they were all stunned.


The Purple Zombie King blew out a breath of corpse gas, as if warning Uncle Jiu and others.

"Don't be rude, this is my master, Uncle Jiu." Qin Jiuyang said in a low voice.

The Purple Zombie King showed a flattering smile on his face, although it was not obvious, but it could still be felt.

"Jiuyang, what's wrong with you? Isn't it the purple zombie king on the mass grave?" Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Jiuyang in surprise.

"Yes, it is this one. Qin Jiuyang nodded and said,"I left before to subdue it and to destroy the horse gang.

It has been subdued by me and has become my mount. The horse gang has also been destroyed by me, leaving no one alive.""

"The Purple Zombie King became your mount, and you destroyed the horse gang? Are you sure you're not kidding?"Uncle Jiu's heart was filled with huge waves.

No matter the Purple Zombie King or the horse gang, they were both tough guys with many subordinates.

Take the Purple Zombie King for example, hundreds of zombie subordinates rushed forward, and even he had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

But from Qin Jiuyang's tone, it seemed that he relied on his own strength to destroy the horse gang and the Purple Zombie King's subordinates from day to now.

Suddenly, Uncle Jiu thought of what Qiu Sheng said before, that Qin Jiuyang could use the Five Thunders Righteous Method to bring down dozens of thunders, could it be true? As soon as he thought of this, he shook off his own wild thoughts.

A sow can climb a tree, the sun can rise from the west, and the Five Thunders Righteous Method can never cast several thunders at once.

Maybe Qin Jiuyang used some strategies to destroy the horse gang and subdue the Purple Zombie King, instead of a head-on confrontation.

"How could a disciple joke in front of the master? The Purple Zombie King is right under the disciple's feet."Qin Jiuyang said with a smile

"Junior brother, you really give me face, this is the Purple Zombie King, and it has become your mount."Wencai looked admiring

"The master is so powerful!"

The ghost girl Dong Xiaoyu looked at him with seductive eyes, shocked.

"Take it to the morgue first. It happens that your uncle and my junior brother Qianhe will pass by the charity cemetery in two days.

He has been dealing with zombies all his life. It is a good opportunity for him to take a look at your purple zombie king and make him very envious."Uncle Jiu said to Qin Jiuyang

"Uncle Qianhe……"

Qin Jiuyang's heart moved, and the Taoist Qianhe who only played high-end games instantly appeared in his mind.

Taoist Qianhe, whose real name is Zhong Fabai.

His most famous sayings are"With me, Zhong Fabai, all the ghosts within a radius of more than 20 kilometers have already emigrated."’

‘I became a monk at the age of five, studied medicine at the age of six, became famous at the age of sixteen, and now I run a grocery store because there are no more ghosts to catch.’

‘Bring me some glutinous rice, ah, cooked? '

After coming to his senses, Qin Jiuyang immediately asked Uncle Jiu:"Master, is Uncle Qianhe leading a team of frontier royal family members to transport the coffin?"

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