"Master Yixiu, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. I don't like beating around the bush." Qin Jiuyang looked at Master Yixiu and said straight to the point.

Master Yixiu brought his disciple Qingqing to visit late at night, and said that he had a premonition that there was a Buddhist opportunity here. Who would believe him if he said he had no purpose?

"Well, I won't hide it anymore. Donor Jiuyang, you have a connection with our Buddhist sect, and with my disciple Qingqing as well."Master Yixiu put his hands together and said.

As soon as he said this, Taoist Simu was immediately furious.

"You old bald donkey, you have come to our Maoshan to poach people, right?

I am saying, as a grown man, why do you accept a female apprentice and don’t teach her any skills. It turns out that she is a tool to poach people."

Master Simu rolled up his wide sleeves and said angrily,"I must teach you a lesson tonight!!"

The next second.

Master Simu rushed up and wrestled with Master Ikkyu.

"Senior Brother Simu, Master Ikkyu, if you have anything to say, please sit down and talk it over. Don't hurt the harmony between Buddhism and Taoism."

Master Qianhe flashed and came between the two of them, easily separating them.

From this move, it can be seen that Master Qianhe's strength is even higher than the two of them.

After all, Master Qianhe only plays high-end games, and no matter his combat experience or the skills and hand seals he has mastered, they are not comparable to ordinary people.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the same realm, Master Qianhe is afraid that he will rarely meet an opponent.

"I will give Brother Qianhe some face today and not bother with you."Master Yixiu said,

"If it weren't for Junior Brother Qianhe, I would have beaten the shit out of you, you shameless old thing." Taoist Simu cursed.


Master Yixiu snorted coldly and looked at Qin Jiuyang again,"Donor Jiuyang, may I have a word with you?""

"We are all family here, so if there is anything, Master Yixiu can tell us clearly. Besides, I am proficient in innate divine divination, and I can tell if you have a connection with Buddhism with just one calculation." Qin Jiuyang said solemnly

"Haha, it turns out that at such a young age, the donor Jiuyang has mastered the innate divine calculation. His innate Taoist body is indeed extraordinary. In this case, I will go back to rest."

Master Yixiu smiled awkwardly. At this point, it would be bad to stay any longer.

Qin Jiuyang's fate with Buddhism was just an excuse for him to win over Qin Jiuyang.

The innate Taoist body, a heaven-defying physique that is one in a million, if he can join Buddhism, it will surely strengthen Buddhism.

He even used his apprentice Qingqing as bait, but still failed to lure Qin Jiuyang.

He fully agreed that Qingqing could be with Qin Jiuyang. After all, a girl should get married when she grows up, not to mention that the other party is an innate Taoist body, and his future achievements are absolutely immeasurable. He can also be regarded as finding a good in-law for Qingqing.

""Everyone, I'm sorry, I apologize on behalf of my master."

Qingqing said to everyone with an apologetic look on her face, and finally fixed her eyes on Qin Jiuyang, and ran away with a red face.

"I think Miss Qingqing is indeed destined to be with you, nephew Jiuyang, and she seems to be interested in you.

Just now, Uncle Shiji mentioned that you should leave a descendant. What do you think? If you think it is possible, I will help you to get together now. I believe Master Yixiu will not refuse."Daoist Qianhe looked at Qin Jiuyang with a smile on his face.

"No, Uncle Qianhe, this thing requires mutual affection, don't match people up randomly." Qin Jiuyang said hurriedly

"To be honest, Qingqing is really nice."Master Simu also echoed.

Then he changed the subject and looked at Master Qianhe,"By the way, Junior Brother, weren't you transporting zombies from the royal family of the frontier to the capital? How did you run into Junior Brother Jiuyang and come back to me?"

"That's right."

Taoist Qianhe told Taoist Simu everything that had just happened, and also said that the second senior brother Lin Fengjiao was coming here.

"Is Junior Brother Jiuyang so powerful?"

Taoist Simu exclaimed, and immediately ordered Jiale to prepare glutinous rice water for Taoist Qianhe to take a bath.

After everything was ready, he asked Jiale to take Qin Jiuyang down to rest.

""Brother Jiuyang, did you really take a purple zombie king as a mount?"

Jiale took Qin Jiuyang to another bedroom and asked curiously while tidying up the bed for him.

"Well, at first it was only in the early stage of purple zombie, and later I trained it to the middle stage of purple zombie. Just now I let it fight with the royal zombies, and the royal zombies couldn't do anything to it."Qin Jiuyang nodded and said

"Then, Senior Brother, can you capture the demon?" Jiale stopped what he was doing, stood up and asked seriously.

"Did you encounter a demon? You don't seem to have any demonic aura, or do you know where there is a demon?" Qin Jiuyang guessed.

"Senior brother is really smart. I do know where the demon is. It is a female fox demon. It is in the cave behind the mountain. I often see it bringing men back.

But I only see it go in and never come out. I am afraid that it has sucked my soul and devoured my spirit. I told Master, but Master told me to mind my own business. He said that we should mind our own business and not worry about other people's troubles. Jiale scratched his head and said

"Are you sure it's a female fox demon?" Qin Jiuyang instantly became interested.

He had wanted to see the charm of a female fox demon before, but he didn't expect to meet one now.

If possible, he would take her as a mount.

Riding a female fox demon is much more comfortable than standing on the shoulders of the Purple Zombie King.

One is furry and can be ridden, while the other is hard and can only be stood on. Even a fool would know which one to choose.

"I'm sure, I saw it with my own eyes, she was very beautiful, and then she turned into a fox."Jia Le said with great certainty

"There is no time to lose, let's go now." Qin Jiuyang said impatiently

"Go now?" Jia Le was slightly stunned,"Don't you need to prepare?"

"No need"

"Well, come with me, brother."

Jiale nodded, opened the window skillfully, and jumped out.

Then, he imitated the chirping of a cricket.���The window of the next room was also opened, and it turned out to be Qingqing.

""Qingqing." Jiale looked flattering. Qingqing nodded lightly in response, and then explained to Qin Jiuyang:"Brother Jiuyang, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong between him and me. We just want to deal with the fox demon together, so we used the sound of the cricket as an agreement."

"Yes, we are fine, senior brother, please don't think too much."Honest and simple Jiale also explained.

Qin Jiuyang thought it was a little funny. He felt that Jiale had the potential to be a hot sheep.

"You don't need to explain to me, it's getting late, let's go, I have to come back to catch up on some sleep after I capture the female fox demon." Qin Jiuyang said

""Okay, Senior Brother Jiuyang." Qingqing nodded heavily, urging Jiale not to dawdle.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the back mountain.

Qin Jiuyang also saw the cave that Jiale mentioned.

The cave was halfway up the cliff, with a platform outside and a pitch-black cave entrance inside.

In the cave entrance, a constant flow of demonic energy leaked out.

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